[F] Sunbathing in my backyard

I wasn’t sure if I was going to post this but I figured, why not? What’s the worst that could happen?

So usually I would post somewhere here on reddit in hopes of finding someone dominant to “take control” of me and tell me what to do to myself. I really enjoy humiliation, exhibition, public play, and being exposed, among other things. Trouble is, I normally find myself too shy to do them on my own and I end up talking myself out of it. So, in light of all this I decided to just take a leap and try it. I figured that if I wrote it all out as it happens then maybe it wouldn’t be so scary and I’d see it through. It works to an extent but its nothing like giving someone else control. Please forgive any typos or spelling errors, I typed it on my phone.

I waited until my neighbor got home then quickly ran out and set myself up in my backyard. He is older (in his 70s) and has a routine of walking his dog in his backyard when he gets home everyday. I’m fairly certain he enjoyed it more than I did and I sort of knew he was a safe person to try this on because of the way he always looks at me and the comments he makes whenever we talk. There was even a time about a month ago when we were talking about his dog (I was offering to watch the dog while he was on vacation) where he told me I should get a pool so he’d have something more interesting to watch than TV. He is like a mix between a dirty old pervert and a lovable grandpa. Trust me, I would never do something like this in front of a person I felt would find it inappropriate and he is my only neighbor, no kids for miles.

Here it is, please be gentle!


Ok so I’m stealing this from something I read from someone else. They posted about how they’ve sunbathed before and let themselves be watched. I’m in my backyard right now, on a blanket, in a bikini, and my neighbor just got home.

Putting on suntan lotion

Its hot, sweating a little

Crazy how turned on i am right now

Heart is racing

All covered in lotion, nipples are super hard

Fuck he just walked outside with his dog

Pretending i dont see him

Acting like im texting. Hess an older guy, reminds me of my grandpa. Known him for a while, whenever I talk to him I always catch him looking at my tits. I’m going to glance at him then roll over on my stomach

He was totally looking

On my stomach now, gunna wait a moment and untie my top

Not gunna lie, i feel super embarrased but insanely arroused right now

Untying my top

Its off

Fuck I feel like my whole body is blushing

Glancing over again

Omg hes sitting in his chair on his porch and just watching

I feel so fucking dirty

I feel like I should roll over but

Hard to think

I rolled over omg im eso embarrased i cant look at him

Gotta calm down

Breathing deep, pretending to text again, havent looked at him but from the corner of my eye he is still there

Not gunna lie, id fuck anything right now lol

Gunna put lotion on my tits

Nevermind, that would probably be silly

Just gunna lay here a moment

Looked over and he waved

I waved back, jesus i feel kinda dumb

My bottoms are tied on each side, untying one side

I dont wanna do this but ive never been this turned on before

Untied other side

Fuck it, just gunna pull them off really quck and act like nothing happened

Im naked

Omg I’m naked

Cant breathe

I cant do this i need to touch myself

Not going to look at him

Moving my hand between my legs

Holy shit im wet

Dropped my phone, hand is shaking

Legs spread wide now rubbing clit

Two fingers inside

Fucking hard

Im gunna cum



Im close

He whistled

Im cumming



Fuck I came so hard

I need to go inside

Cant do any more

Thank you


That’s it, and I’m sorry its so short. It felt like forever when it was happening! I’m not sure why I said “thank you” at the end lol. When I turned my phone off I got up, grabbed my things, and quickly ran back into my house. Just before I was back inside I heard him whistle again and my heart jumped.

It was super fun and I came really hard. Not sure if I’d do it again or what I would do if I wanted to. It always seems to work better when someone else is in control. When I get deep into a subspace mindset I have a tendency to stop thinking and just do what I see pop up on kik lol.

Ok I’m gunna stop rambling now. Thanks for reading!

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/9j1muf/f_sunbathing_in_my_backyard


  1. cum so hard is very healthy and good for pussy and consitution maybe you should be looking to into do this more oven and even bring youre favorite dildo or vibrator also try a finger up the butt for added neural stimulation and more

  2. Wow, amazing that you managed to do that. I would have chickened out way earlier. Hope this positive experience makes you push yourself more!

  3. Curious to know – did texting increase between you and your neighbour ;-)

    How would you want it to develop from here… or would you just want it to remain at exhibitionsim!

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