Con[f]ession fro[m] a Doctor’s Office

I work at a medical center. A few months ago I walked into a room to look at a young man with a rash. He was younger than me by a bunch of years – late teens/early 20s. I walked into the room and found myself immediately attracted to him. We exchanged small talk and I asked him to show me the rash. He blushed and started to mix up his words. I thought it was because he was surprised to see a woman walk in and found me attractive, which happens . . . a lot, especially with young men. I’m young and take very good care of myself. It turns out he was embarrassed because the rash was on his thighs and penis. I blushed myself. I told him to stand up. He was very tall. I knelt down in front of him and told him to show me. He pulled up his shirt and pushed down his briefs and pants with one motion. His penis bounced out. It was big. When his penis bounced out I saw a string of precum bounce out with it. It almost hit me in the face. It landed on my shirt. We both blushed. I pretended I didn’t notice. He had really nice abs. I found a reason to touch his abs. They really turned me on. So did his penis, even though it had a rash. I had to touch it to look at the shaft. I wanted it. I wanted to grab it and stroke it. I told him to pull up his pants and told him to make another appointment to clear the rash. I also told him not to have sex or touch the rash area.

I saw him a week later. I had to apply a warm mixture to the rash to clear. I walked in and told him to take his clothes off and lay on the table, then I left the room. When I walked back in he was undressed and laying on the table. I slowly put on gloves taking it in. Those abs. I started to apply the mixture to the rash. I applied it with a cotton ball then rubbed it in with the cotton ball. I started with his thighs. The entire time I was looking at his exposed body. I kept fantasizing about pulling down my pants, jumping up on the table, and riding him to orgasm. I didn’t though. I kept applying the mixture. As I applied the mixture to his thighs and waist his penis began to twitch. He was visibly embarrassed. Eventually I got to his penis. I grabbed his penis with three fingers and slowly applied the mixture to the bottom of his penis. I rubbed the cotton ball extra slow on his shaft. I also used the grip of my three fingers to very innocently cause a few jerking motions. I couldn’t help myself. I watched as he slowly grew erect. He was so embarrassed. It was so big. He kept apologizing. I just wanted to fuck him. I told him that I’d step out so he could relax. I left the room. I went to the restroom. I was really wet. He had no idea. When I entered to room his penis was flaccid. I noticed precum. I wiped it up with my fingers (gloves on of course) and smiled at him. As I finished the job he got only slightly erect. I was done. I told him to put on his clothes and check-out. The rash would clear in a few days. After, I went to the restroom, locked the stall, and quietly touched myself.



  1. Reminds me of the first time i had kidney stones. I went into the doctors office to have the stints removed. As a side note I’m a grower not a shower. My wife was with me. The nurse comes in to prep me which involves cleaning my penis. As I’m 57 and as I said a grower, things were small, nurse says "It ok, it’s cold in here." I see my wife smirking. With the manipulation things start to grow. I’m not huge about 7" but have a good circumference. Wife told me later the nurse started blushing. Doctor sticks his head in the door and says "Did you ask him yet?" Nurse says no then turns to me and says "we have nursing students here can they observe the procedure?" Sure I said. By the time the doc was ready and the students were in things had returned to normal, until the nurse started holding my penis when things again grew. After we left my wife said "Did you enjoy that? There was a lot of pointing and whispering." I replied "It’s been a long time since I had a 20 something holding my dick." I got punched for that.

  2. I always try to get female doctors . im 29 and im kinda hung lol. I had one doctor go wild eyes and she was blushing at me by the end of the visit.

  3. I am a nurse and I have fantasies about this stuff all the time. Although like this story nothing ever happens. Its an increadible turn on.

  4. this is actually one of my biggest fantasies ever since I had a super hot doctor check me for a hernia. I wish the checkup was longer.

  5. I work at a place with a lot of college students. Not the majority, but more than you’d guess get erect or semi erect if they are undressed or the exam involves me handling their penis or near their penis. They always act embarrassed. I have a fantasy of giving them a handjob and making them cum. I’d never actually do it though. Another woman who works at the same place, who is a few years older then me, told me one night that she had a patient get erect from a similar but different procedure that I wrote about and toward the end of the procedure he started to cum (not alot). She said she was so shocked that she stopped what she was doing and just watched cum ooze out of his penis. She didnt know how to react. She said she wasnt doing anything out of the ordinary. She said the young man was beat red and apologizing. That’s crazy, I thought. Maybe secretly I thought about that when I was with my young man.

  6. WOW. Seriously hot. I’m so glad you were able to maintain your composure- but feeling your temptation, and the little brushes with flirtation teasing with the line you mustn’t cross – it’s so hot. I can’t imagine how wet you just have been.

  7. Dude that’s hot. How big are you? Post the story. Post other stories about girls going wild over your big dick.

  8. if there is any reason for working toward having abs, having a hot doctor enjoy holding your dick would be one of em.

  9. Please do more, this was very arousing just thinking that you were getting turned on as well.

  10. Very similiar situation with me in my 30s, but never with stint removals. Stints removals sucked. My big fear was hot nurses once I had a cath inserted. Just had to concentrate on baseball. I wasn’t sure what an erection with a cath would feel like, but I wasn’t willing to take the risk. :)

  11. "I’ll just step out for a few minutes so you can relax" "No, that’s okay. I’m not embarrassed, as long as you are okay with it. Normal biology, right?"

  12. Did you consider at all giving him your number to call or would that be too much of a risk?

  13. Have you ever had sex in an exam room? Not necessarily with a patient but anyone? I’m in the medical field and the thought has definitely crossed my mind a few times. The table just seems like it is made for it.

  14. This is seriously so sexy; if that were me, the second I saw you look at my cock while you were on your knees; I would have grabbed your hair and touched the back of your throat; no need for you to touch yourself after.

  15. Hot story, but this is what’s wrong with the medical field! How come here had to make a second appointment to clear the rash? Insurance and more money exchanged. Also you should have played with him a little more!

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