[Mf] My wifes sister gives me a hand

So if you go back into my post history you can read my first encounter with my wife’s sister. Since that encounter 2 years ago, nothing at all out of the ordinary has happened between us. That is until a month ago…

So quick back story, erica is my wifes little sister. Early 20s. Shes a petite framed red head with a personality that mirrors her firey red hair. She has perky small breasts, long legs and just the nicest bubbly ass.
So this story starts one evening when my wife has been out of town for business for about a week. I hadnt been laid in at least a week. I was dying. My poor boys were beyond blue and i gave up on masturbating and just accepted my blue balled fate until my wife got back. Erica called me earlier that day and asked if she could do her laundry at my house. I told her it was no problem and she would be over in a few hours. Cool. I tried to jerk off before she got ther because i knew i wouldnt be able to resist checking her out while she was here (and for some reason i still felt a little awkward being horny around her since our random hook up), but to no avail. Fuck. Oh well. Maybe i can get some spank bank material while shes here for afterwards.i decided to have some drinks instead snd watch a movie.
Finally erica rings ghe door and i go to greet her. Shes wearing this sexy little sun dress that was ridiculously short. Awesome, i thought, well at least ill have plenty of spank bank material. We chat for a minute and she goes about doing her thing and i return to my spot on the couch yada yada, so far pretty boring i know. So as im sitting there in my living room erica walks back and forth in front of me from the front door to the laundry and my eyes fixate on her bouncy ass everytime she does. I get hypnotized and dont even bother hiding it by the third time. She has amazing silky white long legs and every step she takes her ass gives that amazing little jiggle. I try to imagine what shes wearing under that dress. Thong? Boy shorts? Nothing at all?? I think back at how beautiful her nude body was. How amazing that experience was. How she licked up every drop of my cum… “hey!” I break out of my trance and quickly change my glance from her ass to her eyes. I didnt notice she stopped right in front of me and was standing there staring at me. “Can you please stop staring at my ass!” She snaps at me. “Oh fuxk im sorry! Im so sorry” i feel my face go red. “Whats your deal, youre gawking more than usual” “y-yeah im sorry, ive just been….” i try to think of the right word “just super horny”. Yep, im bad with words when under pressure. “Well if i lift my damn dress up for you once will you quit staring??”. I feel myself blink an unnatural amount of times “er.. uh yeah..” i stammer out. “Ok good” she says as she turns away from me, her hands grasping the bottom of her dress. I sit up on my couch, putting my elbows on my knees. She slowly starts to lift her dress then stops “and youll stop staring after i do this.” I nod, wide eyed. “You sure?” I nod again with more enthusiasm. “Ok” and with that she lifts her short little flower patterned dress annnnnd shes wearing shorts! I sigh as i throw myself back, feeling incredibly stupid with how gullible i am. She busts out laughing and she bounces towards me and grabs a seat next to me.

“Youre such a fuxking perv, you know that” she says while still giggling at me. “Yeah I know, I just…” I stop before I gave too much information. “.. you just havent been laid since [my sister] has been out of town?” Erica finishes my sentence. I look up at her “uh yeah basically, heheh..”
“Why dont you just jerk off?” She shrugs
“Uh well..”
this conversation was getting oddly intimate to be having with my sister in law but I figured fuck it my dick has been in her mouth “it’s not really cutting it for me, heheh” I instinctively rub the back of my neck, feeling slightly uncomfortable. “Well…” erica starts, her eyes studying my face “I could just, like, jerk you off real quick.. but” she raises a finger at me, obviously noticing my mind beginning to explode with horny possibilities “only a hand job and only over your boxers.. deal?” Her eyes study my dumb shocked face again. I make some kind of noise of agreement and we both look down at my dick which is already raging hard. She locks eyes with me again “well” she says with a smirk “that’s a start”

Before anyone could blink, I was in my boxers on the couch and erica was in the kitchen making a drink. My hard on was buzzing with anticipation. It wasnt much, I mean it felt like a high school hook up all over again, but I was pumped. Ever since our first encounter, I have been fantasizing about hooking up with her again, even if it was just a handy over my boxers lol. Erica comes back to thr couch, puts her drink on the coffee table, and begins to sit down but pauses. “So I feel kinda bad so do you wanna see my ass before we start? Like for real this time? Haha” “u-uh fuck yeah” I stutter out. She quickly turns, drops her shorts and lifts her dress. It was like seeing heaven, her gorgeous bouncy butt right in my face in cheeky purple lace panties . I feel pre cum beginning to drip out of my rock hard cock. “Wanna grab it?” She says, giving her booty a little jiggle. I was in shock, she didnt let me touch her the last time…I dont even say anything, I just stand up and grasp her amazing ass with the cup of my hand. Her skin was as silky smooth as it looked and her ass had the perfect mix of firm and squishy. Erica reaches out to grab the back of the couch, bending over slightly. I keep grabbing her ass like it was the first booty I’ve ever felt, I begin moving my fingers closer and closer to her sweet nirvana which i had perfect access too, I knew I was pushing my luck but i didn’t care, and yet she didnt stop me. I shift my fingers some more to where I could feel her lips and to my surprise I felt her excitement through her panties. I venture my way to her clit and I begin to swirl my fingers around her ecstacy. She arches her back with a very slight moan, bending over more and allowing me better access to her sweetness as I continue to massage her clit through the thin fabric. I move myself closer to her, bumping my hard member into her thigh. She breaks out of the spell of my swirling fingers, and straightens herself up and she clears her throat, obviously a bit flustered. “Ok sit down” she says, her cheeks still a little flustered. I obey and she sits next to me, laying her legs against my thigh. “Ok you ready?” She says, locking eyes with me. I just kind of nod my head, still feeling buzzed by all that just happened. She starts sliding her hand up and down my thigh, every stroke she got closer to my hard cock, allowing her fingers to graze it more and more. She was teasing me. Finally she slides her hand down my shaft and to my balls and begins massaging my swollen balls through my boxers. “Holy shit, you are horny!” She says looking up at me as she slightly squeezes and massages my balls. “You’re going to make a huge mess in your boxers…”
I raise my eyebrows at her “you have no idea..”
erica kinda pauses and just looks at me, biting her lip slightly
“.. maybe you should take them off.. I mean I dont want you ruining them..”
i could tell she was just as horny as I was and wasnt at all concerned about the well being of my boxers. I dont hesitate as I slide my boxers down allowing them to drop to my ankles and my hard on to flop out to freedom. I see erica glance down at my hard member and bite her lip before quickly standing up
“I guess I’ll give you something to look at while I do this” she says with a sly smile and with that she reaches down, grabs her flower patterned dress and pull it up over her head and throws it crumpled on the floor. Shes not wearing a bra so shes completely naked except for her purple panties. I stare in awe at her beautiful naked body. Her amazing little breasts with her prominant nipples just bouncing as she situates her panties and look up at me with a smile. I’m just sitting there with a tshirt on, and my boxers around my ankles and my dick free swinging. She sits down next to me, closer than before, puts one hand behind my back and starts massaging my upper thigh with the other. I’m fixated on her breasts, squished together with the way she was positioned. She continues teasing me, running her fake pointy nails up and down my thigh, I knew she was studying my face. I look up and lock eyes with her beautiful blue eyes as her hand slides down my groin to my balls, and she begins softly massaging them. I instinctively close my eyes and exhale as she continues. “Do you have any lotion or anything?” She says, breaking me out of my spell. “Er um” I look around and spot a jar of coconut oil on the half wall that divides the living room with the kitchen. She sees it too and jumps up to grab it, I watch her ass bounce away from me and I fell myself stand up and follow her. She grabs it and turns to me behind her. She grabs my dick to gently pull me closer, then opens the jar and scoops some out and begins caressing my hard member between her nimble fingers, rubbing it along my shaft and massaging some on my ever swollen balls “I think I used too much” she says in a whisper and she slowly drops to her knees. My eyes widen, still locked with hers as she slowly swirls her tongue around the tip of my cock and runs it along the length of my cock, meeting my balls and she begins sucking on my balls as I just stand there transfixed with her unbroken eye contact. Then she runs her tongue back up my cock and takes me into her mouth, just a little at first but more and more with each pump. I grab the back of her head, intertwining my fingers through her brilliant red hair and I begin guiding her more and more until she was taking in my entirety. She probably sucked my dick for a few more minutes until she finally looks up at me and says “sit back down”. I back up to the couch, grab her drink from the table and take a long gulp from it, feeling the alcohol buzz through my whole body. She takes the drink from me and downs the rest of it before sitting it down and then straddling me. Her breasts were right in my face so I just got her closer and nuzzle my face between them. She grabs the back and my head and squeezes back, then gently guides my mouth towards her nipples, I gladly oblige and I swirl my tongue around her pointy nipples, one and then the other. I’ve always wanted to suck on Erica’s breasts so I take my time as she grinds herself onto my rock hard cock. I reach down to move her panties to the side when she stops me “no” she says breathlessly, “we cant” well for shits sake, I think to myself, you’ll put my dick all in and around your mouth but fucking is the hard limit lol. But I’m not complaining. I continue happily sucking on her tits as she grinds on me. This continues for a while with only Erica’s soft moans and the movie playing in the background (btw I was watching tusk. Have you ever seen that shit show of a movie?? That weird ass shit was playing in the background. And we didnt care. That’s how into it we were. Anyway) finally she breaks the silence “fuuck, I’m taking my panties off, I wanna feel your hard cock between my legs” she jumps up and slides her drenched panties down her long legs, steps out of them and jumps back on top of me. “But dont put it in” she moans into my ear and she continues grinding onto my rock hard dick. I feel her excitement rubbing on my member, dripping down my balls. I can feel her swollen clit grind perfectly on my head. I can feel it all and it’s amazing. She intensifies her gyrating hips. Its gonna go in, I think, it has to. It’s like a fucking slip n slide. And it does, just barely, just my head (just the tip, giggity ). She doesnt stop, I can feel her tightness, and she grinds her self more and more onto it, literally millimeter by millimeter. I couldnt take it anymore, I grab her hips and push her down, allowing my full length to enter her. She let’s out a loud moan and just starts fucking my dick off. She was way tighter than I imagined and she knew how to ride a cock. Every push she would pop her hips back and forth. I had to see this from the back. I grab her hips and flip her around, she leans forward, placing her hands on my knees as she continues her twerk on my cock. I grab her ass, and guide her to a quicker rythem and when it was perfect I gave her ass a hefty slap. She let out another loud moan as she continues her twerk fuck. I watch my hand print develope across her glorious ass as I press her hips, fucking her harder and harder. I knew I was getting close. She moves one hand to her nipple and her other between her legs and grabs my balls with some force as I feel myself getting closer and closer. She continues massaging my balls, her moans were screams at this point. She wanted me to. I move my hips with hers to get a harder hit as I approach the finish line ” cum for me, mmm” she yells out as i feel a warm gush drench my groin, “cum inside of me” I continue to push my self asdeep inside of her as I could as I feel myself explode into her tight little rose. The rythem slows as she leans back onto me, trembling, then stops. I wrap my arms around her and we lay there as my member does its final spasms, pumping the last of my cum into her. We lay there for a moment to gather ourselves, the credits of that horrible movie being the only noise beside our rushed breaths. “Well…” she breathlessly whispers, “that escalated quickly” “yeahhhh” is all I can muster as I lie there with my eyes closed, slowly running my fingers up and down her perfect tummy. She rolls off of me and cuddles up next to me on the couch, I look at her, she looks at me and I go in for a kiss “uhh no” she says as she moves her face away from me. Feeling rejected, I give her a confused look. “Haha, I’m just kidding”, and she connects her lips with mine and we make out for what feels like an eternity, embracing eachother nude on that couch. We finally stop and were just kind of chatting, still cuddled on the couch naked. Netflix was asking if we were still watching but we weren’t, we never were. We were in our own little world, knowing that soon we would have to leave and return to the real world. Finally Erica gets up and begins getting dressed. I followed suit and she gets back to her laundry. “By the way” I call out to her as I scroll through netflix, ” did i ever tell you i jizzed onto your phone?”

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/9fw88n/mf_my_wifes_sister_gives_me_a_hand


  1. Great story…right up until you mention that fucking train wreck of a movie! Dude that movie sucked!

  2. Great story, loved it! I was hoping it would escalate from a hand job and it went even better than I imagined. Nice work.

  3. Great story but this will probably end badly. Can’t wait to hear more though!

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