[F/M;M] That time when my bf unknowingly came in my pussy right after the guy I’d been secretly fucking

So I have to admit that this story isn’t exactly an easy one to tell. In fact it’s something I felt very ashamed of for quite some time, given the circumstances under which this all occurred. But it’s been long enough now, and what better way to get over something than to just own it and post in r/gonewild. Plus it’s a hot story, objectively speaking.

I was 20 at the time, in my second year of university – in a long-term relationship with the guy I’d been dating since high school. He was really a fantastic person, but he had been my only real boyfriend (we’d taken each other’s virginity), but unbeknownst to him – I was absolutely dying for attention from other men that weren’t so… dispassionate (i.e. boring). I’ve always been fairly insecure, despite being attractive and having a great little body (I compared my body in my first post to Natalie Portman’s, but more accurately, my body is a dead ringer for Miley Cyrus’). At the time I was brunette, pale, freckles, brown eyes, long eyelashes (read: more fuckable than I knew).

Anyway, to cut to the chase – I was spending more time with a new friend group (without my boyfriend), and after a few different instances of crossing the line with someone else while drunk, I soon started sleeping with the guy living in the dorm next to mine. Sober. Regularly.

My boyfriend lived in a different residence on campus, and given we were both heavy science majors, it wasn’t unusual that we were too busy to see each other, and at this point I’d already been drifting away in the relationship. The attention I was getting from this new guy had flipped my switch; we were slipping into either one of our rooms all the time to fuck. I was, without any doubt, aggressively cheating on my boyfriend. I felt absolutely awful, but I also felt desired in a way I’d never known, and I wanted to get fucked, I wanted to feel fuckable. So I put the bf’s feelings out of mind. As an aside, I should mention I was on birth control, so I wasn’t using condoms – which seems stupid, but I’ve always gotten off on feeling cum inside me. Luckily, no harm came of it.

One evening, after several weeks of regular cheating, I’m getting fucked in my dorm room – rough. He’s pulling my hair, fucking me as hard as he can from behind, skin slapping, spitting, and I’m asking if I’m being a good little whore (and obviously, I am). After some continued messy fucking and some then-hot-now-kinda-tame dirty talk, he explodes hard and deep in my pussy, while I grind my clit into the heel of my hand to follow soon after. We collapse, spent. Soon after this happens, I hear a text message (which I ignore). A few minutes later, after enjoying the aftershock contractions of my pussy, my dorm phone rings. I pick it up, thinking it’s my girlfriend from down the hall. It’s not. It’s my boyfriend, whose text about stopping by I had ignored just earlier. He asks to be buzzed up via the intercom. I manage to conceal the absolute panic in my voice, and I buzz him in.

Now I had about a minute and a half before he’d be at my door. The guy that had just filled me with cum disappears out the door nearly instantly, and I quickly dress after doing my best to contract my pelvic muscles to get his cum out of me and into the toilet. I’m so nervous – I pee, but the cum is in there deep and very little escapes. I get one last look in the mirror, wiping off some smudged eyeliner, before he knocks.

Things seem to be going fine as we start chatting, I don’t remember what we talked about to begin with, but he gets close and starts kissing my neck. It becomes clear that he wants to fuck, and I honestly can’t blame him… He’d been neglected lately. He had even brought over this special lube he’d bought, presumably to spice things up. Given how little we’d seen each other, and how guilty I felt, I made the choice (however unwise) to proceed. He asked me to strip and lie down on my stomach, and he began massaging my back, then my thighs and ass. He parts my pussy touching only my outer lips, teases my clit, presses a finger against my asshole… My pussy gets nice and wet, so when he slips his fingers between my pussy lips and into my opening, he has no reason to believe the wetness he feels is anything but mine.

After fingering me for a bit, he pulls back to guide his cock into me while I’m still on my stomach. And to my delight in this instance, he works fast. He was uncircumcised and always finished very quickly once he began thrusting into me, and this was no exception. He cums hard, adding his cum to my already-full pussy. He rolls over, delighted, and I’m relieved knowing I made it to this point without suspicion, but I’m acutely aware that I have achieved a special level of shitty-girlfriend. A pussy filled with a mixture of my boyfriend’s cum, and the cum of the guy I’m cheating on him with.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/3v490r/fmm_that_time_when_my_bf_unknowingly_came_in_my


  1. I’ve got something similar. My girlfriend sucked me off the morning after I had fucked another girl bareback… I hadn’t showered yet. I’m still shocked she didn’t notice any taste lol

  2. Yeah, it is a hot enough concept, but being that I a currently in a LDR, the story is more worrisome than arousing.

  3. I have no idea what you expected from reading her story. The title pretty much says it all. I don’t get why you have to be so judgey that she cheated.

  4. I speak the truth. I truly miss FPH. It was one of the few honest places here and you’d be one of the topics covered there. Why is it that women of your "size" actually believe they’re hot and attractive and post the ridiculous things you do? I’m confused as beauty is an objective standard as demonstrated by Victoria’s Secret and Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Edition models, who are legitimately hot and fit. "Judgey". Are you that incredibly stupid and delusional that you don’t realize she exposed these men and herself, through unprotected sex, to a myriad of potential STD’s? Facepalm. Yes, you’re all class.

  5. Psychopaths? Yes apparently they are, nothing against psychopaths (they deserve our full respect as people and members of society), but we have no reason to trust opinions of psychopaths on societal issues.

  6. So, I’m "one of those" who would expect a partner to protect me from STD’s and believe in objectively attractive people who take care of themselves and don’t eat themselves to death all while trying to convince themselves and others how "hot" they are. Good to know! :) You people are all class. All class.

  7. I think it’s cute that he’s also child free. As if its strictly his own choice and not the fact that he’s a repulsive human being that no woman with self worth would want to fuck.

  8. What imaginary partner are you talking about? I’m just calling you a loser.

  9. Hey at least he believes IN ‘objectively attractive people’. Now I wouldn’t really know what it means for people to be objectively attractive, but even if I would find it weird to feel compelled that ones believes they exist. It sounds extremely similar like how I insist I believe in my girlfriend who goes to a different school and you wouldn’t know anyways. But don’t be mistaken I do believe she exists!

  10. Ironic comment is ironic. You do get irony, don’t you? :) You pathetic, trailer park loser.

  11. By "objectively attractive people" it means "women that I wish would talk to me but won’t because I’m gross".

  12. You talk like you can’t be older than 17. Can you go away now? No one likes you.

  13. I’m confused. In paragraph 2, you said you were in a long-term relationship. In paragraph 4, you said he lived in another dorm on campus…. Edit: doh! facepalm. long-term is not the same as long distance.

  14. That was a great story. If I can ask, why the little swallow? A reference to anything? Is it a pun on swallowing?

  15. She emphasizes numerous times that she feels, or felt, badly about it. Maybe it’s more her bf’s fault for being boring? Realize there’s always two sides to the story

  16. I was young, and we didn’t know how to communicate. Left out a lot of details for succinctness – don’t worry, I’m sure you’re in a much more mature relationship than I was at the time!!

  17. So, "being boring" allows her to act without regard for her partners medical safety against STD’s and the like by not using condoms. Good to know which side of the fence you’re on. That’s sociopathic.

  18. Took me years to deal with the guilt, but I did leave out a lot of details that might make you *slightly* less sympathetic with the bf (and I assure you, I received my comeuppance). Writing this was a step in owning it and letting go, so thanks for reading either way.

  19. Reminds me of when I barebacked my rebound’s ass and then hungout with my ex later and barebacked her ass not 6 hours after.

  20. Seems someone’s gotten cheated on recently.. Was more stating the fact that people don’t post things on here to be bashed and shamed for it (other than people who like humiliation). It would be better for you to objectively question her motives like a mature human being than to assume she (and I) are sociopathic. Like she just replied to you, there’s more to the story.

  21. No, honey, I haven’t. I see desperate guys like you who’ll fuck a knothole in a forest as the most pathetic, ridiculous losers imaginable. It must get cold in your trailer in the winter. I just wouldn’t take those kinds of health risks and know that those who do usually get STD’s, eventually, or worse. Not a risk I’m willing to take. PS: Don’t confuse using a modicum of common sense & respect with your inability to make good decisions and exercise some discretion.

  22. Look at how much you know about me without any prior information. You’re so smart and apparently think your psychic! My comments have all been un-biased toward you and OP, and I haven’t attacked your person at all. You seem like an uneducated bully who tries to belittle people from the privacy of the anonymity derived from the Internet from what I can see. Hope you feel better about yourself, because you seem like a very sad soul! Enjoy all the downvotes you got from your original comment :)

  23. Great story. Short and to the point with good detail, physical and emotional. I like that you share what you were feeling. Hope you don’t stress too much about it these days. We all have our faults, and you were obviously in a different state of being/mindset for whatever reason.

  24. Thanks. And yes, I’d like to think so. Although I will be the first to admit that our communication needs work… But then again, what relationship doesn’t.

  25. Maybe I’m weird, but the thought of my girl being pumped full of another guy’s cum is so, so hot. Especially the surprise, like if I’m eating her out and it tastes a bit different…

  26. Excellent story, and well told. In relation to your comment – what was your eventual comeuppance?

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