[MF] My very first day at university

I recently read another story regarding someone’s first night at university, so I thought I would tell mine as well.

It was roughly two years ago, on the 17th of September 2016 that I arrived at university. My parents had flown over with me the previous week in order to get everything sorted from purchases to sheets, suits, and the average utilities that a 18 year old going off to uni would require, and had left me alone the previous evening in a hotel room nearby. It goes without saying that the night prior I had trouble finding sleep – everyone in the group chats was excited to finally be on campus, and many were bantering and already planning meet ups. So was I….yet I was also talking to a beautiful Finnish girl who would be living two floors directly above me. For the purposes of this story, we shall call her Lucy. Lucy was(and is) a gorgeous lady with long blonde hair reaching down to her pert derrière with a pair of lovely breasts and measuring 163cm whereas I am…well you can check out my profile to figure out what I look like. The point is Lucy and I had begun talking to one another for a couple of weeks before, and the night before was no different. Although not entirely sexual, there were some tension between us. Before too long, night turned into day, and we made plans to meet up the next day on campus.

The next day was a day of bustling activity; parents were helping their children into their rooms, others were saying their goodbyes and yet others were already meeting up. Luckily I had already got my room organised the day before courtesy of hall services and could sit at my desk playing random computer games until my flatmates arrived one by one. Now, I didn’t really get to know any of them beforehand. Half of them didn’t join the group chat/have Facebook, and of those that did, banter was kept to a minimum. I suppose no one wanted to let out their personalities until they had gauged everyone else, which is fair enough. Anyway as they trickled in one by one we all grouped together on my bed and just started chatting and getting to know one another before going to someone else’s room and playing a round of fifa on the PS4, before retiring to the kitchen to play some card games all together. At some point in the day, it was time for all the newcomers to enter a lecture hall and be given the welcome speech before being offered a free meal, after which we returned to our flat and played drinking games in the kitchen as there was also a club night later that evening.

Now I didn’t mention this, but as we were ushered into the lecture hall, Lucy and I caught sight of each other and immediately recognised one another – a wink and a smirk followed, with the occasional grin every time one of us caught the other looking, an unspoken promise to meet up later that night.

Sometime during that evening as we were playing our drinking games I suddenly got a text from Lucy saying that she was free and wondering if I wanted to come up to hers. I needed no further invitation and excused myself from my flat mates – a bit rude on the first day I suppose, yet…pussy’s pussy ?.

I went back to my room to freshen up and then took the lift up to the fourth floor and turned the corner to see a door 50% see through with a guy heading down the hall to the kitchen. Knocked on the door and he came over and opened it for me before continuing on his journey. As I entered the flat I saw that it was pretty much exactly the same as mine – a Hall way straight down the middle leading to the kitchen with 4 doors leading to rooms on each side. After passing the entry door I heard someone call out my name and it happened to be a guy in his own room surrounded by two other guys playing some xbox. I went in and it turned out we had been in the same group chat and even talking to each other a fair bit; I got introduced to his cousin and other flatmate and so we chatted for a little while before deciding to head to the kitchen. Upon entering the kitchen we found different “groups” had already been formed so the 4 of us went to one side of the kitchen and started chatting shit while I was scanning the room until I finally saw her. Lucy was still in the same clothes as earlier and had her back to me. That is, until she turned around to say hi to someone else and saw me past the person’s shoulder.

Eyes still on me, she greeted the person and it took a moment’s debate with myself before I called out to her in a not so subtle voice “ Lucy – your room?” She nodded and lead the way out of the kitchen into her room, me a few paces behind and all eyes on our retreating selves. Once inside the first few minutes were pretty demure with her offering me a corona, yet things picked up as we continued speaking and teasing one another until she rolled over on her stomach and demanded her massage, something we had teased one another previously with in our online chats.

I straddled her and lifted her shirt up, revealing her smooth pale skin to be smooth as silk once my hands descended on her back, massaging her to both our delight. After a few minutes I mentioned I had to take her bra off if she wanted me to continue; she said nothing but immediately unclasped her bra, leaving me with the opportunity to knead her firm breasts. After a while she turned over on to her back, and facing me pulled me closer to her until our lips were mere inches from one another. Uncertainty shone on her elf like features, her brow creased in a slight worry, until I said, “ kiss me”.

Once I uttered those words it was as if the flood gates had opened, her lips met mine and we began to kiss passionately, our hands wandering over each other’s bodies, exploring one another. Before too long we had shed our clothes and were grinding against one another, my cock tantalisingly close to her pussy, teasing ourselves with the constant lack of penetration until at one stage she took my member in her small her and directed it inside her. I could feel my cock stretching her tight pussy, feel it clamp down on my cock, coating it in her girly juices before beginning to pound her. One hand grabbing onto her breast, the other on her ankle holding it steady above my shoulder I began to fuck her in earnest. It was primal, almost animalistic, the moans and grunts emanating from the both of us until soon I knew I could hold on no longer. In a smooth movement I let go of her and she immediately leaned forward, engulfing my cock inside her pretty mouth, sucking with abandon all the while looking up at me with her pretty blue eyes. Before too long I came, my cock twitching inside her mouth as it filled up with a big load of creamy white cum which she dutifully swallowed, flashing me a sexy smile after the act.

After we had sex we decided to shower and join the others in the kitchen who had begun pre-drinking, and later went out with them. We came back to hers before too long however where we repeated the activities that occurred a few hours earlier, before we were both too tired to continue.

I would later come to spend many a night with Lucy during the year, however this was my very first day of university. It certainly wasn’t too shabby. Maybe if there’s enough interest I’ll write about my first day of my second year at university.

For now though, peace out:)

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/9ckq7p/mf_my_very_first_day_at_university


  1. Very erotic and sexy please tell us more of your hot sexual stories I have to say this is so HOT :-)

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