52(M) and 23(F) – Naughty Teachers

I retired from the military 10 years ago and lost my wife of 22 years to cancer six months later. I went through what I now imagine is a "normal" cycle of grieving, and eventually was left just feeling empty.

Through encouragement from friends, I started dating. I went to dinner and movies with a few women my age, some were Facebook "friends" that I barely remember, but we pleasant enough. One was a blind date my sister arranged. In this case the relationship lasted several weeks, and was put aside mostly due to geography (she was 100 miles away). During this time, I realized I needed a little help, and got a prescription for Viagra. The advertisements are all true. It's a game-changer.

Around this time, I decided to become a teacher (Middle school science). It took a while to become certified, but I like kids, and love science, so it was a good fit. At my first school, I secretly dated a reading teacher around my age. She was exactly what I needed, I guess more of a friend with benefits than anything else. I kept my little blue pill prescription filled.

I went to a new school, and in education, there's lots of turnover. Some teachers like me seem to be in it for the long haul, while others come and go. This year, I sat in on an interview for a writing teacher who would be on my grade level. She was fresh out of college, 23, and seemed to have a pollyannic view of what teaching would be like. After she left, I voted against hiring her, the principal thought we should give her a chance. Her name is Megan.

So with 7 years under my belt in the classroom, 6 at this school, I was looked upon as a veteran and asked to mentor her. Sigh. This would involve me giving up some of my prep time to help her with lesson planning, classroom management, and just acclimating to life in the trenches of middle school.

During our third or fourth meeting, I realized Megan was being very flirtatious. She is pretty, although not overly so. She has the gift of being young enough to have very large breasts, a round butt, but still possessing a relatively thin waist. I'm embarrassed that she reminded me very much of my late wife's figure at a younger age every time I saw her.

Her flirtation started with pushing her boobs firmly into my arm every time we both were looking at a piece of paper. She would compliment me on whatever I was wearing, ask about my weekend plans, and eventually (about two weeks ago) began putting her hand on my thigh if we were sitting together. It was bizarre (and still is) thinking of her sexually, as she is several years younger than my oldest child. Still, I began to wonder what it would be like to see what was under her pretty blouses and industrial-strength bras.

She still lives with her parents in a nice house not too far from school. Sometimes when the weather was nice, she'd walk. Last Friday, it was beautiful in the morning, and by noon a cold front made an appearance and the temperature dropped, and rain was threatening.

Right after lunch, she ambled up to me, smiled, and said, "Can you give me a ride home? I walked and don't even have an umbrella." I agreed, and after the final bell rang, and we finished duties, we headed to the parking lot. I'd been fantasizing about her for a while, but chastised myself for being just a random creepy old guy, who consistently misread the innocent behavior of a girl half his age.

I pulled into her driveway, and she insisted I come in for a beer. She said she had some questions about an upcoming field trip. I obliged.

Inside, she made a point of telling me her parents were out of state, visiting an ill relative, and wouldn't be home for days. She fetched beers, and we engaged in teacher-gossip. (Which kids acted like assholes that day…. Which kids need a little extra help… standard stuff.)

I was halfway through an interesting IPA, when she disappeared to the kitchen, brought out two more beers, a bottle of Cuervo, and shot glasses. "I just love talking to you. Let's just get comfortable and relax for a while." At this point, I was trying to come up with an excuse to leave. I was convinced I was misreading the situation, and my state has severe DUI laws. I knew I should flee. I stayed.

We did two shots each of the tequila. I was feeling it, and knew she was as well. She grabbed her phone and came to sit next to me on the couch. She told me conspiratorially she had a "secret app" on her phone that lets her hide pictures. Would I like to see some?

She fiddled with the phone for a minute, and began thumbing through a couple dozen pictures of her wearing lingerie in front of a bathroom mirror. After the second pic, her hand was on my thigh, moving northward. They really were beautiful. In some I could see her dark areola through the material. I told her she was beautiful. I was reminded how young she is when she said, "I have more….. Do you want to see them? I said indeed I did, but needed to go to the restroom first.

I found the first floor bathroom, and took a viagra from its blister pack in my wallet. No condom, but I'd had a vasectomy years earlier. I peed, and went back to the living room. Megan was there, totally nude. "I must have deleted the other pictures. But this is what they looked like. I sat next to her, and she swung her leg over, straddling me, and started to put her tongue as deep as she could into my mouth. Not a great kiss, frankly. There were teeth everywhere. I concluded she was tipsy, and very, very horny. My hands had already found her amazing breasts, and I thumbed her nipples. She said the silliest thing I think I can possibly imagine, "Mr. OldTeacherThrowaway, you're out of dress code!"

She began trying to take off my necktie, and failed. I think she thought it was like a shoelace and she could simply pull one of the "strings" to release the knot. I released her breasts and assisted with the tie. With the tie off, she decided I was sufficiently undressed to drag me upstairs. We headed to the master bedroom–the room her parents (about my age) slept in. I was glad I could begin to feel the warmth of the viagra kicking in, as this seemed wrong. It probably was.

She attacked my belt and I was pulling off my shirt and undershirt. She unbuttoned my fly and pulled my pants and underwear down to my knees. I've received blowjobs before, of course. But she didn't take me into her mouth. She just said, "It's so pretty!" and began kissing my penis, making smooching noises with each peck. I though this bizarre, but my penis didn't care, and was soon as hard as it's been in years. Finally, she started sucking me. As with her earlier kisses, her enthusiasm was overshadowed by teeth. I let her continue for a few minutes, wincing each time her bicuspids scraped against my shaft.

I moved away and lay her down on her back. I kissed and sucked each nipple, then began a trail of kisses down her belly. She was shaved, but not particularly recently. She had a distinct five-o-clock shadow, but was absolutely drenched in the part that counts. I've always thought myself an aficionado of cunnilingus, and I wanted to make this young thing have an orgasm to remember. In mere seconds, she moaned quietly, then began a "tee-hee-hee" high pitched laugh. I paused momentarily, taken aback, but she grabbed the back of my head and pushed me into her. The inane giggling continued, and she began bucking and thrashing about. I paused for a moment, then continued attacking her clit. She begged me to stop, saying, "Just fuck me. I've never been so happy in my life." Wow. My penis and the viagra weren't at all concerned by this statement, so I moved up the bed. She pushed me onto my back grabbed my penis, and slid onto me. "Oh my God, you're so big!"

I'm not. I'm probably shorter than most, although of normal girth, I assume. I'm not a porn star by any stretch of the imagination. I was slightly weirded out by this. But once she began bouncing atop me, I forgot all the strange behavior, and just thought of lesson plans, trying not to cum too fast. She did the "Tee hee hee" bit a couple more times, and I made some noises myself before exploding inside her.

She was very fascinated by my ejaculate, playing with it, tasting it, seemingly measuring its viscosity.

"Have you never seen it before?" I asked. I was afraid I already knew the answer.

"No. I've never even seen a real penis before."

Oh. My. God. I fucked a virgin.

My wife was a virgin when we first had sex, eons ago. There was lots of pain, some blood, tears, etc. It seems Megan was a fan of porn and sex toys. She must've taken out her hymen herself years ago. To her credit, the intercourse was great, if the blowjob wasn't. She learned it all by watching porn on her computer.

She insisted on snuggling together on her parent's bed for a while. I dozed off, and when I awoke an hour later, she was still holding me. I told her I had to go. She kissed me gently this time, and I left.

We had only two days of school this week, and she was just her bright, bubbly self. I tried to be myself as well. Part of me wants to teach her all the things you can't learn from watching porn. Part of me is terrified of the whole situation.

tl;dr Was (willingly) seduced by a co-worker less than half my age. Turns out, I was her first.

Edit: Punctuation.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/3u95ok/52m_and_23f_naughty_teachers


  1. If I may; age is just a number. Don’t think yourself creepy. You weren’t perving on her, you didn’t pursue. She chased you. The only issue at all is sleeping with a co-worker. And I’ve known it to happen in multiple schools (also am a teacher). But the age gap? Don’t let it get to you. Have your fun man. God knows we need some way to de-stress from this job

  2. > industrial-strength bras. That one got a good chuckle out of me. Very hot, good for you man.

  3. I have never been so pleased by perfect grammar before. Usually, I have to wince my way through far "to" many fuck-ups; so thanks.

  4. I love my wife, very much, but since I’m with her, she has always told me that one of her recurring dreams is that, she dies on a car accident by the age of 36 (29 as of right now), and somehow, I’m convinced this might happen, as I have a nack for this kind of stuff (senses when my sister had an accident on the road, had a bad feeling the morning of the night my father died, stuff like that), so, god forbid she ever dies on me. But, if I ever get to be a widow and I’m your age, I hope I’m still hot enough to seduce women half my age! (I still can’t comprehend how I seduced my wife, still a big question on me, I’m not by any means handsome and she is beautiful!) You are my new role model! Go for it!

  5. For some reason I couldn’t get the picture of Bryan Cranston playing you out of my head.

  6. This story’s authenticity is appreciated, including, as a former teacher myself, the little snippets about the life of a teacher. I can relate as well to that feeling of, "What stupid thing did she just say? Ah, fuck it." Well written. Kudos.

  7. You sir, must enjoy this relationship and give her warmth, emotion and cock aplenty.

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