I Became a Cheating Bastard (mf)

Preface: I'm a cheating bastard. If you can't wrap your head around that, the stories I'm going to share probably aren't for you; get out now. I'm not going to gloss over the details: I cheat. I always have. "Once a cheater, always a cheater" they say. So far, they're right. I hate it. I love it. I'm not a robo-sex-machine in the bedroom, and I'm no ladies man either. I am an extremely horny person that takes advantage of people in order to conquer them sexually. These are my stories.

I've got an absolute plethora of weird and wacky situations I've got myself into because I more often than not think with my dick. This story isn't the first time I got started down the cheaters path, but it's the earliest memory I have that I could look back and go 'That's the moment I became this person.' This isn't the best 'sex' story either – you're probably better off with some tale of a guys lucky MFF than this … but I have to start here before I tell any other story.

At that time I lived with a girl named Caitlin. We were 'high school sweethearts'. She was my first… everything. We were terrible together. I was a stick and she was a fatty; I was kinky as fuck and she liked it plain; I liked to party and she did some university straight-edge bullshit. Of course, I convinced myself I could never get any better relationship-wise so I stuck with it, convinced I'd be a good man and make what I had work.

Like any 20 year old, I jerked off a lot. My fantasies – and memories of a previous girl – were too much and I end up creating an account .. OKC or POF, I don't even remember. Found a chick quite quickly and we began chatting. Soon she gave me her number. A nurse by the name of Cat. Whatever. Later that week, I ended up out with my mates doing a cruise around the city in our cheap-shit ricer cars. Still texting this chick. Enjoying the feeling of flirting, the conversation had with someone new. She's dropping signs I'm too stupid to pick up – home alone; bored; watching tv. My actual girlfriend rings me and chucks a tantrum cause I'm not at home. Argument ensures and cue yawn, I couldn't really care less, I'm trying to have fun. Cat invites me over almost knowingly and I think fuck it. I get her address and leave my mates to zero in on my target.

Getting there she lives in a block of apartments and I make my way up the stairs. She answers the door. Shit, she's a bit fatter than that profile picture. But I'm committed. I'm too much of a wuss to straight up leave. I make it inside and we beeline for her room. Once inside we climb into her single bed. She puts on Zoolander – a movie I've never seen. Bad move lady, I'm too stupid at this age to realise that movies are not meant to be watched. Lo and behold, I watch the whole movie while only making small movies. You can feel the both of us relax a little during the threesome scene though. We start to get handsy.

Finally the movie ends and I'm tired (it's about 1-1.30am from bad memory) but I'm down. We make out slowly and things get hot. Clothes begin to come off and we start moving around each others bodies. One of the things I just love about women is how their whole bodies can be different. Chins, boobs, waistlines, with a new girl it's always something new to explore. She plays with me. It feels odd – it's not Caitlin. I'm slipping on a condom and the guilts start to hit me … my cock begins to shrink. Fuck. Fucking hell. Here I am pants around my ankles on top of a sweaty, chubby chick I decided to bang because I wanted something new. And now my dick doesn't want something new. Fuck you, penis.

There's one thing that always makes me hard. Eating pussy. I didn't want to do it, in the dark not knowing what her pussy might be like in cleanliness and taste. Fuck it, I'm in there…. aaaand It's actually really good. It's better than Caitlins for sure. I'm down with my tongue exploring all those different shapes. It's really hard to be with one person for a long time and then suddenly have a new partner. They always have different tastes. So I'm doing shit I know Caitlin loves and Cat is just like "k". Then I do something else foreigh and she's all over it melting into my tongue. In no time, I'm fucking erect inside my condom again and totally turned on. I slide into her. I made her a bit wetter and with the condom lube I slide in pretty easily. The ecstasy hits me as I grind this new girl. We begin fucking earnestly. Hindsight-brain would later inform me that she needed to be fucked that night. I love it. I feel like an absolute king, I've got my dick inside a new woman. I'm pumping away and suddenly, I feel my dick spasming. Like watching a shockwave before the sound hits you there's a delay before the orgasm hits my brain. I empty myself into the condom and pull out. I feel fucking legendary but Cat is mostly quiet.

It's so fucking late I realise how much shit I'll get in from Caitlin if I come home a 'day after' and I'm so exhausted, I realise I need to leave. I hike my clothes back on and Cat walks me out. I pull the condom off in the car ride home and sleep next to my long-term partner for the first time ever with a dirty dick.

In hindsight of that situation, I realised I was probably a terrible lay that night. I'm always shit when I'm exhausted. But for me, I was rewarded for doing something naughty. And this completely changed the way I fucked after this point in time.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/3u2dch/i_became_a_cheating_bastard_mf


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