Hi there, r/gonewildstories. I'm Mark. I'm a friend of sofiecake's that doubles as her punching bag and I frequently take on the challenge of satisfying her above average libido. I'm also that guy in the friend group who is secretly yet obviously in love with her.
Sofie ended up in the hospital last week after a suicide attempt. It was the one time I didn't make it. A few days ago, she was released. Day after day, I'd visit her. I'd sit there and watch her laugh about nothing or cry over everything and make sure she was okay. We enjoyed each other's company – a little too much, even.
Sofie planned to write and post it here, but backed out even though she'd finished typing everything. She said she was scared to see how many people were happy to see her gone. Her hands were shaking when she said it. She'll always think everyone hates her, be it in real life or on the Internet.
I know that isn't true. Or I'm hoping it isn't.
I'm going to ask for your help, reddit. I'm Mark. I'm Sofie's best friend. She has laughter that is star light and can make silence look like night time. She starts jumping whenever she's excited. She sprained her ankle after seeing a cute kitten. She is obsessed with office supplies. Her vocabulary is composed of phrases from Spongebob and Drake and Josh. The first thing she said when I invited her to my brother's wedding was, "Will there be free food?" I know you don't hate her.
If you have anything you want to say to her, or anything you think she deserves to hear, you can comment it, message me, whatever – she needs to know that people care about her. I'm taking screenshots of them and putting them inside of an envelope attached to a bouquet of flowers I plan to get for her this weekend.
Come on, guys. I love her. God, I love her. And I'm not the only one, I know it. Everyone she knows in real life is making something hand-written. Even me. She thinks everyone on this website hates her, and she thinks everyone she knows hates her. Help me help her, and help me prove her wrong.
- MK
Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/3tk1r8/meta_hello_gws_im_usofiecakes_mark_help_me_help
We love you here Sofie! Get better, and come back to share with us. I know I always look forward to seeing you and Mark around these parts.
I don’t hate you! Quite the opposite! You guys are the life of the sub and you don’t deserve anything lower than that. PS: if you get a chance, binge watch Sword Art Online with Mark to pass some time!
Aw. Sofie honey, we don’t hate you. Like, not even a little. I’m normally pretty lurky but Marks post here brought out the sap in this gnarly old heart and I recognized the sound of a man that is dying to be your rock. Get well, girl, and we can’t wait for you to come back and share more of your hijinx.
your stories are fucking awesome, you seem to be a pretty damn sweet lady!
Sofia is the best I’d never want to see her gone
Mark and Sofie just seem to write in the same tone, and seek the same amount of attention. You lost me at bouquet of reddit comments.
she laughs whenever i call her sofia! only her papi calls her that!
As opposed to this tone of, "Hey! Everyone listen to me! I know you all care what I think!"
You mean the world to me.
now this is definitely something she’d laugh at. good one.
ahaha! if i can get her attention away from the sims, we might just be able to!
No, as in the tone that its the exact same person.
Sofie, how on earth you don’t realize you’re one of the most wonderful people there is is a complete mystery to me. Seriously, reading your stories is one of the highlights of my day, and it’s not because they’re so sexy. It’s because I, like everyone else here, can just see how great of a person you are, and how lucky Mark is to know you. Please come back Sofie, we miss you here :)
They have a similar style, but they’re not the same person. I have proof but I’m not going to argue this here.
I’m not going to insult you or your "proof", and I won’t take it any further. This is just an awful use of this subreddit.
First off, tell her how you feel, man. She needs that, and you both deserve it. Sophie, I know how it feels to want to end it all. I cant speak to your experiences, but I’m an attempted suicide survivor too. I know how it feels to know with absolute certainty that you are a burden on everyone that you meet, that everyone would be happier without you in their lives. I know how it feels to carry around the knowledge that you will never be good enough. In the end, what keeps me here is my amazing SO. I trust her, and when I’m spiralling out of control and I talk to her, I know that at least she would miss me. It sounds like Mark is really special to you in that way. Lean on him. Let him be your rock and know that he wants to be there. Our experiences are all different, and I cant just tell you something generic like "it gets better" or "it’ll be ok". I dont know that, but I do know that having a hand to hold through it all helps. A lot. Get better. Feel absolutely free to message me, I would love to talk about anything. I mean that. /u/ramblerant
Let’s assume one of two scenarios here: 1. Someone is trolling. 2. The person is not trolling and really in a lot of pain here. And there are three possible responses: A. Insult them and call them out B. Say nothing C. Be nice. If you look at response C, you have a result of either feeding a troll (case 1) or helping a person genuinely in need (case 2). If you look at response B, there is no effect up or down. If you look at response A, you either feed the troll and contribute to sending someone in desperate straights into self harm or suicide. So, given this, you picked the only response that has two bad results, one of which is grievously bad and would weigh on your conscience if you had one. Do your friends tell you that you frequently make good decisions?
Hey there Sophie! I don’t know you and haven’t even read your stories here — but I wanted to let you in on a little secret: You have so much innate, beautiful, special worth because you are you! I think you have a hunch about this, and everyone around you sure seems to know it too! I took a quick glance at your post history and see that you have been asking for help. That is such a strong thing to do! I know how hard it is — I struggle with depression and anxiety and it’s been rough here for the past couple of months. School is hard and the weather is gross. But you know what? We’re going to make it through this. My campus has lost two students to suicide this semester already, and it breaks my heart. I didn’t know either of them personally, but just like you, they had worth. They were incredible, unique people who were struggling with the same battle you and I deal with. Again: we’re going to make it through this. You have an incredible support group, someone here who loves you so very much — keep reaching out, ok? Keep bringing your loved ones and family into the picture, keep reminding yourself that it is so okay to struggle — but you’re fighting. There is no shame in being depressed or suicidal. There is no shame in asking for help. It’s a struggle a whole lot bigger than you right now, but you’re going to be able to push through. So, I want you to find the things that bring you joy. Hanging out with Mark? I’m sure he won’t mind spending every second with you. Posting here and sharing your intimate world? Go for it! Maybe drawing, reading, coloring, playing an instrument. Do what makes you happy sweetheart — because we’ve got this one life to live and try to suck as much happiness and joy out of it as we can. And hey, if you’d like a snail mail pen pall to write with, send me a note? It might be a very fun way to pass the days :) Feel better, Sophie, and keep fighting the fight. You’re gonna make it :)
I wouldn’t want to be friends with anyone who wasn’t honest with me, and tell me when im full of it. Also, I only seek to validate my decisions on the internet, and sometimes through multiple personalities.
When she hadn’t posted here in a while, I checked her user account. When I saw her "goodbye" post, I felt a gut punch like I was losing a friend – I’ll never meet her, but the way she writes is so sweet and funny (count me among the many who are now more interested in hoping the two of you get together than the sex aspect of your stories) that I feel like I have. Don’t give up on yourself, Sofie. You’ve inspired lots of random people, you’re clearly a talented writer and clever person, and you’ve got a great friend in Mark. Life can be good or bad from moment to moment, but you don’t have to despair. Nobody here hates you, and nobody here ever will (frankly, I can’t imagine who would).
Sofie please don’t give up. You have so many supporters here on this site, and most importantly, in your friend Mark. Please please please don’t let yourself go, you are worth so much and have so much to do, that you would be robbing yourself of all the joys life can bring! Even if it all doesn’t seem good right now, know that you have the support and the strength to get through it, and we will do whatever we can to help you through your troubles :)
To be honest, she shouldn’t be relying on validation from an anonymous community :/. I used to be more worried about other people’s perception of me but what really matters is how I perceive other people. Do I love? Do I forgive? Am I kind? Concentrate on trying to be a good person and have confidence that you are trying your best. I hope she gets better soon. I hope she learns how to be kinder to herself.
I think you write really well, Sofie! Get well soon and please write us more naughty stories about your adventures. I always look forward to them. Hugs from Miss Glitchy. <3
You’ll see that I don’t often post, but I want to take the time to post here. Please find someone (a therapist, teacher, friend, Mark) to start working out whatever it is that is driving you to hurt yourself. You have a beautiful energy that I can tell has touched people on here and I’m sure has brightened the lives of others around you. It is hard to believe that anyone else could feel the pain you do inside and that must mean there is something wrong with you, but I assure you that isn’t true. There are so many beautiful people I work with everyday who struggle with feeling alone in their pain and put everyone else before themselves. You deserve to feel better, but it will take courage and strength. Courage and strength you already have by sharing bits of yourself on here. Good luck to both of you, in my opinion you deserve wonderful things.
whoops that was an auto correct but either way she is amazing and i hope she feels better
Hey there Sofie. Sweetie, please get help. Everyone here loves your stories and I know you are active in other subreddits too, but none of that matters. We are just random, anonymous people on the Internet. You have someone with you who loves you very much (whether either of you will admit it), and you need to learn to see yourself the way Mark sees you. You know that story he wrote on your account that you promised you wouldn’t read? It’s time you read that story. No matter how much you are hurting right now, you need to open yourself up to the love that is all around you. If you want sink deeper into darkness, that is a choice that is yours to make, but if you are ready to being moving past it, let in the love, let in the light.
Sofie, I don’t know you (but I read some of your fantastic writing today!) but I know too much about suicide. It’s never the right thing. Never. It changes the people who love you in ways you can’t fathom … and yes, there are people who love you. I wish intellect and reason could take over from emotion when you’re feeling low, and you could know that it’s just your stupid brain playing tricks on you. You can get better. Please give yourself the chance. Now, I’m off to read some more fun, sexy stories!
Sofie, i know we don’t know each other in real life, but I’m glad we can connect over me reading your stories. Every time one of your posts shows up in my feed it brightens my day a little. You are such a sweet cool person, and you need to know you have tons of friends here in reddit
Sofie your stories are amazing and you seem like a genuinely amazing girl, you gone is not a good thing whether it’s your sexy times or historical lady boners your contents is a genuine pleasure
Hey Sofie, just wanted to say I’m in your corner and you’re not all alone, you’re not worthless, and you’re not better off dead. It might have been a little selfish to try and take yourself away from Mark, your friends, and anyone else that cares about you, but I think you already know that. You’re smart, funny, and beautiful (even though I don’t really know how you look like, I’ll take Mark’s word for it haha). Plus you’re a great writer. You should get in to more storytelling, erotica or not haha. You have something going for you and you have someone who loves you dearly. I can’t say I know everything about the way you feel, but I know despair. You have to endure. Cling to that love you’re given and weather the storms. At least for me, the happy moments balance out the shitty while the shitty helps me learn what I can do to be happy. And just fucking accept Mark for Christ’s sake. The dude has proven no matter how much you put him through, he’ll be there for ya. He loves you and you know you’re in love with him. Have some balls and just go with it. Anyway, you have my contact info in your inbox and you can call or text day or night. I care about ya girl, and I’ll do anything I can to help ya out.
Seek professional help please. This is seriously one of the times the moderators should’ve gotten admins involved near the beginning.
Man my GF plays the sims, I feel your pain. You can’t pry them away from the computer with a crowbar.
Mark <3 Sofie
Hey Sofie, you know who I am and you know I think you’re awesome. You should listen to Mark, all these people really do want to see you happy.
Sofie, You are one of the best writers on this site, You make everyone so happy when we see one of your stories. We could never hate you :)
Mark I’d say tell her you love her. You’ve told all us. She needs to know. Maybe you loving her will be the small spark she needs
Tell her how you feel, tell her she needs to talk to someone. We are all here for her whenever she feels better. But she needs to focus on herself before anyone else. You know she deserves that mark. Make her see it.
Sofie, complete random lurker here…but,over three years ago, I lost my sister to suicide. She was 34 years old, and left behind two beautiful young daughters (15 and 13 at the time). every day I wish she would have reached out for help, just like you did. I have read all your posts on this sub, and I love every one of them…and we all have sorely missed your presence here…I know all of us will be overjoyed upon your return. Get better soon -complete rando
This is the first time I have ever commented on anything and I am using it to say that you, sofie, are one of the highlights of reddit. I happened to stumble on one of your stories and I had to join reddit just so I could keep track of what you do here. When I saw your ‘goodbye’ post I legit started crying. I have never met you in person but I can tell you for certain that you are loved by everyone who comes across your path. I feel like you are one of the best people on this earth and it would be a tragedy if you were to leave us.
I really hate writing in English, since it’s not my native language and I’m always scared that people’ll judge me for it. But, I’ll try to say something now. When I first visited Reddit (and r/gonewildstories), Sofie’s stories where the first I read. She has something in her writing that was… Special, in some way. She’s a damn good writer, so please tell her that. Also, she’s definitely worth to live. I only know her from what she writes and what Mark writes, but I can’t imagine someone hating her. When I saw this post, I was looking forward to read something new, another story that would make me smile about you, that would make me happy, so I was kind of shocked when I read this. Sofie, please, don’t let anyone, ever, éver, tell you that you’re not worth it. That they hate you. I don’t know you, but I wish I did.
Even if i dont know you personally i can tell you are a great person, dont consider throwing your life away like this, just think about all the nice people who care about you.. it would be a sad thing to see i can tell you as someone who had suicide attempts too, you need to find the right friend who just pulls you out of this and im pretty sure you have found that person already..
Hey Sofie, Anybody who is crazy enough to hate you is an asshole. I don’t know who you are but when I saw Mark’s post about you I felt a hit in my chest. I wanted to say something but how could I say something to a stranger? So I went through your post history and I see so many qualities in you that I see in my dearest friends and in myself. I can’t tell you how often I thought everyone hated me. The thought is so poisonous and just when you think the poison is out of your system it creeps back on you. It snuck up on me recently as a matter of fact… I’m so sorry you are going through this pain. I can’t express that enough. I honestly wish I could give you a huge hug right now. It’s funny that while I was writing this post Rachel Platten’s song "Stand by You" is playing on my Spotify. To quote her "Love you’re not alone cause I’m gonna stand by you". Sofie, you **are** a tiger. You can pm me if you ever want to. You are a strong woman. I saw this helps with your anxiety so I hope it helps you now: “The world is indeed full of peril, and in it there are many dark places; but still there is much that is fair, and though in all lands love is now mingled with grief, it grows perhaps the greater.”
Sofe we love you! I dont really know you that well, well actually i dont know you at all, but from what I have seen of your personality through your writing you are a gift to this world, and you are not allowed to leave it yet. I’m serious hang in there we are **ALL** routing for you!
Softie, you are more than your stories, more than this website, more than sex, more than pain. YOU ARE MORE THAN YOUR PAIN. If I could scream it at you to get my point across I would. I hope you can take the time you need to heal, and put your puzzle back together again. Eat your favorite food and listen to your favorite song and watch a movie that makes you cry and then is happy at the end and just feel enjoyment, and know that it exists outside of your pain. Stay.
Sofie, you’re an awesome girl and an awesome author! Thank you for sharing your stories with us! Please get well soon!
Hey. Hey there Sophie. I wanna give you some perspective on who I am and why I care about you. I’m a 17 year old dude from Switzerland currently half working as an IT Guy and going to school. I’ve been reading this subreddit for quite some time now, and I can tell you, the second I picked up on a story of yours, I was instantly hooked. I loved the writing, the personality. After some time passed, where no update was postet I checked your profile and saw that goodbye post on /r/SuicideWatch. I felt like somebody just punched me in the stomach, really really hard. I was sad for the entire evening as you are a loveable girl, and honestly I really wish there was someone in my life like you. Now, knowing you are still alive is awesome news, and I wanna tell you that you do matter. People love you, I love you. Please don’t turn off the light of your life, as many peoples lifes would get darker. Please don’t go away. Oh and give Mark a kiss from me and thank him. Thank you for sharing your stories with us, I hope you’ll have more to share.
Posting from my real account, not the porn throwaway j normally use: I love you and your stories are amazing and I wish you well and I appreciate your contributions. WE LOVE YOU!
Hello Sofie. Please listen to Mark. If you could see yourself the way everyone sees you. If you could, you would see how much everyone cares about you. How much he cares about you. How everyone sees you is that you’re a loving, caring person. And I know it seems hard to see this, that you think everyone hates you and that you are alone, but you’re not! You’re not alone. There are people who love and care for you. Right now, you feel that you’re depressed and think that it will never end. But it will get better. Please remember the adage “This too shall pass”. That no matter how bad you feel, how depressed you are, “this too shall pass”. So please speak up if you’re feeling depressed, we’ll be here to listen to you as well as your family and Mark. So please get better, and we’ll be hearing from you soon :)
"I hope that whoever you are, you escape this place. I hope that the worlds turns, and that things get better. But what I hope most of all is that you understand what I mean when I tell you that, even though I do not know you, and even though I may never meet you, laugh with you, cry with you, or kiss you, I love you. With all my heart, I love you. "
Hi Sofie, you sounds like an amazing young gal who is just having a tough time right now in life. Things/life/your world WILL change and it WILL get better. Just remember to breathe… Three deep breathes can change everything… Have an upvote :)
I suspect everyone here wishes you the best Sofie. Please get better
I love the stories and think that you and her could be happy. Depression is hard but no one wants her to leave. The world is a better place with both of you in it. Get help (both of you).
I don’t post ever maybe a few comments, nothing like what I am about to say. Sofie you’re truly loved even when you don’t think like you are or that you don’t exist or deserve to live. You do you very much so deserve. I am speaking not only as a fan of your stories but as a human being I care about you even when I haven’t met you or talked to you. If you ever feel down or anything we are here for you. I can say that I haven’t delt with depression, just a few thoughts on sucide. It’s hard and I don’t know what you go through all I can say is that I want to be there for you when you are down. Again I care about you and I want you to live a happy life because what I read from you and mark you deserve it.
You go girl!
I just want to say the GWS has not been the same with out your stories. I hope Sofie knows that. The stories between you two were always the highlight of my week. Sure they were sexy and risque, but I just enjoy how human and real they were. I have dealt with depression and that realm before… I know it isnt pleasant. But I hope you tell her that it gets better. Like her, I found someone who cared about me (In reality I think I like your stories so much cause I see a lot of similarities between you two and how my relationship is ). I guess in short just give her a hug from all of us here and say that we hope that she stays strong :)
Inform Sofie that she is awesome, but blind for not seeing you want her. Otherwise. We love you! Take care of yourself, get the help you want/need :)
Depression makes you think that way. It’s hard. I felt borderline that way many times, but she is FAR from hated. She’s always seemed very friendly and kind. The world can be dark at times, it needs its lights. Truthfully, she seems like one of them. So bounce back Sofie, don’t think for a second people don’t care. And don’t you dare think for a second people hate you, I don’t see how anyone could.
u/sofiecake, I love reading your stuff. You have wonderful stories. Please take care of yourself, I’d hate to not see what you have to say next.
I’ve no idea what you’ve been through, but reading your posts today made me think strongly: there are many times in my life I’ve thought of killing myself, and despite never kicking depression totally, I was was so happy to be around to be able to do that, and so many other things. It’s not all roses, but compared to being at my worst, it’s so, so much better. Your writing is fantastic, and you sound like a fun person to be around – know that and life will come easier to you. Hope you keep at it and keep giving us stories in your life, erotic or otherwise.
Hey Sofie. We don’t hate you (we have literally no reason to), but we’d hate to lose you. Not only do you write amazing stories, but you sound like a really cool and fun person. And you have a best friend who is in love with you.
We love you sop
I can’t really add much as everyone else said it better but u/sofiecake , you rock girl! I wish we were in similar states so we could hang out and become friends. You seem like an awesome chick! *hugs* Don’t be afraid to ask for help,the world needs more people like you! ^.^ <3
hoping there will be a good update on this on her well being.
Someone please pin this to the top of the page.
usually i would use a throwaway for this sub but it just doesnt feel right.I dont claim to know you. I dont claim to understand your situation. But Keep going.Just so you can be annoyed how Mark is so gentle with you, just so you can tell people on this sub you guys arent a couple, just so you can beg Mark to fuck you at a crowded party again. At last let me say that it isnt important if the world gives ashit about you or not. its important that somebody gives a shit about you and that clearly is the case. And of course message me if you ever feel like talking.
Tell her she’s a talented writer and if there’s one thing this world of shitty text speak and horrible grammar needs, it’s more talented writers, not less.
Sofie, you’re stories are amazing and i thoroughly enjoyed reading them. I hope you get well soon and continue to post!
Don’t join her dead sister, sonotsofia/hannah! Just because onewhoknocks94 abandoned you for COD/SMG dosnt mean Chloe bennet won’t one day kick you where it hurts..if you’re in to that sort of thing
when i went back to check for an update after a while and i saw the "goodbye" post i felt my stomach drop, but i hoped that she’d been ok and that something had happened to stop it. i kept returning to see if there’d been an update, something saying she was safe, but it was days and days and there was nothing. i was scared and, even though i don’t know her, my stomach dropped further every time. when i saw mark’s post i started crying, because you’re alive. i’ve been where you are and i know how hard it is. and i know it sounds like bullshit to say that it’ll get better, but it will. you’re a smart person, you’re wonderful and beautiful and have inspired your readers and made their lives a little happier. i promise that one day your life will be a little happier too. please hold out until then.
You sound like an amazing young woman, Sofie. I’m glad to know that there are wonderful people in this world. Fight for your life girl and don’t give up. Hold onto whatever is beautiful and sweet and fun. BTW come to /r/TrollXChromosomes for some laughs. We are very supportive and funny. (This is my throwaway account so you won’t find me posting there under this alias)
sofiesofiesofie hello, it’s me. I still love your writing, I still think you’re amazing, and there’s no one in this world whose opinion is otherwise means a thing. There are safe spaces around you. Your friends, Mark, the people you care about – they want to see you grow and be happy, and they all accept you for who you are. They love you no matter what, just ask them. Never forget that. And these same people in your life: you bring so much joy to them simply by being yourself, by being silly and blunt and caring and bold and so many other things that I don’t even see. You know it. You are so special and different and unique and they love you and there is not another one of you in this world. They’re there for you when you need help. But I’ve found out the hard way that I can’t just rely on other people – you need to have a safe space within yourself. Sometimes our lovers and supporters can’t be there, and there’s no one to shield us from nasty people who trick us, lie to us, hurt us, and try to take advantage of us so just they can taste control, and there’s no one to pull us back from ugly thoughts that run wild and grab our world and shake it until it cracks and breaks apart. About those doubts and fears that creep up, and the things my mind whispers about myself that I just don’t have control over: tell them to fuck off. They’re not helping, they’re not making me a better or happier person – maybe there’s time for that when I’m more stable, but when I’m struggling and not healthy, they just mean I need to go running, get out, work out, do cartwheels on the quad. And those people who try to hurt us? I don’t know why they do it. There are endless reasons (that they’re unaware, or power-tripping, or had a bad day, or are in pain themselves and lashing out, or a billion other things) but I don’t pretend to know their reasons, and I can’t help them. All I know is that they are doing things in their own world, and it has nothing to do with me. They can yell and taunt and attack me, but they’re doing it for themselves, and it has nothing to do with my world. My world is the people who I care fiercely about, my friends I want to see grow, my lovers who I share my secretest dreams with – and whoever these nasty people are, they are not part of that. I don’t give a shit about them, because they’re trying to hurt me and clearly don’t give a shit about me. heysofie. I think you’re awesome. Life is hard, but that’s why we all find each other – to support us when we’re hurting and lost, and to also support them when they lose their own way. xoxo
Hey Sofie, I love reading all your stories! Yours are the first and only gonewildstories that I’ve ever upvoted. Please don’t go. I wish I could wish you a magic carpet, just so you could go see the Northern Lights, watch the stars where they shine brightest, listen to the tides go in and out, the happiest places in the world, and bring a little of each place, each experience and each sight home in your heart. It’s okay to be sad. It’s okay to feel messed-up and not okay. But if ever you should need anybody, you need only look around you to find that they were there all along, I promise. We all love you. /u/palimpestofmine
Sofie… we miss you.
Sophie! You’re a wonderful amazing and awesome writer. I love reading your stories whenever they come up (not even just the sexy bits, but you have awesome writing). I wish I could shake your hand in person, but you do have people who care about you. What Mark has done proves it. I hope we hear more from you. Oh an fuck the haters. Don’t listen to them. Seriously, they ain’t worth your time or your stress. Fuckity shoddybrained nitwits they are :). Focus on your friends, and on Mark and your world will be better :). Love, Allenel!
i do hope there’s a good update on sofie’s wareabouts and well being.