[M]y [f]antastic Saturday alarm clock.

This was from this morning – but the same thing (or something like it) happens about three times a week. I am a LUCKY girl!

I'm asleep on my left side, my back to the boy. Though we always fall asleep tangled together, we usually separate in the night. When I'm asleep I like to face the outside of the bed.

He turns towards me and gently slides his arm around my body. I'm half awake as his fingertips stroke me with an impossibly light touch – so gentle I can hardly feel it, as he moves them up my legs and over my stomach. I wake a little more and nestle back against him, feeling the heat of his body against the length of my back.

His fingers move up, exploring the shape of my breasts. He still moves slowly and gently, his fingers sliding past my nipples and eventually brushing over them, sending a lovely rush of warmth down between my legs.

I'm fully awake now, my breath coming fast and shallow as I push back against his crotch and feel his cock hard against my bum. I part my legs slightly and he moves his hand down between them, stroking my thighs for a moment before sliding a finger gently between my lips.

He dips a finger briefly inside me, feeling my wetness before moving it up to my clit. He uses two fingers to rub me, one either side of my clitoral hood – years of practise telling him exactly how I like to be touched.

I rock against his cock, still pressing hard against my arse. He speeds up slightly and moves his fingers closer together, his breath hot on my neck as he moves me expertly towards orgasm. I twist my head back and sideways and he leads forward to meet me for a kiss, sliding his bottom arm quickly underneath me at the same time. He pulls me tight against him, his arms encircling me, and pinches my nipple as he moves his fingers to stroke directly over my clit.

I come hard, pushing my body back against his, one of his hands on my tits and the other prolonging the orgasm, stroking me in perfect time with the contractions of my pussy. He carries on holding me as my breathing returns to normal, bringing his arms together to encircle me as I finally open my eyes.

I turn my head back and kiss him again, and whisper "good morning" to my amazing human alarm clock.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/3su7qa/my_fantastic_saturday_alarm_clock


  1. Very erotic, and easy to visualise. Lovely :) I also have to sleep facing the outside of the bed for some reason. My gf is also like a radiator; I can only stay huddled up closer for a few minutes before drifting away to cool down! She calls me cold blooded.

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