[MMF] – I cuckolded my boyfriend and it got way too crazy (in a good way)

Sorry in advance if anything I'm doing here is wrong. I've never really posted before or anything. Anyway I just had the craziest experience of my life this weekend, and I really need to just type it all out. So I'll start with some background information first.

I've been dating my boyfriend for almost 3 years now, and we're both at the same school. I'm Sam (22) and he's Jason (23). We're both quiet, introverted people. I'm usually known as the goodie-goodie and innocent girl by my friend group. If you want to know what we look like or any other details you can message me.

Jason and I are always honest with each other, and we know what we both like and dislike. I'm a pretty plain girl when it comes to kinks, nothing really out of the ordinary. Jason on the other hand loves cuckolding and even fantasizes about being cheated on. I'm not sure why he loves these kinks so much, but I've gotten used to it over time and fully accept it all. I've even been in an open relationship with him for a few weeks while we were dating. I only flirted with a couple of guys, danced a little, and I did eventually make out with one, but that's as far as it went. Jason loved it and it was unbelievable how horny it made him. I had a lot of fun too, and always enjoy turning my boyfriend on. I talk to him sometimes too when were having sex and pretend I'm with another guy, and degrade Jason. So needless to say cuckolding is definitely his number one kink.

So last weekend came and I tell Jason he can stay over my place for the weekend. I told him my best friend Sean is going to be over for a while too to work on a school project. I've known Sean since high school and he's always had a crush on me, but nothing had ever happened between us. Jason knows this and starts poking fun telling me, "Put on your flirting face Sam your other boyfriend is coming over too!" Without even thinking I snapped back, "Better watch out, maybe I will!" I didn't even mean to say that, or make it sound like I wanted to. It just came out. I looked over to Jason and could see he already had a semi hard-on and he said to me, "Maybe now's your chance to have some fun? It would be so hot for the both of us, right?" I never really thought about it until he said those words out loud. We sat down and talked about me possibly being with Sean this weekend. I was a little nervous and hesitant, but by the end of our conversation I was really curious and wanted to see what this adventure would lead to. Plus it would make my boyfriend's penis explode, and I was always up for that! (I swear I'm really not this sexual and out there, but when I'm alone with Jason it comes out of me).

We agreed that if Sean started to flirt with me and clearly wants me that we would tell him our plan. Our plan being Sean stays over my place that weekend as well. We would all sleep in the same bed together, shower together, be crazy together, etc. Basically if Sean agreed, he would become my second boyfriend that weekend. The other part of the plan was Jason would be cuckolded. I would give my attention and interest to Sean first, satisfy Sean first, and make sure Sean got everything he wanted at the expense of Jason. If things were completely comfortable for us all, we also agreed that I would embarrass, humiliate, and degrade Jason as well. All that was left was for Sean to arrive, and gauge the situation to see if any of this was even a remote possibility. Though to be honest, while we were waiting I was hoping this plan would fall through. I'm very comfortable with Jason, but even with my best friend Sean I was panicking and nervous at the thought of him even seeing my body. Without another second to think the door had opened and Sean came inside.

All three of us talked for a little bit then we went to the couch to start working on our project while Jason watched TV next to us. Not even an hour in and Sean started flirting with me. I could see him glancing up and down looking at every inch of me when he thought I wasn't paying attention. He even put his arm around me after telling a joke to give sort of a hug, and let his hand fall to my knee before pulling away. Jason of course was watching intently and saw all of this happen. Jason then left the room, and I followed pretending to need to go to the bathroom. We whispered to each other something like, "Is this really happening!? Oh my God!" We agreed we had to do it at this point. We didn't want to back out now. We both walked back into the living room together prepared to tell Sean what our plan was.

We sat down and explained to Sean everything about our plan and why we wanted to do it. The whole time his face was awestruck, mouth agape. He couldn't believe what he was hearing, and honestly neither could I. After a bazillion questions he finally understood the gist of it all. He was surprisingly cool about the situation as well. Stating that he also had a kink that was kind of weird, he liked feet. He was even making sure I was okay with him seeing me naked and having sex with me. I let him know straight up that I had no real feelings for him that way, but if he was okay with it all then I was too. Although I'm sure he could tell just how nervous I was still. Then Sean asked, "Where do we begin?"

Jason, Sean, and myself all looked at each other. We hadn't really thought that far ahead. I kind of stammered and said, "Uh I guess wherever you want to start. You're my boyfriend this weekend." He asked if both him and Jason were my boyfriend now. I told him they both were, but that Sean is my number one for the weekend. He said something about needing clothes for the weekend, and that he had to go back to get some really quick. Jason blurted out, "There's no need we usually hangout together naked anyway!" I turned beet red. Even Jason didn't mean to say it so forward, and tried to correct himself. Sean interjected and asked Jason and I if we usually spend the day together naked. I nervously answered that we did. He started to smile. I knew what that smile meant. It was time to reveal myself to my best friend who I've known for years. He was finally going to see all of me, and I didn't know whether to feel excited or terrified. Before I even had a chance to remove my socks both Jason and Sean had stripped down. I could tell they felt awkward, but it wasn't that bad. They both looked at me and told me it was my turn.

I prepared myself and started to pull off my shirt. Jason stopped me, and quickly asked how many guys besides him had seen me naked. I didn't even realize it, but none up until now. I was even a virgin until Jason came along. When Sean heard that he became even more excited to see me. I took off my shirt and then quickly pulled down my jeans afterwards. When I stood straight up I was in my tan bra and blue thong. I was so nervous, but they both commented how sexy I looked. I couldn't decide what to remove first. Before I could decide though Sean asked if he could help me out of my underwear. I of course let him because he was now my boyfriend. He came behind me and stared at my butt for a long time then slowly unhooked my bra and dropped it to the floor. My bare back was towards him and I was waiting for him to turn me around to reveal my bare boobs. Instead Sean grabbed my thong by the top strings and started to peel it down from my body. Jason was standing in front of me fully erect, and playing with his dick. Sean dropped my undies down to my feet, and lifted each foot up and out of the leg holes. I just remembered he said he had a foot fetish and could tell he was feeling the tops and bottom of mine. After I was stripped completely naked he was still standing behind me. This time my entire backside exposed. He asked if he could touch or do anything to me, and I assured him he could do anything he liked as my boyfriend. Without hesitating he laid both hands on my butt cheeks and started to squeeze them. It felt so different, compared to Jason's hands. But it was a good different. Sean is bigger then Jason so naturally his hands would be too. And I can definitely vouch that Sean had the bigger penis. MUCH bigger. When I actually saw it up close I almost gasped.

Anyway back to Sean grabbing my butt from behind. He still hadn't turned me around to see my most intimate places yet, and I was still pretty nervous about it. All of a sudden the grasping and squeezing of my butt turned to tugging. Sean started to spread my cheeks apart, and before I could panic he touched my asshole. I pulled away a little after and that's when he turned me around. The first thing he said was, "Wow!" There I was, finally naked for him, with my boyfriend just a foot away jacking off to it all. We all went right to the bedroom and that whole day was pretty much spent in there. I would switch between making out and jerking off both of them, and they both took turns fingering me. Sometimes they even worked together. We were all pretty comfortable by this point, as a few hours had passed. It was time for sex. Sean slowly inserted himself inside me, and it hurt so much more then when Jason was in me. I said, "This is so much bigger!" Sean kind of chuckled, and Jason was getting hornier now. Jason asked me to keep humiliating him. I talked about how big Sean was and how much better he felt inside me. I pulled Sean's dick out and put it beside Jason's and laughed. Then I put Sean's dick in my mouth and in between sucking him off would tell Jason how this was the greatest day ever. I continued to suck and fuck Sean, and barely touched Jason. I just laughed and made fun of his tiny penis while he jacked off all alone on the edge of the bed. Jason must have came at least 5 times that day. But I think Sean came more, haha.

The next two days were spent fucking Sean and degrading Jason. The craziest thing that happened by a mile was on the last night though. Sean was inside me, doggy style pounding away, Jason looking at me and trying to feel my boobs. All of a sudden I slapped Jason's hand away, and told him he was bad and to suck Sean's huge penis. The room got dead quiet. Sean pulled out from me, and then turned to Jason and said, "You heard my girlfriend. She wants to see you suck my dick." He grabbed Sean's dick and began to suck away. My mouth was wide open. We degraded Jason all night. While he was sucking Sean off I grabbed Jason's penis and started to tug. I made him cum while he sucked off my best friend. To top it all off the night ended when Sean came inside me and Jason licked it all up. That was by far the craziest experience in my entire life.

EDIT: If you want more details you can message me, it was just too long to fit everything in.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/3s89fa/mmf_i_cuckolded_my_boyfriend_and_it_got_way_too


  1. Hot Tell us more about when he came inside you and your bf ate it out!! Details!

  2. I’m going to go ahead and say as a bi guy. If you’re willing to suck a cock and lick his cum out of your gf vagina. You’re a little bit.

  3. Haha yea that’s probably true. It is possible he isn’t Bi at all and the level of how turned on he gets from being told what to do and being a sub/humiliated out weighs his potential disgust for doing gay stuff. That’s said this seems unlikely to be 100% true, but I always find it funny how many bisexual people are in denial. I’ve seen extreme religious conservatives that say about how bad being gay is and that being gay is a choice. Is it any wonder so many of them turn out to have secret gay affairs? On the other hand I’ve also seen a well known radical feminist that has a video on YT where she says being a lesbian is a choice and she chose it, get this, for "political reasons". Saying she used to have relationships with men, but now she’s a lesbian and only has relationships with women not because she’s only attracted to women but because she think it’s making a positive political statement. Obviously in the comments you had a number of gay men and women telling her to stop acting like being gay is a choice because ***they’re*** only attracted to one sex. Point is, the more someone says being gay is a choice the more it seems to be true that they think that because THEY are at least a little bit gay and thinks everyone thinks like they do :D

  4. Congratulations on having a great experience. Please don’t forget to do something nice to your boyfriend, if only by saying that outside of your little game he will always be your #1. Also, consider inviting Sean next time for something non-sexual. But most of all: keep having fun!

  5. >It is possible he isn’t Bi at all and the level of how turned on he gets from being told what to do and being a sub/humiliated out weighs his potential disgust for doing gay stuff. If you’re not disgusted by another guy’s dick, you’re a LITTLE bi. It’s a spectrum, he’s still on the straight side, but closer to the middle than the average dude.

  6. I would love to see what the threes company. An did Sean fuck you in the ass alo

  7. more details would be awesome, can you give us more description of how you, sean, and Jason look like

  8. Sure, it is a spectrum. But you’re suggesting most everyones a little Bi. How many men watch porn with dicks in them? Rather a lot. Are they all a little Bi? The thing is if you define it that broadly then "lesbian" and "gay" really have no meaning, and I don’t see the point in that.

  9. >Are they all a little Bi? Yes >The thing is if you define it that broadly then "lesbian" and "gay" really have no meaning, and I don’t see the point in that. Yes, they clearly still have the same meaning. The spectrum doesn’t take away from that. Lots of gay ppl have dated chicks, doesn’t make them not gay. Just makes them closer to bi in the spectrum than purely gay.

  10. Actually, the disgust itself can be a *powerful* aphrodisiac for somebody who gets off on humiliation. I’m not saying the guy can’t be a bit bi, or even quite thoroughly bi. I am saying, though, that from what was described herein, you can’t be sure.

  11. My whole point is about people claiming you can choose to be gay, both radical leftist feminists and right wing evangelical fundamentalist Christian preachers. I’m saying that these are people that usually turn out to be dramtically gay or bisexual themselves, they think being gay or heterosexual is a choice because of how ***THEY*** feel. I can understand what you’re saying, but it destroys the defintion of bisexual so it’s much harder to explain this. What other word should I use? People say they are bisexual when they recognise their attraction to their own sex and the opposite sex is both strong enough. A lot of people that you’d define as bisexual by your own definition don’t feel attracted to their own sex at all. The point is if everyone is bisexual then the word is effectively useless and tells you nothing about them. But it does have a perfectly understandable definition that is meaningful, and that is how I’m using it

  12. I would love to be Jason, I really get the whole humiliation thing. And that you made him suck Sean and then clean you up!! I’m so hard now that I can’t stand it.. Great story telling and writing too. I’d love to hear more.

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