Losing my virginity, boyfriends and the wondering eyes! (Taken from my blog, confessions of a sexaholic)

Well hello again. Still getting use to this bloggin. Opened up a twitter account to share my blog. It seems to be going well and I’m getting a few views already so thank you for that.

It will be getting much raunchier once I pass the 16 mark and I will be writing about my experiences in detail so you get a full experience of how the mind of a sex addict really works.

Ok so I will go from where I left off. So, as you have already read I was very highly sex driven at a young age and by the time I was 15, I was just full of fantasies.

Some where dangerous though. I remember going to a Christmas party for work and it was the first time I had met my boss. He wasn’t anything special but the fact that it was my boss was a big turn on for me even though he was 40+ (this boss obsession carried on throughout my life which you will see in later posts). I remember he was chatting up one of the other young girls (which was a bit creepy as she was only 16) and I just looked on with jealousy. Then my fantasy mind kicked in and all I thought about for the rest of the night was him taking me up to his hotel room, tying me up in the bed and doing whatever he wanted to me. I spent the entire night staring at him after that,although he never noticed.

So, finally, I’m 16. I am now legally aloud to have sex, I have learnt how to control my frizzy hair, I was wearing make-up, my figure had become womanly (I had huge breast and a slim waist) and I was ready for the world of men. Ohhhh so ready.

Me and my friends had started clubbing at this point and I loved it. My first ever sexual experience was a bit seedy though. It consisted of a really hot older guy fingering me in a dark corner of the nightclub and to be honest, I wasn’t impressed (probably because I’d learnt to get myself off at an early age and was so much better at it).

It was in a nightclub where I met my first ever boyfriend, Adam. He was a couple of years older and looked a bit like a ruby player with broad shoulders and big arms. He had a nice smile which always attracts me to someome.

I don’t remember much about our relationship as it was so short but I do remember him telling me he loved me and was also a virgin. This was enough for me to give it a go as all my mates had already done it (peer pressure and all).

We had planned it for a few days and I was more then ready. We went to stay over at his mates house and he leant us a room to use and gave us a condom. Adam was so sweet and gentle and spent a lot of time kissing and touching me when I really just wanted his penis inside me…I’d wanted this for soooo long. He then grabbed the condom and rolled it on to his rather large and thick penis. At this point I was starting to feel a little scared as I sometimes struggled to get a tampon up me and never thought about the possibility of sex being painful. Lying there naked, he got on top of me with my legs apart and slowly started to put his penis inside my tight virgin vagina. ‘Ok, ouchhh fucking ouchh, what the fuck is this, this isn’t pleasure’. My illusions of hot sex where destroyed in seconds. He couldn’t even get fully in and within minutes had came. ‘Oh, ok so that’s it, that’s sex’. To say I was disappointed was an understatement although I couldn’t have lost my virginity to a more caring and gentle person, so I felt good about that.

A few weeks later me and Adam went to a nightclub together. I knew at this stage I didn’t love him and this was when my wondering eyes started. I was on the dancefloor when I suddenly noticed someone staring at me. He wasn’t a hot stud or anything but again, had a very cute smile. I kept making eye contact with him and I loved how he kept looking at me and I started to get turned on. Even though I was out with Adam I wanted this stranger so bad. While Adam was at the bar with some friends the stranger came over to me. “Hi, I’m Jason, I think you should leave your boyfriend and come home with me tonight” yeah so he wasn’t short of confidence, that just turned me on even more. “I can’t do that” I replied. He just smiled, grabbed my hand and spun me around. “Your breast are amazing” ok so most girls would slap a guy for a comment like that on a first meeting, but no not me, I had to have him.

He grabbed my hand and started to walk me out of the nightclub. Adam came chasing after us, “hey, that’s my girlfriend” shouted Adam as we stood at the entrance of the club. “Not no more, she’s coming home with me” replied Jason. I could see the sadness in Adams eyes as I didn’t resist Jasons hand and him guiding me out. The first of many casualties I left broken hearted. Looking back I’ve realised I was a heartless bitch and let my virgina rule my brain without thinking of the consequences but karma is a bitch and I was due some arse kicking later in life.

I hope you enjoyed the second part of my blog. Please feel free to comment or email me at: sexaholicconfessionsmdp@gmail.com also follow me on twitter @sexaddictmdp I might write the next part tonight if I can’t sleep.

For your information, still to come in my journey: My first love, sex gets dirtier, cheating, promiscuous years, threesomes, lesbian encounters, bondage and much much more…

This is only the beginning…

Yours sincerely, The Sex Addict

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/3s3l0m/losing_my_virginity_boyfriends_and_the_wondering


  1. The stories are getting better but the grammar is atrocious- aloud-no; Allowed-yes when you refer to more than one boob, its breasts

  2. Ahhh man :( I do apologise for the grammer. It’s always been bad as I’m dyslexic. So sorry!

  3. I wouldn’t worry about apologizing to him. I’ve spent enough time in the UK to recognize the dialect. I just take it as writing as you speak.

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