HJ in the movie theater

When I was 18, I went to the movies with my bf at the time. I've given a lot of hjs before and most have been in movie theater. This was a close call with being caught, which was both one of the most scariest and exciting times all at once.

My bf and I went to see a movie in the winter time. We got there during the previews and saw that the whole back row was empty. We headed up to the back so we could fool around and not be noticed or anything. He and I got to the back and went directly in the middle of the row. We took off our jackets and he put the arm rest up between us. When we sat down, I leaned on him and he put his jacket over his lap. My jacket I put over me as a blanket. We waited until the movie started before we did anything. Once the movie started, we started making out. I reached my hand under his jacket and into his pants. We stopped kissing so I could be more comfortable. I softly grabbed his dick and started to squeeze it and jerk it slowly. This is about 5 to 10 minutes into the movie, now he is fully hard. Here is when it gets scary/exciting… With my hand down his pants (hidden of course), a group of 4 comes in and sits down one seat away from him. We smile at them as they sit, but I'm thinking, "how do I get my hand out of his pants without making it obvious it was in there?". I whispered to my bf asking him how I can take my hand out, but he said not to. I jerked him slowly and looked down to see if it was visible. Thankfully, I don't think it was. I slowly jerked him for awhile, but he told me he wasn't going to be able to cum unless I went a little faster. I tried going a little bit faster, but it started making some noise. I immediately stopped as soon as I heard the noise, I looked over and saw the closest person to my bf kinda looking over. I whispered to my bf that it made too much noise, so I continued jerking him slowly. I tried squeezing it and playing with his balls, but he still wasn't gonna be able to cum. As a funny scene was happening and the audience was laughing, I took the opportunity to jerk him off faster. The sound of his jacket moving around was overshadowed by the laughter. I jerked him really fast as he started breathing heavy. He whispered, "don't stop, I'm gonna cum if you keep going". I kept going, even though the laughter was starting to die down. I quickly started sucking on his neck, which put him over the edge. With a stiffled grunt from him, I felt his dick cumming. I slowed down because he got really sensitive after he would cum. Even with slowing down, he made an audible "ahh" sound, so I immediately stopped. I glanced over at the group sitting close to us and I'm pretty sure at least two of the people were looking at us, but I didn't get a good look. I was so scared that they were going to go tell an employee or say something to us, but they didn't. I kept my hand in my bf's pants for the rest of the movie so it wouldn't be suspicious. Once the credits started to roll, we both got up. I was able to take my hand out of his pants as he was standing up and he kept his jacket in his hands to cover up the big cum spot on his pants. I held my jacket with one hand and tried as best as I could to hide my hand that was covered in cum. We went to the bathroom and I cleaned off my hand.

As we left, I kept looking around to see if anyone was going to come up to us and say something, but thankfully, no one did. It was exciting though to think about jerking my bf off so close to someone else.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/3rz880/hj_in_the_movie_theater


  1. what the fuck… my 1st HJ in a movie theater was from a Laura. I starting to think i wasnt that special

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