A short scene and a writing challenge

Hi everyone. I enjoy reading erotic fiction and wanted to try writing it, but I don't feel confident writing sex scenes because of my lack of practical experience in that area. That lead to my idea for a writing challenge which I now put to anyone who wants to take it up: write the hottest scene you can without involving the most often sexualised body parts – no boobs, no butts and no genitals. If you do take up the challenge please feel free to post the results in the comments.

I've also written my own scene which follows. It's written entirely from the perspective of the male character as i have trouble getting into female characters' heads, so if anyone would like to take a shot at writing the same scene from the woman's perspective I'd be fascinated to read that too.

So without further ado, here is my attempt at the challenge. Hope you enjoy it.

The Kiss

Standing in a darkened room with friends. Everyone’s facing the same direction, watching a screen. Someone’s slideshow of their holidays. I don’t know where they went. Don’t care, really.

Because I’m standing at the back of the room.

Next to her.

I slip behind her and wrap my arms around her waist. We don’t attract any attention because the others are focused on the front of the room. The smell of her perfume mixed with the scent of that shampoo she uses fills my nose. Her smell, reminding me of all the other times I’ve held her close.

She smells like home.

I shuffle closer, a little awkwardly so as not to shift her off balance. My feet are placed on the outside of her own so that I can feel her against me from my chest to my stomach and thighs all the way down to the floor. I can feel the heat of her body even through the jumper she wears. I can feel her chest shrink and expand in time with her breathing and my heart beats a little faster against her as she lazily wraps her arms over mine, one of her hands distractedly drawing little patterns on the backs of my fingers.

I tilt my head forward slightly, to whisper in her ear too soft for the others to hear it.

“I love you” 

Without waiting for her response I drop my mouth to her neck, just below her ear, placing a soft, light kiss, then breathing on it a little, knowing how it makes her tingle there. As I continue down, silently planting gentle kisses from her ear to her collarbone she squeezes my arm with one hand, encouraging me to hold her closer, more tightly, while the other snakes its way upwards and back, dragging her fingertips through my hair and raising goosebumps on the back of my neck.

As I reach the bottom of my path in that special place where her shoulder meets her neck I gently scrape my teeth across her smooth, delicate skin and she presses herself back into me, seeking my support as her knees start to weaken. As I start moving back upwards, covering her with a second pattern of soft kisses she inclines her head towards me slightly and I’m so close I can hear the tiny squeaks and gasps that just manage to escape her lips as she tries to stay quiet and not alert the others to what I’m doing to her, how I’m making her feel.

Nobody turns around.

Her grip on my arm and head loosens, signalling me to give her a little space and she turns around in my arms. Now facing me, she cups my head in her hands and kisses me. Softly, quietly, our lips brush over each other. Her lips are so soft. No matter how many times we do this I still can’t believe anything real could be so soft, so inviting. Her lips start to open a little so I pull back a bit, just enough to break the kiss.

Not yet my love.

My arms are still around her waist. It’s smaller than mine but it’s soft too. I love how soft she is, every part of her is smooth and warm and yielding. I slowly move one of my hands, tracing a line up along the length of her spine to tangle my fingers in her hair, gripping it tightly so that I can guide her by the movements of my hand. With her accepting my control, I move in to kiss her again, this time stopping just millimetres from her waiting mouth. I pause, letting her feel my breath on her eager lips, making them tingle with anticipation. I grin inwardly to myself, knowing how this drives her crazy.

I begin to move again, back and forwards, side to side, mimicking the motions of a long, passionate kiss, but always staying just slightly out of reach. I get a little too close and our lips lightly brush for a fraction of a second and she shivers, like a spark passed between us in that moment of contact. As I draw out my teasing for several long minutes, now and again our lips touch for a moment, almost imperceptibly, and she barely chokes back a sigh of frustration each time the moment ends

I feel an surging need to kiss her, to feel her, and I slide past her mouth, capturing her earlobe between my lips. It’s too sensitive for teeth I know, so I just tug at it gently before moving down the arch of her neck, planting kisses as I go. I scrape my teeth along her flesh gently, being careful not to mark her smooth, pale skin with bites and the sound of her breathing begins to quicken. I move along her collar bone and back up the other side, still gripping her hair.

A little longer dearest.

I take a moment to admire her face. Her mouth hangs slightly open and her lips are dark and glistening with the moisture of our kiss. Her breaths are becoming ever more ragged. Her cheeks are flushed and as I detect the heat radiating from them onto my own face inches from hers I wonder how they must feel to her, how much they burn.

I’m very slightly disappointed to see her eyes are closed. She has such beautiful eyes. They’re like dark and endless corridors that I could get lost in forever. They’re like windows to her soul, revealing its beauty and complexity in the exquisite detail or her irises. She can tell me more about herself with a single look than she ever thought she could share with another person. And sometimes, just sometimes, those eyes look up at me through her eyelashes with such adoration that they make me feel like I really am the man she sees me as.

I move towards her and the tips of our noses touch. She’s shaking now in my arms. I move up and plant a single kiss as delicately as I can manage on each of her eyelids before moving back to tease her lips for a few more agonising moments…


I release my hold of her hair and she rushes forward, passion overtaking her. She presses into me hard, crushing my lips against hers in her hunger and desperation. I worry for a moment if she’ll bruise such a delicate part of her until my head starts to spin and I’m also lost in this kiss. My hand on her waist squeezes the small of her back tighter into me while the other dances over her skin. As she pulls me close, digging her nails into my shoulders, her lips finally part fully and her tongue seeks out mine as we kiss deeply, intimately. Sound stops. Time stops. The others around us disappear, forgotten. The room drops away. The whole world shrinks down to this tiny space within each other’s arms, and there is only us, locked in this embrace.

Sharing this perfect moment, together.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/3rgz4v/a_short_scene_and_a_writing_challenge


  1. I don’t know…you wrote something, and it was awesome. Pretty sure that makes you a writer!

  2. That was lovely! And this is a good month to take writing risks, it being National Novel Writing Month. So good on you for trying new things! And, as far as practical experience goes, it’s nice to have, but there’s little you can’t accomplish with a little research and imagination. Hope you keep going!

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