The man I’ll never have returns…

I got bold and changed my look last weekend. I cut my hair short, learned how to apply that thick cat-eye liner and bold lipstick. I decided to wear something attention-catching for Monday morning. I knew you’d be here; you’re always here. I chose a respectable-enough dress, tight to get attention while not revealing too much skin, and my best pair of black leather heels. I came in before you and got settled in my office, appearing to be busy at work as you walked through the door. I was merely busy thinking of your reaction. I waited patiently in my office for you to come around.

I said hello to my boss, and hi to everyone else who walked by my open door, but you didn’t come by. I had to get my real work started, so I went to find my boss and chat about what she needed for the meeting. On my way back to the room to deliver her reports, you were exiting and saw me in the hallway. I saw your glance start at my high-heeled feet and stop dead. You kept your eyes to the floor and practically burned a hole in the carpet as we passed. “Hey…” you said quietly as you pressed close to the opposite wall. “Hi,” I said with a smirk on my face.

I never grin or smirk if anyone might see me. For all they know, I’m a quiet woman without self-confidence in my looks. I dress up on occasion and people take notice, but I always smile shyly and blush at their compliments. When I don’t know how to react, I tell them the brand of the item they’re admiring, or where I found it. But, when it’s from the right person, my body starts to burn from within from the compliment. And you, my dear, are just the right person.

I walk all around the office, collecting my boss’ papers for her – your wife. She smiles and thanks me. This time, as I’m leaving the conference room, you’re already seated. I look to make eye contact and smile politely, but again your gaze is fixed on the floor. This time, as I clear the last row of eyes that might see me, I grin widely. If you didn’t think you’d like what you might see, you’d never try so hard to avert your eyes. I felt powerful – a mild Medusa, capable of turning at least something of yours to stone. I changed my shy, shuffling, head down walk to a proud strut with my chin held high. My goal was met.

I settled back into work and received a glowing compliment from a female manager who is usually rather crass, and made small talk. As soon as the meeting began, I closed the door to my office and slid into my chair. There were still too many people in the office to feel safe enough for a release, so I resorted to gently stroking my fingers over my panties. I wore the cute little fishnet boy shorts I like so much, so my nails skipped and jumped along the fabric as they caught in the tiny holes. It was a thrilling feeling and I let my fingers graze back and forth from my clit to the back of my slit and closed my eyes as my breath started to come fast.

I grinned a few moments later as I pulled my hand back and fixed my clothing so I could get back to work. My panties are already wet thinking of you, and that will have to be rectified… soon.
