Update – [FM] I fucked my friend for his store discount

Original story: https://reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/8y1bd4/fm_i_fucked_my_friend_for_his_store_discount/

Please read the original post otherwise this post won’t make much sense. It isn’t very long. But if you need the TLDR version: When I graduated college, my old FWB and I had an arrangement where he’d get me discounted merchandise from the Nordstroms he worked at in exchange for sex. It started off as a playful, bored friends having sex type of thing but turned into an explicit financial exchange. He had his wedding this weekend and I asked at the end of my post if I should wear some of the stuff he got me.

So the wedding was Saturday. I did wear the shoes and necklace to it. Naturally I didn’t see much of him given how busy grooms are on their wedding days. But late at the reception we did run into each other as I was coming back from the bathroom and he was heading there.

I told him he looked good, congrats, etc. Then I asked him if he liked my shoes and necklace. I don’t think he got it at first. He gave me a generic you look great. But as we were about to go our separate ways, the light bulb went off.

He asked, “Are those the ones I … ummm … ?”

I smirked and said, “Yes they are.”

He smirked back and said, “You’re so bad.”

As I turned to leave, he gave me a little smack on my ass. I scolded him saying, “Behave. You’re a married man now.” And that was it.

I knew nothing else was going to happen. I have a boyfriend and he is now married. But that night when my boyfriend and I had sex, I kept on my shoes and necklace. It made me feel super hot and dirty. I let him cum on my chest so my old pearl necklace got sprayed with his new one.

He commented afterwards about how hot it was that I kept my shoes on (he has a foot/high heel thing) and how passionate I was. He does not know about the old arrangement.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/934osk/update_fm_i_fucked_my_friend_for_his_store


  1. I’m a bot, *bleep*, *bloop*. Someone has linked to this thread from another place on reddit:

    – [/r/sluttyconfessions] [Update – [FM] I fucked my friend for his store discount](https://www.reddit.com/r/SluttyConfessions/comments/934ozn/update_fm_i_fucked_my_friend_for_his_store/)

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  2. Thanks for the update. I loved the original story. My GF blew her married boss once at the Friendlys restaurant where she worked. He was asst. manager, she was an hourly employee and got a 25cent/hour raise for that blowjob. I love all the slutty stuff she tells me about

  3. Yep, thanks for following up with that. Short, but satisfying.

  4. Thanks for the update!! I bet he fucked his new wife extra hard over the thought of your shoes and necklace!!

  5. Sorry. Lol I think I got focused on you wearing the heals in bed…which is so hot

  6. That arrangement sounds really hot. I’ve got some questions if you’re willing to answer, I’m very intrigued. How did it progress into that? Did you or him come up with and suggest the idea? And how did the transaction happen, did you just come over to his place whenever you wanted to buy discounted clothes and fuck him and then take the clothes with you on the way out?

  7. Personally I would have traded sex for steaks from Outback Steakhouse and discounts on paper supplies, but I’m not one to judge. Rock on!

  8. If only we had a photo of the shoes and necklace, to properly evaluate their impact!

  9. You can fuck anyone for money, and then money buys your everything. If you don’t have a problem with that is ok, but that makes you a prostitute.

    What you did is same as prostitution, fuck for goods .

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