Two Orgasms

I'm 21. I'm with my girlfriend in her room. First we're kissing, rolling around on her bed, then it gets heavier. I fish around in my pockets for a condom and realize that I left it back home. I tell her that I forgot a condom and she teases me for being forgetful. I tell her don't worry, I'll make her happy. I remove her shirt and bra and kiss her down her tits and stomach and at some point when I'm planting a kiss on her belly I decide that this time I will have to take her all the way just with my tongue. So I unbuckle her colorful belt and unzip her jeans, pull them down with her panties and dive in there. After licking and fingering her for not that long I come up for air and to kiss her and she nudges me back down and says "I haven't cum yet." I tell her okay and go down for as long as it takes. She moans and gyrates her hips and runs her fingers through my hair and on to my neck and I start to get a stiff jaw and feel stray pubes mixing with my saliva and at one point I pull back to swallow some vaginal fluids and pubic hairs, which I think is hot. Finally, after going at it for a while, she sort of slides backwards on the bed and folds her legs over my head. I keep swirling my fingers around inside her for a bit, but she signals that I can stop. So I do.

Years later. I'm having sex with a woman in my friend's apartment (don't judge; he didn't) on his couch and I'm moving slowly in and out of her and listening as her moaning increases in volume and enjoyment even though I haven't started going faster or anything. I decide to make it sexier and I whisper, "Do you like it rough?" She says, "Yes, I love it rough," and I say, "I'm going to fuck you harder." So I do just that. And it defintely brings me closer to orgasm though I'm not sure if she likes it as much as the slow sex. Still, she seems in to it and clutches my back. At one point, since I'm about to cum, I ask her for some reason if she's going to cum. She's moaning and says, "I am" (moan) "cumming…" and lifts both her legs further in to the air. I cum and she cums and we lie there for bit, recuperating.

Those of you who would prefer to enjoy this story just as is, thanks for reading. You can stop here.

For others, particularly the women here, I have a question; do you think either girl was faking? I ask not out of paranoia or insecurity, because I'm quite sure I gave both these women a good time (the latter texted me after leaving thanking me for an amazing night), but like all men I am curious about the intricacies of the female orgasm. Would these women possibly have been faking to make sure I felt good? Pretend they like rough sex when they don't? Almost cum but not quite and still called it a day? Just trying to delve a little deeper in to the female psyche.


1 comment

  1. If you are really looking for advice, check over in r/sex. Don’t be so insecure, though. All women are different and while some may fake an orgasm, others may just communicate that they are ready to be done. You won’t know without asking. p.s. "delve a little deeper in to the female psyche" sounds weird and creepy.

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