[MF] first time having sex in four years, pretty long…

I lost my viriginity when I was 14, had sex the first few months when I was 15, and didnt have sex again until I was a freshman in college. Ages 15-18 involved a lot of world of Warcraft and depression.

Fast forward to freshman year of college, it’s the beginning of second semester. I lived in a suite, which is 2 dorms connected together by a bathroom.

Some background on myself. I went to school at a big state univeristy in New England. The amount of attractive girls was absurd. Honestly unbelievable. I quickly realized I had no shot. My style was terrible, I had a bad haircut, I played too much videogames, I didn’t work out… I was 125 lbs at 6ft2 when I entered. Luckily I made some “bro” friends and they quickly helped me out.

Second semester at the time of this party I had just hit 150 lbs (still wicked skinny…) and was looking extremely fit. I had so much free time to eat five times a day and lift as much as possible. I was finally feeling myself and girls were starting to come on to me in a big way.

It’s February and we’re having a dorm party, and it’s pretty lively. Nothing too crazy, probably around 15 people. My friend, let’s call him Will, invited over his friend Emily and she brought her roommate, Bri.

Will had dibs on Emily. He told me Bri was itching for a fun night though.

Bri was FINE. She was about 5’10 and very skinny with about a D cup. She had a tiny little plump butt and a really defined face. Black hair, green eyes, and she had a very vibrant rosy-redness to her cheeks. She gave off a pretty cold bitch vibe, which I was totally into.

She was laying back on my suitemates bed, pillows against the wall, sitting on it with her legs off the edge. I went over and laid next to her and just started talking to her normally. Nothing crazy, introduced myself, talked about some stuff. The alcohol was flowing, I made her laugh, and just went in and put a couple of my fingers ontop of hers. She turned her head towards me, smiled and then tightened her grip around my hand.

At this point in my life, I had gained my virginity back. I was a 19 year old that hadn’t had sex since I was 15 and had only had sex about 5 times at that age.

I immediately felt myself get hard when I was laying next to her. I was wearing jeans so any bulge wasn’t noticable unless I stood up and walked around. Luckily it was dark with a blacklight and LED lights. I was already hard as a rock so I took a moment to look over her body
She was wearing a tiny black dress, her cleavage was pretty tucked away but was revealing enough to show how stacked she really was. Her frame was so skinny that her boobs basically made up her entire chest. She was really pale and I still remember how she basically glowed that night under the blacklight.

Eventually we started playing some beer pong, and the party started to clear out around 12:30. I went to the bathroom and came out and immediately noticed Bri, Emily, and John were all gone.

I looked over to my roommates who were both balls deep into a Chel15 game and frantically asked “where the fuck did Bri go?”

‘”she just left like 30 seconds ago, sorry man didn’t think she was ditching you”

I looked at my buddy, and just said “I gotta go”

I was hammered and the instincts that came over all my previous fathers came onto me that night. I ran down the four flights of stairs and caught them just as they were leaving the dorm.

All I said was “I think you could use a walk home”

She smiled and said “yeah, okay”

John was with Emily. Her dorm was only a 2 minute walk from mine. John lived in the dorm next to Emily and they both broke off and went to his place.

I took her hand at this point and we both walked to her dorm. We didn’t say anything, but I just knew we were going to ravage each other.

We didn’t even talk about going to her room. She just pulled me along and didnt let go of my hand. My cock was throbbing with every step up the stairs. My thoughts weren’t thoughts. It was a drunk blur of excitement.


We get in her room and we immediately embraced. She was so skilled at kissing that every time she withdrew I felt my cock pulsate and throb. I started kissing her neck and at the same time laid her down on her bed. I’m on top of her feeling her cleavage against my chest. She’s rubbing my cock outside of my pants and is feeling up my chest and rubbing her hands up my back. I take off my shirt and she takes off her dress and bra to reveal her breasts. It was beautiful. She had bright pink nipples that matched the redness that had started to accrue on her forehead and cheeks. I started to suck her nipples and gently bite them. She gasped and moaned and hitched her hips into mine. I kissed down her stomach and started to kiss her lower abs.

She looked at me and said “do you have a condom? I don’t”

In my drunkem idiocracy I had forgotten a condom. I literally ran out of my dorm room without anything. I didn’t even have my cell phone or room key.

“Fuck. I don’t. Hangon, I’ll be right back. I’ll only be a minute, my friend Steve lives down the hall”

I’m still hammered at this point, but pretty coherent. I run down the hall shirtless and knock on his door. No answer.

I open the door and Steve’s dead asleep. His roommate wasn’t there.

I smack his arm “Steve! Steve! I need a fucking condom! Pleaaase dude Im dying here”

His eyes are still closed, half asleep “Top drawer”

I grab the entire box and sprint back down the hallway. A group of girls leaving a dorm room all caught me, and I just smiled and waved.

Now I’m back next to Bri, and leaned in and gently kissed her forehead. She smiled at me and I was immediately hard again.

I open up a condom and try to get one on. It didn’t work out. They were the blue Trojan kind and were too small. I remember her looking at my dick with the condom half on, throttling it, and just let out “holy shit, that looks painful, take it off”

I took it off and looked at her and said “do you still want to? Im clean and all”

Without thinking she answered “yes” and kissed me. Except she went for my neck and bit me, hard. I let out a gasp of pain and she said “was that too hard?”

“No,” I breathed back. I positioned myself on top of her and she slid her panties off. She angled herself up onto me and I started to feel her heat and wetness wrap around my cock. I started to slowly move my body up and down hers. Meanwhile she’s kissing and biting my neck. I start going at a faster pace and she starts to moan and grab my ass, helping me push into her. After I got accustomed to her, I made sure to apply friction against her clit and started to thrust up and down at a constant rythym. After a bit she gasped “I’m cumming” as I’m thrusting into her. I kept up the pace and then slowed down as her felt her orgasm diminish.

She kissed me on the lips and said “let me get on top”

I had never had a girl on top before, and wanted to cum with her on top.

She positioned herself on top of me and angled my cock into her. I positioned my self upright at first with myself fully engulfed in her. I kissed her and put one of her nipples in my mouth. She started to move back forth in a grinding motion, which I helped by grabbing her firm little ass and pushing her to her own rythym. I kept up the pace and she started to breath heavy and moan. I knew she was going to orgasm again, so I sped up her grinding and leaned myself back. She gasped “ohfuck” and I felt her orgasm again.

Now she slowed down and bit my neck again. We stopped any type of motion for a minute or so and just kissed and smiled at each other.

Rather abruptly, I put my hand on the back of her head and pushed her upper torso on top of mine. I adjusted my lower body so that I could get more of a thrusting motion. At this point was when I realized how wet she had made myself and the bed. When I adjusted and slid myself down an inch or so I immediately came into contact with a wet stain on the bed. I was blown away. We weren’t having a one night stand, this was just pure lust and love making.

I smiled and kissed her, and told her I was ready to come in a couple minutes.

She smiled and said “you can cum in me”

I started to thrust into her and put my hands on her back. Her mouth was attached to my neck, sucking on it and moaning in my ear. Within a minute I was about to cum. I picked up the pace and said “Bri, I’m coming” and started to thrust into her, harder than before. She started to bite my neck hard right as I came.

I honestly hadn’t jerked off in about a week prior to this due to roommates. It was just the most powerful orgasm I’ve ever had. I’ve had the biggest creampie fetish ever since my experience with Bri. The morning after the stain on her bed was easily a 2.5×2.5ft area and soaked into the college mattress through her bed pad.

The morning after we went for breakfast and then hooked up twice.

I went back to my dorm that morning. All of my roommates were gone, so I was able to shower. I noticed in the mirror that my entire neck was bruised. Like legit five thick blue spots all over. “Fuck.”

Obviously my roommate knew about my dry spell and were always trying to help me out. I knew they were probably at the dining hall so I decided to grab my gym bag and head over for an early lunch and hopefully meet them there.

I get in line for an omelette and I see all four of them sitting across the room. They looked at me, saw my neck, and started howling

One friend said “Eyy there he is!! Long night there bud??”

They all yelled their own exclamation across the room and started clapping and whistling. Literally the fifteen people in line all turned their heads, looked at me, put it together, and started laughing.

Sounds surreal to be honest. Honestly, I wish I could go back to college. It truly is the greatest time to make constant memories.

We hooked up constantly for the next four months and she told me to cum in her every single time. Sadly she transferred schools the next year without ever telling anyone. She was just like that. I just recently graduated and haven’t talked to her since, but she still looks at my snap stories and lives about an hour away. I’ve thought about reaching out for drinks one night, but i don’t know. I just graduated and that was 3 years ago… We barely knew each other besides the sex.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/92y5p8/mf_first_time_having_sex_in_four_years_pretty_long


  1. >balls deep into a Chel15 game

    You New England people are just like us Canadians lol, that was funny.

    I also had a middle to late teens long and harsh dry spell that ended in uni after gaining weight so I can relate. Also 6’2.

    From summer 2013 to fall 2015 without sex, was starting to go crazy and legit forgot how sex felt like.

    Stories like these make me wish I lived on campus during my ongoing degree damn.

    Btw shoot her a text, nothing to lose? Great story!

  2. My first college gf gave me a love for creampies and bareback sex too ungh. Great story!

    Ditto the other comment … reach out to her. She clearly is still interested in your life. Nothing to lose, possibly passionate raw sex in your future.

    PS as someone who lived in Boston during the Rondo-Jesus-PP-KG era, I’m loving your username

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