Having a girl for a best friend/wingman is probably the best thing ever. ESPECIALLY when she constantly hooks you up with her friends. This is a tale of one such instance.
One weekend, I had to paint one of the rooms in my place so enlisted the help of my best friend Amanda as she loves doing that stuff for whatever reason. She calls me up earlier that day.. "Hey bro, do you mind if I bring my friend Lola to help? I forgot we were supposed to hang out and she's down to paint." "Sure!" I said. One more person to get it done quicker, plus my curiosity was piqued. I put on my painting clothes and started organizing.
They showed up in the evening, Amanda with a bunch of alcohol in tow walks through the door. "This is how you make painting fun!" She says. In walks Lola behind her. She stands about 5'2, very long brunette hair about half way down her back, a very slim figure probably just pushing 100lbs. She seems to have a very shy demeanour, almost blushing as Amanda introduces her.. Something about her light blue eyes though… Just something about them..
Anyways, we get to painting and the usual jackassery ensues, wiping paint on each other.. After a few drinks Lola states that my pants are too clean. She dips her hand in paint and slaps my ass keeping her hand on it to get a nice firm grip and give it a squeeze. "That's better!" She gives me a sultry wink and admires her handy work. Damn! The eyes don't lie… I have a feeling this little meek girl has a closet freak in there. I sure wanted to find out! Not much more happened that night except some flirting.. As thy had been drinking, they spent the night.
I was having some people over the following weekend which was a pretty common occurrence and Amanda asked if she could invite Lola. Apparently she wouldn't shut up about me the entire way home the next day.
Party night came and it was a good time as always. During the night we were flirting pretty heavy. We were standing in the hall And someone was passing, instead of parting and letting them pass between, she stepped forward and pressed herself against me, nuzzled into my neck and gave it a quick nibble before she went back to learning on the other wall.
People stared to head to bed and/or pass out wherever. I decided I was tired and had a bit to drink and I wanted to lay down. I stated I was headed to bed. She could crash with Amanda in the spare room if she wanted or she was more than welcome in my bed. She grabbed my hand and led me to my room. Once inside, she turned into a cock hungry little vixen. She pushed me down onto my bed while slamming the door behind her, took off her shirt, undid her bra and let it fall exposing her tiny a cup tits who were perfectly proportioned and very cute. She got down on her knees and instructed me to undo my pants.
My belt seemed like a rubix cube as I couldn't get it happening fast enough due to my sheer excitement. I got them undone and pulled them right off along with my boxers. She knelt there with a huge grin, assessing and seeming VERY pleased with her prize. She let out something I can only describe as a squeak of excitement. After her admiration she decided her next move. She grabbed the base of my dick in one hand and started jerking it with her other. Bringing her hand to her mouth to enthusiastically spit on it and return to jerking. She then took it in her mouth.. Forcing herself down on it, gagging and causing tears to well up in her eyes. Heaven. I guess I was tensing up because she took it out of her mouth, looked up at me and asked "You like that, don't you?" And went right back to it..
Thank the heavens that I had some alcohol in me and could tell I was quite a ways away from cumming even thought this was amazing. She motioned I reposition onto the bed lengthwise and then made her way up. She pulled down her leggings and panties to reveal a freshly shaved pussy that was dripping. She stood over me with one foot on either side and began to squat down. She placed her lips just on the tip on my dick and lingered for a second. She took a deep breath and started to lower herself down. Being that she was a tiny girl I could tell she was having a hard time.. She was lowering slowly and as soon as she got past the head she let out a very intense moan..
She bobbed up and down slowly paying a sexy game of just the tip until she was relaxed enough (or her legs gave out) than the just planted the entire thing into her. She let out a LOUD scream of pleasure. "Oh my god. I cum really easy when I drink." She said as she went about 10 hard thrusts onto my cock before she dug her nails into my chest breaking the skin, letting out a yell "Fuuuuuuck" as she lifted herself off of my dick.. Everything felt warm… I heard water pouring. What the fuck was that?! I looked down and it was like someone had dumped a bucket out of her… Like the faucet from the bath.. Holy. Shit.
She immediately collapses onto her ass and leans forward to suck on my dick. I was MORE than ready to cum at this point.. There was no way I was cumming in her mouth leaving a nice easy cleanup after what she did. I grabbed her by her hair, pulled her to her back, knelt beside her and proceeded to unload a good 5-6 ropes of hot cum over her face. She was seriously surprised for a second until she felt the cum hit her face. She smiled and as she patted her lips, her tongue came out to procure some of the cum to taste. "Mmmm."
I was then left with a soaked bed and bedding. I put some boxers on, gathered it up to bring it to the washer downstairs.. Upon exiting my room, expecting to sneak down amidst a bunch of passed out guests, a round of applause burst out with some cheering. Hahaha. Oops. I guess we were rather loud and it turned into a walk of shame with me walking along, sweaty, in my gitch holding all of my soaked bedding.
She may appear in a later story. ;)
Nice! Let’s hear more of her!
Hot, squirting like that, how did you not just cum right in her then!
It was the first time that’s ever happened to me so I was rather taken aback and in sick a little. Plus, condom helps dull the senses haha.