[MF] R4R Success story

I’ve read and enjoyed many gonewildstories and various other sexy stories without ever fully appreciating the amount of effort it takes to create them. The time involved is an order of magnitude greater than I would have ever expected, so thank you to all the other Redditors out there giving up their time so I can have a constant feed of high quality smut to read.

This ended up about a hundred times longer than I had anticipated so I broke the text into Act 1 (the logistics of us actually meeting), Step 2 (our non-sexual interactions), and the Prologue (our sexy time together).

Act 1:

A while back I responded to an OhioR4R F4M post in a city I was going to be traveling through. The kik exchange moved very quickly from my initial ‘Hey I saw your Reddit post’ to her ‘Hey, we should meet up sometime’. And by very quick I mean that was her very first message to me. Hmmm. Not a full on red flag at this point, but certainty edging into the yellow. There were several messages back and forth trying to work out how, when, and where without much progress. By this time I was fairly well convinced she was either a prostitute or a dude planning to kill me, neither of which was something I really wanted to tangle with. So, while I was still interested in the offer she put out there, I was becoming more reluctant to follow though with it. The night before I was planning to be in town I booked a hotel near the airport, because she said she was near there and just in case things worked out it would be convenient. Some more messages were passed…we had planned to meet at 8:00 but couldn’t nail down a location we were both comfortable with. Then, a couple hours before the 8:00 mark, she sent me ‘I’ll be all alone tonight if you just want to come by my place tonight’. Yep, suspicions confirmed; this is a dude waiting to murder me. No doubt about it. I really thought about dropping it right there but my curiosity got the better of me and, since everything up to that point had been anonymous, I really had nothing to lose. I messaged back saying I wasn’t comfortable with that and proposed some alternates, then another round of back and forth messaging eventually petered out to silence by the time we were scheduled to meet. The content of the messages within that time had backed the needle out of DANGER!!! end of the scale and into the Cautious-but-Slightly-Hopeful range so at about 10 after I sent a final message saying I got the vibe she was done with the conversation. About 5 minutes later I got a one word answer: ‘Sorry’. Well shoot. While not wholly unexpected it was still a huge disappointment, so with a heavy sigh I settled in for a night of paperwork I had been putting off. But then, like the shining beacon of light in every dramatic ‘all hope is lost’ scene in every cheesy Hollywood movie made in the last 10 years, another message. Car trouble. The steady decline in massages was car trouble, not waning interest or my insistence on safe meeting places complicating his plan to murder me. Interesting…but I’m still not going to her house. She suggests I pick her up at the convenience store near her house. Hmmm…it’s still light out…there will be people there…almost 100% chance of cameras…OK, I’m game. But now I’m in a real pickle. Since I wasn’t actually expecting to meet her I have no condoms, no lube, haven’t showered, and we still haven’t discussed any rules or boundaries. The best I could do was swing by the gas station next to the hotel and grab a box of condoms on my way to pick her up. I’ll have to figure the rest out later. While I was driving she sent the first picture of herself to me. I suppose she did that because she would rather be rejected by a nameless, faceless kik message than in person since the message following the picture was ‘Still interested?’. The lighting was all wrong, the angle was bad, and she wasn’t smiling, but despite all that she looked pretty darn cute. Of course I’m still interested.

Step 2:

I got to the store ahead of her and watched her walk up from about half a block away, trying not to be too obvious about it. Not just a cute face but a delightfully full figure. Not full as in the polite way of saying heavy, though like me she did have a little extra weight for her frame, but full as in curvy in all the places that would catch a mans eye. It was right around here that I knew I was in trouble. Intense this-is-too-good-to-be-true suspicion aside I knew I was going to have to talk with this woman. Since she still hadn’t seen a picture of me she walked in without anything more that a cursory glance so I had to follow her in. I caught up with her at the ATM and when she turned to look at me she flashed this adorable smile and said “I thought that might be you”. Shit. Prostitute, serial killer, it didn’t matter any more. That smile was inescapable and I was smitten. I really didn’t want to hang around her while she was doing the ATM thing so I excused myself and waited for her in my car. When she came out a couple minutes later she hopped in beside me with zero hesitation, which i noted and tallied in the this-is-trouble column. After confirming that she was comfortable going to the bar at the hotel with me we were on our way. When we got back to the hotel we ordered some drinks at the bar and chit-chatted with the bartender and another guest for a few minutes. I had intended to sit in the bar with her for awhile so I could collect my wits and come up with a plan for how this was going to go but the layout and library-like atmosphere meant EVERYONE would hear EXACTLY what we were up to. Well, I guess we’re skipping the lets-see-if-we’re-at-all-compatible stage and going straight to the would-you-like-to-come-up-to-my-room stage. Again, zero hesitation. I doubt even 100 words have passed between us at this point. I’ve never before encountered a woman so comfortable following a complete stranger to his room so in my mind this girl is definitely a prostitute. When we get to my room she sits on the edge of the bed sipping her drink and I settle into the office chair a couple feet away. We make small talk for several minutes while I’m desparately trying to figure out how to politely lead into the ‘So…you need a little help with your rent this month?’ conversation. I give up and just go with “So what’s in this for you?”. Yeah, I know. Pretty smooth. She handled it well, explaing her husband is gone a lot and she just wants someone to masturbate with and have some naughty fun together. However, she was very clear that she didn’t want to cheat on her husband, so no touching, just both of us geting off watching and being watched. Now, this isn’t quite a fetish level fantasy for me, but I have masturbated while imagining this exact scenario more times than I care to admit, and this woman has just put that offer on the table and is intently judging my reaction. If this evening continues it’s current course it’ll easily be my most exciting sexual encounter since highschool. How do i choose to communicate how excited I am to have found someone sharing my exact kink, and that I understand and respect her boundaries? “OK, that sounds good”. Real smooth. But then I compound the retardery because at this point I remember I need to take a quick shower first, which I explain to her, and my brain immediately connects that fact to the fact that I made her walk several blocks to the store and she may want to rinse off too, so I tell her she’s welcome to join me if she’d like. SHE GAVE ME ONE FUCKING RULE! ONE! Even as it was coming out of my mouth I realized my mistake. Again, she handled it very well. Maybe there was an unmistakable look of realization on my face, maybe she just knows guys brains disconnect when sex is involved…whichever the case she gave me a tiny smirk of a smile and declined, citing the close quarters that would put us in and the aforementioned one and only rule, instead opting to have a quick smoke while I showered. So she let herself out, I gave myself a quick wash and dressed in some super sexy blue flannel pants and an equally blue long sleeve pajama t-shirt. It was either that or stay naked, which felt way too aggressive for her fantasy and really not my style at all anyway, so I went with the all blue and sat on the bed waiting for her.


When she got back she sat on the edge of the bed next to me and asked how I want to do this; her in the armchair while I watched from the bed or she on the bed and I in the armchair. I decided to take the chair since it seemed easier for me to masturbate in than her. I pushed the office chair back under the desk and pulled the armchair up to the edge of the bed. When I turned around I got to watch her slide her shorts and panties down her legs to the floor and turn back around to face me with only her tanktop on. I hadn’t realized it, but all the messaging, waiting, driving, talking, and, if I’m being honest, oogling, was all very…distant. No closer and no more real than the fantasies I’ve been masturbating to for years. But watching her hook her thumbs into the waistband of her shorts and slide them down her legs made everything instantly, perfectly real. The tiny downy hairs along her lower back, the delicious shimmy she did to get the waist over her ass, the way the outline of her vulva was barely visible in the shadow of her thighs as she bent over, all of it in perfect, delicious detail. Holy shit…this is really happening. She’s not a serial killer, not a prostitute, just a lonely mom willing to make herself orgasm while I watch. And not just letting me watch…getting off on me watching. Showing a complete stranger her most intimate moments and fucking loving it. She gave me a brief nervous smile then busied herself arranging pillows on the bed while I made myself comfortable in the chair. The chair was very low, giving me a perfect eye-level view of her bent over arranging pillows. My cock was rock hard by this point so I started lightly rubbing it through my pants while she finished making herself comfortable, lying on her back with her feet facing me and silently watching me rub myself for a moment. My chair being low meant she had to raise her head off the pillows to watch so she laid her head down and closed her eyes, spreading her legs at the same time. As her thighs separated and her pussy spread open for me i groaned out loud, which i could see made her smile just a little. She had these incredible plump outer labia, slightly darker than her thighs and shaved bare, with a pair of beautifully delicate almost jet black inner labia nestled between. When she spread her legs her pussy lips opened up, framing a very erect, very pink, and very, very wet clit in her dark chocolate colored pussy. That is without doubt the most erotic thing I have ever seen. Just playing it back in my mind to write this has my cock stiffening again. She reached down and began lightly rubbing circles around her clit, sometimes lightly nudging it through her lips and beginning to whimper as she masturbated. Seeing she was getting close to orgasming already i asked her if she was so wet because she’d been thinking about this all day. She moaned a little and quietly answered yes. I asked her if it turned her on to know i was stroking my cock while i watched her. Another moan and another yes, this time drawn out a little longer and a little more urgent. She lightly dipped her finger in the juices leaking out of herself and thoroughly lubricated her clit. Her occasional whimpers turned into a long, low, growling moan when she finally made full contact with it and she started masturbating in earnest for me. I decided this was a good time to get my cock out for her to watch so i stood up and pulled my pants down to my mid thighs, jerking off while i watched her work her clit. My new viewpoint from the edge of the bed was fantastic; from the higher angle i could look straight down the length of her body. I could watch her fingers playing in her sopping pussy, i could see her hips rocking and her torso straining, i could see her nipples pushing against the fabric of her tanktop, i could see her brow furrow as her breathing picked up. She was quickly building toward climax and opened her eyes to watch me watching her as she orgasmed. I hadn’t made any noise since i stood up so she was very startled by my change of position, clamping her legs shut and pulling her hands and knees up in a defensive move. I immediately backed up a step or two and bought both hands up to chest level in what had to have looked like a comical ‘don’t shoot’ maneuver. I said “Woah…woah”, then softly “Sorry, you’re right, I should have asked first.” She relaxed a little and rested her legs back onto the bed but didn’t move her hand back to her pussy yet. “Do you want me to sit back down?” I offered. “No” she replied, her eyes sliding down my body to my crotch. “Come back over here and stroke it for me”. I moved so I was again standing between the bed and chair and went back to slowly stroking myself. I’ve done this many times for past girlfriends but having a complete stranger watch was much more personal and erotic than i would have expected. I was so engrossed in whatching her face as she watched me i didn’t notice she was masturbating again until i heard her pussy sucking on her fingers. I looked down and saw she had one arm on her belly to play with her clit and the other under her thigh to finger fuck herself. When she saw my attention had switched from her face to what she was doing between her legs she spread her thighs wider and brought her knees up to her chest, opening her pussy wider and exposing her tight little asshole to me. It probably wasn’t very comfortable for her but the visual for me was increadible. With her spread open I could watch her fingers disappearing into her pussy as she fucked it and she was leaking a constant stream of juices down her asshole. The contrast of the creamy white fluid on her dark asshole made me groan, and that was all it took to push her to her first orgasm. She kept the same speed on her clit as she came but slowed the penetration as an extra bit of cum ran out of her. Other than those slight changes and a deepening of her breathing pattern her orgasm was very quiet and barely noticeable. Satisfied or the moment she pulled her fingers out and laid her legs back down, moving her hand cup her vulva and slowly massaging her outer lips instead of working her clit directly. While she recovered I asked if she wanted me to move around to the side of the bed so she could watch me work my cock for her. She smiled and nodded so i walked around to her side, shedding my pants and shirt as i went. She watched me stroking my cock and squeezing my balls for awhile before getting back to her clit. She gave a heavy sigh that tapered into a low moan as she closed her eyes again. Up to this point we had been silently watching each other, but not wanting to repeat the misunderstanding from the last time she closed her eyes i started talking to her. Her fantasy seemed to be centered around being watched so i started there, very quietly, trying to maintain a slow, steady tempo monologue going for her to masturbate to. “I like watching you…did you see how hard you make me…how swollen my head gets when you spread you legs for me? I almost blew my load for you when you spread your ass open. Watching you fuck your tight little hole has me dripping precum down my balls. Can you hear my hand on my cock, sliding up and down my shaft? It’s coated and slick with it because of you”. She was mostly quite while i talked except a couple groans. “Do you like listening to me or should i just rub my cock while i enjoy the show?” i asked. “Mmmmmm yessss” she said, “keep talking.” Encouraged that she liked some dirty talk I spoke a little louder and a little more aggressively to her. “Why do you like it so much? Does it remind you there’s a man in here with you? A man with a hard fucking cock leaking cum? That’s it baby, fuck your little pussy for me. Show me how you like your cunt fucked. Mmmmmmm…do you like your nipples played with? Tease one for me while you rub your clit.” Without saying a word or even opening her eyes she pulled her top up to her neck and gave each nipple a hard tug. One hand stayed toying with her nipples and the other went back to her clit. Her breasts were just like the rest of her, ticking off most of my personal preferences as well as if she were conjured straight from my imagination. They were soft and pillowy, jiggling wonderfully as she pulled and twisted her nipples. Her skin was a dark toffee color and like her inner labia her nipples were an increadible dark, dark chocolate color. They were both erect even before she started playing with them and grew to about the width of my thumb and a just little longer than they were wide. She had another small orgasm or two that way, listening to me talk and giving her instructions for how i wanted to see her touch herself while i played with my cock. At some point along the way she had started watching me again, her eyes focusing on my hand lazily pumping my cock then gliding over my body up to my face for a while and back down as she rubbed herself and listened to me. She eventually caught my gaze and interrupted me, saying “Do you want to finger me when I cum this time?” The obvious answer was yes, of course i did, but I didn’t want her to cross her boundaries and regret it later. Not even an hour earlier this was a perfectly understandable hard limit for her so I hadn’t even considered how I felt about doing that with a married woman. I managed to stammer out a “uhhh…well…”, before she interrupted me with “shhh…come here” and patted the bed next to her. If you’ve never been shushed and told what to do by a naked woman laying with her legs spread on a hotel bed I can assure you there’s no deliberation involved. Any resistance or questions of morality I had were instantly reduced to full compliance. I knelt on the bed next to her at about her waist, angled slightly toward her with her body to me right. Fortunately only my left hand had precum on it, which gave me a great excuse to keep masturbating myself with that hand while I used my right hand on her. She was still laying flat on her back with the leg furthest from me flat on the bed and the nearest one angled and supported with her heel on the bed, so as I settled onto the bed next to her I pulled her knee against my side to give me better access and let her relax against me. After she relaxed I left my hand drift from her knee along the top of her thigh to her hip, lightly caressing her skin the whole way. She had stopped playing with her nipples but was still teasing her clit a little, mostly focused on what my hand was doing. I made a couple passes up and down her leg, sometimes wandering across her lower belly and back up her inner thigh but avoiding her pussy. One one pass I gave her a light stroke from her ankle up her calf, along her inner thigh and brushed her pussy with the tips of my fingers. She slightly rocked her hips and groaned at the contact. “More” she whispered. Leaving my hand on her thigh I teased the very edge of her vulva, along the crease where her lips joined her thigh. She began to pick up the pace on her clit, crossing the bridge from teasing to light, languid masturbation. I raised my hand off her thigh and, with my thumb one one side and my fingers on the other, began to gently squeeze and massage her outer lips together, trapping her clit and fingers between them. She was beginning to breath heavier again so I changed to slightly parting her lips with my fingers and using my thumb to play with her inner labia and tease her entrance. Her clit was quite erect now and a deep, dark, rose red, and she was starting to work it pretty hard. We were looking each other in the eyes when she finally had enough teasing. “Put it in me. Fuck me. Make me cum.” she said. I turned slightly more toward her and eased my two middle fingers into her. She was dripping wet and soaking the sheets before I entered her and it felt like another wave flooded out as I pressed in. She probably didn’t last more than 20 seconds with my fingers in her before she orgasmed again, this one more pronounced and much louder than the others. She clenched her eyes shut and came hard with a constant stream of “Fuckfuckfuckyesohhhhhhhhhhfuckfuck” coming out of her mouth. She was getting loud enough that i hoped the rooms next to us didn’t have any children in them. I slowed down on her pussy as her orgasm let up and eventually stayed still but kept my fingers buried in her until she stopped clenching herself on them. She let out a heavy contented sigh and put her hands up over her head while she caught her breath. I gently pulled my fingers out of her and moved my hand to cover her mound and lips. She looked contented so I let her lay there and calm down in her own time. Her breathing slowed down and she looked comfortable enough that I thought she was done for the night until I felt her start to very lightly rock her hips against my hand. She looked over at me and asked “One more?”. “I’m game if you are” I said and put just enough pressure on her slit to dip my middle finger between her lips. She kept her hands over her head while I started bumping the base of her clit with my finger. Tanktop pushed up to her neck to expose her breasts, nipples just starting to stiffen, looking me dead in the eyes with her hot, wet pussy engulfing my finger…yep, that one’s going in the spank bank for later. Figuring that the no touching boundary really didn’t matter at this point i used my other hand to tweak her rapidly hardening nipple. She must have agreed because i felt her pussy contract when i did it. I didn’t know her limits so i didn’t get nearly as rough as she did with them but i alternated between her breasts pinching and pulling her nipples, sometimes using her nipple to jiggle her breasts for my own enjoyment. They had such a wonderful motion to them I just couldn’t help myself. When she was really getting into it again I picked up one of her hands and guided it down to her clit so I could go back to filling her up. since that seemed to really set her off. I slid two fingers in her again, but this time the index and middle and took a chance that she would be into some light anal play by resting my ring finger against her anus, which was still very well lubricated with the cum from her last orgasm. I didn’t get any indication from her that she was for or against it so I just had fun exploring the texture of her asshole and set up a rhythm of sliding my finger around and putting a little light pressure on it as I fucked her pussy. I turned toward her a little more so I could keep my fingers inside her and put my mouth to her breast, near enough I could lick her nipple. She watched me do this without a word and only gave me a little nod when I asked “Yeah?”. I heard her suck in a sharp breath when I flicked my tongue against her nipple the first time, then exhale in a long drawin out “Fuuuuuuuccccckkkkkkkkkk” when I wrapped my lips around it. Her hand stopped moving on her clit and she just laid there enjoying my fingers inside her and against her asshole while i nursed on her nipple. When she resumed fingering her clit I used my free hand to pull and twist whichever nipple wasn’t in my mouth. When I felt she was getting close I laid my head on head breast with her nipple against my lips. “Can I bite them”. I didn’t get a yes, but the sounds she made and her pussy tightening on my fingers made it seem like it would be OK. I sucked her nipple into my mouth and started using my teeth to lightly pull on it. It took maybe 4 seconds of that and she had another incredibly intense orgasm. I could actually feel her cum running down the back of my hand. She put her free hand on the back of my head and pushed me into her breast as she arched her back and started moaning and screaming her orgasm out. Her legs were spread completely open so I was fucking her pussy deep and fast while she was strumming her clit with all 4 fingers at a furious pace. Her entire body stiffened and she screamed loud enough and long enough that I was afraid hotel staff may get involved. It was guttural and animalistic and the sexiest fucking sound I’ve ever heard a woman make. I’ve masturbated to the memory of her screaming, the feeling of her nipple between my teeth, and her pussy clenching down on my fingers on more than one occasion since that night. After her climax had peaked and finally petered out to occasional convulsions she smiled and said “Wow. Sorry for being so loud, I forgot where we were. So…do you need a little help with that?” and gestured toward my very, very erect penis.

There’s another half of the story, which I’ll write and get posted sometime, time permitting.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/92p4o3/mf_r4r_success_story


  1. What an excellent read. Please please please use more paragraphs in part 2.

  2. Hey, I can relate to the story, 65-70% I got to much bad news and was not worthwhile and stressful for my dumb ass.

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