[MF]The Cruise Ship Chronicles Pt.1 [Long]

LTL/FTP Yada yada yada lol

Now that’s that’s out of the way, let’s get this show on the road with a little background. It’s gonna be a bit of a long one since it sets up all the other stories to come. Bear with me!

I am an African American singer 26, 5,8” lean/athletic (thanks Tx football lol) working on a European cruise ship. Have been since March of this year( I’m sitting in my single cabin typing this up right now, trust me, that’s a significant fact to mention). My ethnicity is significant because being the only black American has garnered a certain amount of interest from the ladies on board. Also ship life is just fucking crazy to begin with haha. My first week on board proved that too me in short order.

After a grueling 3 month rehearsal process and a breakup with my girlfriend of a year and a half, it was finally time to get on the damn ship. It was March 25th I believe. Anyways it’s premier week. The first cruise with the new show ensemble and it was a whirlwind. We got on board, teched the show, and performed it that night. Long ass day, but like the 20something quasi-alcoholics we are, the whole cast went out to the bar and partied our asses off.

And that was the first night I noticed her. Short, about 5’4” about jawline length red wavy hair, hazel eyes. She was out on the dance floor lost in the music. Now about her body, I had no idea at the time. Why? Because cruise ship officers uniforms don’t do much in the way of showing off curves. Hell, I was only marginally sure she had boobs at all! I’m exaggerating but you get my point lol. It did however make the reveal later do fucking worth it.

Anyways, she in an officers uniform so I think: “welp there goes that, NO GO AREA! I REPEAT, NO GO AREA!! (You’d get that joke if you worked on the ship, stupid weekly drills……) Long story short I drink too much and kinda put her out of my mind since at this point I assume she’s out of reach. I was wrong.

Over the next two days the cycle repeats itself. Wake up. Tech the show. Run the show. Perform the show. Drink. Now as tired as we all were, we always rallied for the drinking part, cuz, you know…..alcohol. One night one of the other crew members I know tells me he‘s having a cabin party after the bar closed. I say cool I’ll be there and continue dancing. I turn around and I’m face to face with the aforementioned redhead and she just dances up to me, turns around and starts grinding all over me. Grabbing my hands and putting them on her stomach, her hips, ect…. I was literally in shock.

Now I’m no stranger to the dance floor, dance circles are my natural habitat. So if Bruno Mars is on, and I’ve disappeared, you know where to find me lol. So when I say we danced, we fuckin’ danced. Passengers and crew were stopping to take a look and cheer us on. We danced basically till closing time, still hadn’t said a word to each other. The club plays the last song and is shutting down when she turns to me and says in slightly broken english with a heavy german accent “Hi RAOThroway90210, my name is Lara, I’ve been wanting to dance with you since you got on board…” well I’m floored. I start to think maybe she’s not a no go area. She already knew my name cause the singers get their names announced after all the shows, and like I said, I’m the only negro so it’s pretty easy to remember ha!

We start chatting a little bit and I find out she’s barely and officer. She’s the shop manager on board so she has like half a stripe or something, but she still gets a uniform. At this point my friend who’s having the cabin party comes over and greets her with a hug and I suddenly begin to suspect that he might have been playing wingman for her and inviting me at her request. Well played hot german lady, well played.

We get to the cabin and more drinks flow, there’s other people I know there that I’ve met in the 5 days I’d been on board but none of them were a hot german chick who possibly wanted to fuck me so I said a polite hi and promptly planted myself down next to Lara and started chatting and flirting.

I’m a natural flirt, or so I’ve been told. So when I drink, it naturally gets kicked up a notch. I talk to people a lot so I’m not what I call smooth but I can keep the flow going pretty well when it suits me. It gets late and the host says it’s his bedtime cause hey it’s after 3 at this point. We all get up and say goodbye and I ask Lara if I can walk her back to her cabin. She loves the idea and we start walking. The way we are going seems familiar and I realize why, this is the same way I go to get to my cabin!! We stop at a door just around the corner of my cabin. I can see my door if I poke my head just a little down the hall.

~~~~~~Sex starts here~~~~~~

Now this is where the living situation comes into play. Most crew bunk with one other crew member. We singers get our own cabins to ourselves(cause we are all divas, duh). So as we get to her door, she stops and says “I’m sorry you can’t come in, my roommate is there and asleep.” As she says this she’s doing the “I’m gonna fiddle with my keys till you kiss me,” thing, and I’m drunk so I lean in and plant in on her. She immediately responds with a gasp and melts into the kiss. I kiss her just enough to make her start breathing hard before I pull away, look her in the eyes and say quietly “Well my cabin is right down this hall, I have a single, c’mon….”

Her eyes brighten and I take her hand a lead her to my door. I fiddle with my keys and the lock for a second. Not the “kiss me” fiddle, the, “oh yeah, I’m drunk” fiddle, but I get it open I’m a fairly timely fashion. I hold open the door for her, follow her in, and immediately spin her around and our mouths crash together again. We’re pressed against the door, hands roaming everywhere, clothes flying off as we make our way across the little cabin to my bed.

Finally I get a look at her body, and if ever there was a time for a chorus of angels to start singing, this was the time!! She has DD’s for sure with pink silver dollar sized areolae and tiny eraser sized nipples. Combine that with an ass you could bounce said silver dollar off of, and a plethora of tastefully done tattoos, including an incredible full back piece, and I was in heaven. Did I mention the need for a chorus of angels already?

I unsnap her bra, and lay her back and start kissing her all over, biting her nipples swirling my tongue around them, taking breaks to kiss her pouty full lips and run little kisses along her neck. She’s starting to breathe harder and make little moans and exclamations every time my mouth, tongue or fingers make contact with her skin.

I decide it’s time to engage in one of my favorite activities. I love everything about going down on a girl. The smell, the taste, the view, love it. I kiss her once deeply, then I drag my tongue down her body. I kiss and lick down her neck, down around and over both her tits and then I make my way down to her panty line never letting my tongue or lips leave her body once. I use a combination of my hands and teeth to take off her panties and kiss my way down the inside of both her thighs, and where they meet, I find an unexpected surprise, I tiny little silver clit ring lays shining with her wetness. If I wasn’t hard before, I absolutely am now. I kiss all around the area where her thighs meet, let my hot breath play over her mound but never putting my tongue where she really wants it. Not till she lifts her head and says in a breathy whisper, “Please….” I give her what she wants in the form of one long slow stroke of my tongue that starts at the very bottom of her opening and ends with a flick of her pierced clit.

Her reaction is immediate. Her whole body shudders and she gasps as I do it again, slowly and methodically licking her over and over. Eventually I move up and just focus on her clit, which due to the ring there is sensitive as hell. It doesn’t take more than 3 minutes of me working her clit till she goes over the edge; her impressive chest heaving and she moans out her orgasm. Mmmmm that view is just the best.

At this point she’s naked and I’m in my boxer briefs. She’s coming down from her orgasm and I move up to lay beside her so she can feel my hardness. She reaches down and moans appreciatively (I’m black, I’ve never had complaints and have gotten more than a few compliments. I’ll let you make your own assumptions since you won’t believe any measurements I put on here haha. You wanna see? Just PM and ask lol)

She moves down and pulls my boxers down and after admiring and running her hands over it she takes me into her mouth. And boy does she know what she’s doing. She can’t take all of me, but she makes up for it in technique. Just wet enough, lots of stoking with her hand while swirling her tongue around the tip. After about 5 minutes I stop her because I don’t want to cum just yet. I do however, make a mental note to get a blowjob from her the next morning so I can feel what it’s like to cum in her mouth, lol.

I lay her on her back and pull on a condom, and slowly push my way into her missionary style. She’s soaking at this point but still needs time to get used to me. I pump my hips slowly, each time giving her a little bit more of me until I finally bottom out in her warm tight amazing pussy. The whole time she’s whimpering and moaning my name in my ear, and as I bottom out in her she whispers in my ear “So full….” God her accent was sexy. Hearing that I start picking up the pace. Pulling my self almost all the way out then bottoming out with increasing swiftness, being able to work your hips like a dancer helps with this a lot in my opinion.

After awhile I lean back from her and take both her legs and cross them. Then I put them over my left shoulder giving me a fairly good angle to hit her G-spot even without a pillow and start fucking her for real. She starts clutching at pillows and moaning and saying yes over and over. I fuck her like that till she moans out another orgasm and I decide I want to cum. Apparently she has she same idea and after she regains some feeling in her legs, she turns over on all fours and gets into position. She looks back at me with those lust filled hazel eyes and it’s all I can do not to blow right there. I line up and slam into her, while she rocks back to meet me at the same instant. I grab her hip with one hand and her hair with another and go to town. I’m treated to a wonderful view of her tattoo; and underneath it, her ass rippling with every stroke. That combined with her moaning and begging me to cum sent me over the edge and a exploded into the condom.

I pull out and drop the condom in the trash and she cuddles up next to me, both of us still breathing hard. After awhile she starts chuckling and laughing softly at first but then a little louder. I ask her what’s funny and she replies in her German english accent, “wanted to do that since I seen you get on board too!” At this point we both burst into laughter and just chat a little in the post sex glow till we fall asleep. My last thought before I fell asleep was “Holy shit this is just week 1…..”

Well this has already gotten way too long so I’ll save the morning after for a later post! But the Chronicles will continue if y’all are interested in hearing more!!! I hope y’all enjoyed!!

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/92fxtn/mfthe_cruise_ship_chronicles_pt1_long


  1. Awesome story.

    My wife and I love to cruise. I’ve always wondered what life was like for the crew. Can’t wait to read more of your adventures from sea.

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