[MF] Consensual Non-Consent, Our First Full Experience

I [mid-20s M] have a long-standing interest in CNC and ravishment play; as does my partner [mid-20s F]. We had been role-playing ravishment scenarios for a long time, but we finally took things to a much higher level around two months ago.

A few days before it actually happened, I made her aware that she would be taken by surprise in the middle of the night. Naturally, I didn’t tell her when it would happen, just that she would wake up while being used, and that she should go with whatever I was whispering in her ear.

She’s always been submissive, and we’ve done plenty of dirty talk (during regular sex) where I pretend to be someone who is not her boyfriend fucking her. We’ve also done a lot of ravishment and fighting in bed, but never from a cold start. This would be our first time for both.

The night before, we enjoyed an hour of slow and rough lovemaking, ending in me ejaculating inside her. We fell asleep naked immediately after. I woke up at about two in the morning, and felt her shift on the bed next to me. For the next hour, I just lay next to her, flicking through stories from this subreddit. The room was silent apart from the sounds of her breathing slowly and regularly.

I don’t know if you have ever paid attention to someone’s breaths as they sleep, but “deep and regular” doesn’t convey the volume of meaning that these breaths have. I heard her breathing hitch as she moved, I heard her murmur to herself quietly, and I could feel her going deep into REM sleep and then slowly back out of it.

I enjoy the physical challenge of domination, and so I wanted her to immediately snap into full awareness and be ready to *fight* or *flee*. I didn’t want her to be groggy and slow, so dropping out of REM sleep was my cue. I carefully got up off the bed, set my phone down, smeared a little lube on the tip of my cock, and then stood next to her. In one smooth motion, I grabbed the blanket, flung it clear, and leapt into position kneeling between her legs.

She woke up as the blanket whipped her across the face. Before she could open her eyes, I slid my hand under her shoulder and grabbed her hair in a fist. With my other hand, I forced her thighs further apart, digging my fingers into her thigh. Before she realized quite what was going on, I pulled roughly on her hair, forcing her to arch her back, pushing her breasts into my face and exposing her neck. My other hand moved to my cock and guided it to her pretty little vulva.

My face was buried in the crook of her neck, and she whimpered in pain, still waking up. To get her attention, I began stroking myself aggressively, spanking her clit on the up stroke. In seconds, she was completely awake and *squirming*. I sharply bit her earlobe and whispered “Shhh… don’t say a fucking thing and I might let you go.”

She put a hand on my chest and tried to push me off, saying “No, please don’t rape me.”

I forced my cock into her, hard, going from tip to root in a single thrust. She had gone from dry to wet in seconds, and my semen from the prior evening was helping her be even more slick and silky. Her cunt had not yet had the time to relax, so the tip of my cock quite forcefully hit her cervix.

For the next eleven minutes, she squirmed so hard and tried to get away from me so desperately. With every stroke, I was firmly hitting her cervix. She tried to move upwards to get away from the pounding, but would be stopped short by my fist in her hair. Throughout this, she kept begging me: “please don’t”, “my cunt is for my boyfriend”, “don’t cum in me, its not safe”, “my boyfriend will hate me”, “I’ll suck you off if you promise not to cum in me”.

Throughout this, I kept her in control by whispering into her ear dirty little nothings like “how would your boyfriend feel, knowing that the cock raping you is thicker and harder than him?”, “dirty little rape-bait”, “don’t you wish your boyfriend could fuck you like I do”, etc.

To stop her pitiful begging, I forced my mouth onto hers and asked her “is this how you kiss your boyfriend?”, “does he kiss you gently and lovingly?”. She pursed her lips and looked firmly away from me, avoiding my lips.

Just before I came, I whispered “since you’re promising to suck me off, I’m going to spare your tight little cunt; open your mouth and prepare to swallow my cum”, to which she began to thank me profusely in some state of mistaken relief. I grabbed a tit in one hand, forcefully pulling a nipple, and then came as deep in her cunt as I could.

Her confusion at the broken bargain was delicious. I gave her a firm tug on hair and nipple and whispered in her ear “dirty little cumslut, I don’t think your boyfriend will take you back, now that you have had another man’s cum filling your tight little cunt.”

I pulled out of her, and my cum began to flow out of her. I spanked her firmly on her clit, making her eyes roll in her head and her curl up into a ball. Swiftly, I left the room.


A few minutes later, I stepped back into the room and into my boyfriend persona. She was on the bed, crying. “Dear”, I started, “what happened? Why are you crying?”. I sat next to her and slowly cajoled the story out of her. Sitting with my arm around her, a finger trailing through the cum dripping from her, I asked her questions like “how did his cock make you feel?” and “why did you let him cum inside you?”

*Scene end.*

Fuck, that was an incredible experience. She passed out immediately after, and started sucking me off as soon as she woke up in the morning. I was so high on adrenaline and emotion that I couldn’t fall asleep. We’re definitely doing this again.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/91zmf4/mf_consensual_nonconsent_our_first_full_experience

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