[MF] The Dream – Part 1 [LONG]

First timer here – I hope you will enjoy. I appreciate constructive feedback but please be gentle :)

My long legs move confidently under my light, short mauve dress, my heels clacking on the shiny airport floor. Like my shoes, my dress is not that slutty – it could still be considered passable, even though the outline of my erect nipples is clearly visible through the light fabric, and the halter neck top of the dress has a long, deep cutout in the middle which shows the rest of my small, round and firm tits.

Truth is, I am incredibly turned on. Behind my big sunglasses, shielded by the brim of my large white hat, I am checking out guys by the gates, trying to be incognito about it. I just landed, and I am about to catch my connection flight in two hours, so why not have some fun in the meantime?

As I strut across the airport, I can feel men looking at me. My outfit is daring enough to catch their attention, yet decent enough to let them wonder. I like being an enticing puzzle; I love the game.

I finally reach my gate, and as I am approaching the seating area I see him. He’s tall and slender, with piercing blue eyes, the color of the sky on a bright sunny day. He’s wearing a dark blue suit which compliments his gaze, a slim tie and a tight white shirt. His hair is shaved short, but he’s sporting a few day’s beard. I gauge he is in his early 30s – young enough to have some serious fun with, old enough to know what he wants, and what he should do to a woman.

“There you are, you delicious thing” I say to myself. I already painfully noticed him on my flight there, relaxing in a first class seat two rows in front of me. Our eyes had met for the first time when he stood up to take off his jacket. I was laying in my seat trying to watch a stupid movie, but felt restless. When he looked at me, time stood still, and he smiled, lingering for a few seconds as he showed his muscular torso. He sat again, leaving me flustered and wondering whether he was out of my league. I am hot, but this guy’s charisma was off the charts, and even thought I am very confident about my body, I am still shy when meeting new people.

Then, I got lucky. I heard him kindly talking to the hostess about his connection flight to Darwin, my same destination. Even she was obviously eyeing him, all smiling and helpful. He was a beautiful dessert ready to be enjoyed, and enjoy him I would. In that moment, I made the concrete resolution of sleeping with him. How would I go about it was the question.

As I am halfway to the seating area, I hear an announcement from the speakers.

“To all passengers: a cloud of smoke has just been spotted leaving a nearby volcano. All flights are canceled until further notice. Please refer to your gate for further information.”

A loud murmur arose in the airport. People started queuing to the gate, worried and anxious. I was not going to let this distract me from my purpose. Like a feline approaching her prey, I strut to the row of seats facing his, and sat down in front of him. He nodded slightly and smiled, then checked me out. My shyness overcame me and I looked away, fishing for a book in my luggage, trying to get my mind off this beautiful specimen of man and be cool about the whole situation.

But I wanted more. And I couldn’t find my book anywhere, so I removed my hat and sunglasses, showing my pretty face framed by my long brown curls, which spilled into my cleavage as I moved. I briefly looked at him and saw that he too liked what he saw.

People started to increasingly stand up from the seating area as they queued to the desk, until as usual you reach the breaking point on the Gaussian curve and suddenly everybody starts to queue, even if the line is already long. I catch the looks of a couple of attractive men standing there, and I immediately relax. I am an object of desire and I know it.

I still can’t find my book, it must be in my carry-on, so I get a genius idea.

“Hi” I say approaching the delicious stranger “would you mind having a look at my things while I go freshen up a second?” I say in a sexy voice. There, I talked to him.

“Of course” he says kindly. “Take your time, it looks like we’ll be here for a while”, he adds, glancing at the long line.

“Thank you” I say, and I walk away, now absolutely certain that he is checking out my ass – my strongest asset – as I strut to the restrooms. I am sure about it as the light synthetic fabric of my dress slightly drapes around the outline of my thong. That was the main reason for buying it, and I literally want my bang for the buck.

Once in the toilets, I quickly remove my silk thong. It is wet, warm, and smells amazing. I graze my clit with my cold fingers and shiver as I reach the entrance of my pussy and slightly slid a finger inside, letting out a small moan. I am wet, no doubt about it. Shit, I need to do something about this, and soon. But how? I have no clue. I redo my makeup and hair, and put my thong in my purse.

As I come back, I can feel the cold airport AC on my bare waxed pussy, which makes it tingle with anticipation. The seating area is empty now, but he is still sitting there. A few are still in the queue, but most have gone by now.

“Thank you” I tell him as I return to my seat, “I really needed that.”

“No problem” he says.

It’s time. I look for my book again while seated, but it’s nowhere to be found, of course, so I stand up, turn towards my seat, and bend over at the waist, searching carefully in my carry-on while gifting him the sight of my beautiful naked ass and bare, glistening pussy.

As I sit down again with the book, I feel his look on me, but decide to ignore it. I can see his grin with the corner of my eye. “You’ll have to do better than that, boy” I say to myself. But our game is interrupted: the staff manning the desk calls out two names, one of which is mine. The other, as I hoped, is his. We both approach the desk, which is now deserted. We are the last two passengers of that flight.

He lets me go first like a true gentleman.

“Ms. Samantha, as you know, no flight will be leaving from Bali for a few days; we reserved for you the Greenhouse villa at the The Dream Eco Resort & Spa. It could be a few days until we resume operations. Our taxi will take you there. Just give me a minute to prepare your voucher” says the steward.

At the same time, a second employee comes to the desk, and proceeds to do the same for my fascinating companion. But the discussion goes a little differently.

“Sir, you will be staying at The Treasure Hotel, two hours away. A private taxi will take you there. Let me just print your booking details.”

“The Treasure Hotel? But that is too far away, and I absolutely need to catch the first flight out of Bali. I have to be in Darwin as soon as possible, or I’ll lose a big customer. I was supposed to be there already.”

“Everything else is full, Sir, I am sorry. There is nothing I can do. The beautiful lady got the last available accommodation in the surroundings” he says, looking at me.

I hesitate. Should I go for it? This guy could end up being a massive tease. Maybe he’s married, or has a girlfriend, who knows. Our game has just started, and I never act slutty; that ruins it for me. My little show earlier has given me away, I realize. Stupid mistake. Just how hot is this guy to drive me this crazy?

He looks at me. I am not giving up that easy. Or maybe I am. How many times would I ever be stranded in a beautiful eco resort?

“Well,” I say, “I know The Dream Eco Resort, and I am fairly certain that the Greenhouse villa has 16 rooms and two swimming pools. If this gentleman doesn’t mind either, I will gladly share the villa with him. I am sure we won’t even be seeing each other in such a big mansion, unless we want to, of course” I smiled.

It was on. “I really don’t want to disturb you” he said in a deep voice that made my knees weak. “Are you sure?” he says, putting his hands on the counter. He’s mine.

“Yes” I say, looking into his eyes.
“Great” he says, more to me than to the steward.

“Perfect, let me change your reservations. Just a minute” he says.

“I am Nathan, by the way” says the beautiful stranger.
“Samantha. Nice to meet you” I say, shaking his hand. As we touch, a shiver runs down my back.
“The pleasure is all mine” he answers. “Oh my goodness, here’s the player,” I think. “The game is on.”

We finally get our booking confirmations and the vouchers, and we make our way to the taxi area. I learn that he is an international business consultant working on a big Australia account. He learns that I am a writer on my road to Darwin to conduct a couple of interviews for my latest book.

Once out, the only car left is a long black limousine. The driver waves at him and loads my carry-on in the trunk, as he opens my door. Inside, it’a all leather, soft jazz and cold air again, blowing on my nipples and pussy. I am so excited.

“Champagne?” he asks as we leave.
“Yes please” I reply, as his long fingers open the champagne compartment, steadily open the little bottle, and pour me a glass of the liquid tingle. “Smooth” I think.
“Have you been at the Greenhouse before?” he asks.
“No, but I have heard about it” I say. “I think it also has two pools and a hot tub”.
“Three pools, two hot tubs, a large terrace overlooking the jungle, and an adorable treehouse for adults right next to the main pool. I have been there a few times, and I know pretty much all the staff.”
“Sounds really nice” I say.
“The resort has a Michelin-starred vegan Japanese restaurant. It is simply excellent. Would you like to join me for dinner there tonight?”
I hesitate for a second. “I will behave, I promise” he quickly adds.
“Fine, I’ll join you. But just because vegan sushi is my weakness.”
“I know” he says.
“Excuse me?”
“You are Samantha H., aren’t you? The Instagram model? I didn’t know you were writing a book. Is that what you really do in your spare time?”

His arrogant, sarcastic tone hits me like a slap in the face. He was there, confidently laying on the big seat, his long legs spread apart, the glass in his delicate long fingers, his slender torso resting comfortably. I was petrified.

“Be mine this week. I’ll make it worth your while” he said, extracting his checkbook and a pen. He handed me over the check he had just prepared and I glanced at it – two million dollars. My cheeks must have become violet from the emotion.

“I absolutely need to get control back” I say to myself, and then to him:

“I plan to only work on my tan this week” I say, handing him back the check. He thinks I am an escort, fine. Some Instagram models are. But I am not. I only want to be a writer, have fun, and sleep with beautiful men. Money is not a factor in my game – I wear beautiful clothes for a living, that’s all. But I decide to let him indulge in his fantasy. It’s all the more exciting to let him work hard at something he thinks he could buy. Who does he think he is?

“Haha, fine. Then let me take you out to a proper date. It’s too late today for sunbathing anyway” he says. He didn’t apologize for calling me an escort. Cocky with a hint of asshole. I like it.

“Fine” I say.

As we reach the villa, the staff is there to greet us. Manolo, the head of staff, briefly whispers something to him, but I don’t understand what he says.

We enter. It’s a beautiful Colonial-style mansion with touches of color, exotic flowers and white wooden floors. Two large stairways lead to the Eastern and the Western wing respectively.

“I’ll take the Western wing” he says “the Eastern is the best anyway. Please enjoy” he says.
“I really need to take a bath. What time is the dinner?” I ask.
“Now it’s six. You have two hours, beautiful lady” he says, looking me straight in the eyes.
“Manolo, could you send over the hairdresser and the estheticians? Also, please debt all expenses on my credit card for the whole length of our stay, including what we discussed before” he says.
“Of course Sir, they will be on their ways in a minute.”
“Thank you. Samantha, I recommend you take room number 1. It has the largest bed in the building, a Jacuzzi, and a nice vanity to get ready.”
“Thank you, Nathan” I say, briefly touching his strong forearm. “Has my luggage arrived yet?” I ask Manolo.
“Not yet ma’am, I am sorry. Please allow me to send you an evening gown for your dinner. We have some in your size” he says.
“Perfect” I say.

As I enter my room, I can’t believe what is happening to me. An hour earlier, I was just an excited aspiring writer on a layover flight. Now I found myself catapulted into an enticing world with a beautiful stranger. Life can reserve such wonderful surprises.

I slip out of my dress and walk naked to the Jacuzzi. My long dark curled are tied up, and I smile as I catch my reflection in the mirror. I am not wearing any makeup right now, but I don’t look tired. I guess I am too excited.

Minutes later, I hear a knock on my door.

His voice wakes me up from my dreamy state. I didn’t lock the door with a stranger in the house. How stupid am I? I scramble with my thoughts for a few seconds, then notice that the foam covers my whole body. The only parts that he can see are my shoulders, arms, and head. I relax and lay comfortably in the huge tub in the middle of the room.
“May I come in?” he asks.
“Yes. But I am taking a bath” I answer calmly.

The doorknob turns, and he comes in. He is only in his shirt, with two buttons opened, and trousers, and is carrying a small tray with a full glass on it. He walks across the room and smiles at me.

“I thought you might enjoy this” he says. “A Bellini and a joint” he adds.
“Thank you” I answer.
“You can smoke in here, and the staff won’t be bothering you – they are very discreet.”
“Wait, how do I know that is really a joint? I mean, I don’t even know you” I say.
“Haha, well if you want we can smoke it together. I will stay out of the tub, I promise.”
“Fine” I say. Boy he’s hot.

He lays down on an elbow on the floor next to the Jacuzzi, which is built into the majestic wooden floor, and lights up. He lights up, and for a few seconds all we can hear is the bubbling of the whirlpool. I had planned to have some fun with the bubbles myself before leaving, but I guess that is off the table now.

“You look more beautiful without the makeup” he says as he lends me the joint.
“What a cheesy line” I say.
“It’s true. I mean I wanted to sleep with you since I saw you on the flight, but now… Wow.”
“And the fact that I am naked doesn’t play any role in this – right” I said as I took a drag. Great weed. I was impressed.
“I am not so easily aroused” he said. “But you are a confident, intelligent woman who is exposing her most vulnerable self, and that makes me go crazy” he said.

I looked at the bulge in his pants. He wasn’t lying about that, at least, and did I really care about the rest? Not even a little. When I gave him back the joint, he caressed my hand, and took a few more drags in silence. Then he gave it back to me and stood up, looking at the outline of my body in the water, still covered by bubbles.

“I will let you get ready. But let me take a souvenir for the way” he said, and before I could say anything, he opened my handbag and took out my pink silk thong, the one I had earlier removed.

I stood there, an expression of shock on my face. He brought it up to his nose and inhaled deeply. “Delicious” he said, and put it in his pocket. “I knew you must have taken it off to give me your little show at the airport. You won’t be disappointed, I promise” he said, as he left the room and closed the door behind him.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/91j9ty/mf_the_dream_part_1_long