[FM] I had sex at my friend’s wedding

Hi! This is a real story about what happened to me on Saturday at a wedding. All of this is still very new and I am writing this basically to process it all. (BTW I love this sub…) Thankfully I work in an office and there’s nothing to do this week (at all!), so I have the time to type this. So here I am at my desk on Monday morning writing about basically the craziest sex of my life!!

(Are pheromones a real thing? (-’_’-) haha! If any of the guys I work with could somehow sense what I’m writing this morning, this office would probably erupt into fight club with all the caffeine and testosterone around here…)

I was asked to be a bridesmaid for a friend, not a close friend but someone whom I have known since we were little kids. We lost touch for a few years after high school but we reconnected last summer. I was touched that she asked me to be a part of everything, and the truth is we used to talk about weddings and stuff all the time so it was beyond wonderful to be able to see dreams come true. I know her family really well but I don’t know any of her friends and it was so fun to meet them and get to see that other side of my friend.

I met a guy who is really cute and so charming, beautiful eyes! We talked and talked when our limo arrived at the hall, he was with one of the groomsmen and they happened to be standing there when we pulled up. They clapped for us when we walked up to the doors, but the husbands came out pretty much immediately and everyone started taking pictures. I was flying solo (newly single, another story), and I made eye contact with him and right away he walked up to me with a big smile and told me I look amazing. So I was really shy right away with him, he asked me where was my date and I told him I don’t have one and he said it wasn’t too late to ask him to go with me. Mind you this is a guy I met 10 seconds before.

So anyway it was like that pretty much all night, we danced and talked and drank and it was actually a really fun wedding. I was flirting way beyond, it felt right, like everything was loose and everybody was having so much fun. I was so horny from pretty much the moment I got dressed anyway and let’s be real I hoped I would meet a guy. I’m not saying he isn’t a charming guy but in reality by the time the club music took over I already knew I was going to let him fuck me.

I’m not going to pretend we got a room or anything. That didn’t happen. He led me thru what was probably supposed to be a locked door and down a hall and then down some stairs into an industrial type area where nobody would wander into. It might sound creepy but it was fine, the whole time we were walking I was whispering to him how I want to suck his dick and stuff like that. I was clinging all over him and at one point I thought he was going to pick me up and carry me but he didn’t.

I didn’t even get a chance to blow him tho, the moment we got against a row of lockers he turned me around and hiked up my dress. I was still balancing in my heels but the concrete floor was kind of uneven so it was hard to stand. I tried to kiss him and let him feel my tits but he didn’t want to wait and almost right away he was pulling my panties to the side and pressing his dick against me. I held on and arched my back and it felt so amazing when he pushed into me.

He fucked me hard against the locker and I tried to balance myself but I kept slipping. I wanted to unstrap my shoes but he really didn’t give me a chance. He turned me around and fucked me standing up against the metal of the locker. He was holding me under my knees and keeping me pinned while he fucked me so good, hard slow and deep. I licked his adam’s apple every time I could reach him.

When he stiffened up like he was going to cum I moved my hips to get him out of me and I flexed my legs and held him like that. He came into the inside of my thighs and we kissed and he gradually let me go and let me down. I cleaned up his little mess and fixed myself up and we went back to the hall together, then kind of went our separate ways for the rest of the night. I kissed him on the cheek when I was leaving and he seemed all confused and a bit sad or something. I left in a chauffeur car and that was that.

He wants to add me on everything, I’m still waiting. I didn’t tell anybody about it but I’m sure he did. I’m not really the type to do this all the time so I don’t know if I want this guy knowing me and knowing I’m like that! We’ll see!

Anyway I hope you liked to read that and thanks for reading!


EDIT: Oops! Had to edit a detail out!

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/9175pc/fm_i_had_sex_at_my_friends_wedding


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