One Little Mistake pt. 3 [MF] [blackmail] [dubcon]

Chapter 3 – Payment

With that last message Ethan signs off. I try going back to my video game but I can’t focus on anything but the conversation I just had. I shut the game down and try to think.

Are there any alternatives? Some way for me to fake the pics? Well… No. He’s seen the real thing. He’d know if it was Photoshop. Plus, I have no experience with Photoshop nor do I know anyone that does. Shit. How do I-

“Cutie!” Court calls out as she opens the door.

I gasp, throw on a smile to make it seem like nothings wrong and say, “Hey you!”

Putting her stuff down, Court leans over and gives me a kiss. I kiss her back, smiling as I do, the past hour gone from my mind. It comes back soon enough though. After we settle in for the night, curled up together in our chair watching YouTube or Netflix… my mind races.

It continues to race as we head to bed. Climbing in with my phone, I look up and see Court changing. I glance down at the camera button on my screen and consider… But then she’s done and climbing in next to me. She yawns, leans over gives me a kiss and says, “Night night, baby.”

“Night night, pretty girl,” I say. I set my phone down on the nightstand next to me along with my glasses and fall into a restless sleep.

Somehow I make it to early morning and decide I can’t lay in bed doing nothing any longer. I pick up my phone and open Facebook out of habit. Seeing the messenger bubble I open the conversation again. I’m not even really sure why until my eyes land on his message: “There was a rumor that she and Scott…” That’s why. If nothing else, that is the message that’s been haunting me. Court rolls over next to me and in order to make sure she doesn’t see my phone I decide to get up and sit in the bathroom for a bit.

In there I contemplate what that rumor could be. Well, I’m already fairly certain I know what it is but… How do I feel about it? Honestly… That time was so long ago and I’ve never had reason to doubt her before so… Even if it was true… I don’t think it matters anymore. I sigh. Part of me wants to ask Ethan for answers about it but another part of me tells me just to bury it.

Shaking my head I stand up and leave the bathroom. I step into our bedroom and see that Court kicked the blankets down off her body. It also appears that she got warm in the night and took off her pants. Laying on her back, uncovered besides her left knee on down, it’s almost like she’s on display…

I glance at my phone. My heart begins to pound as I open the camera. *Am I really doing this?* I think as I snap a picture of her. I save the pic… and that’s all. I climb back into bed, curl up next to her and try to get some more sleep.

Later that day I’m at work when my phone buzzes again. “Tick tock. Less than 24 hours left. You sure are pushing your luck!”

“Hey! I’m at work right now! I didn’t get a chance yet to do anything about what you’re asking!” I reply.

“Lol that’s fucking rich. ‘Didn’t get a chance’. Smh. You had all night with her last night! What? You couldn’t get it up just to fuck her and take a pic after?”

Reading him talk like that begins to make my blood boil and I can’t stand not being able to reply immediately while I’m at work. When I do get the chance I say: “Go to hell. You don’t know what our home life is like. She got home, we watched some TV and then went to bed.”

“Hey! You watch your tone with me! I did you a favor by giving you 48 hours. You’ve all but wasted the first 24 so it seems like you need a bit more motivation. You now have 6 instead.”

Six hours?! I check the clock. I’m still going to be at work in six hours! “Hey! Hey, look. I’m sorry. Alright, man? I just… When you talked like that… I just kind of lost it. Please… I need more time than that. I’ll still be at work in 6 hours.”

“I. Don’t. Care. Make it work.” He signs off.

A few hours pass. I try to think of any kind of bargain I can offer him that doesn’t involve Court. Not a single thing comes to mind though. I take a break then and pull up the picture I took that morning: Court laying peacefully in our bed. Her shirt pulled up, showing off her just a bit of her stomach, the loose neckline of it draped around her shoulders showing that the only other thing she’s wearing is the small black panties that are also visible in the picture. I sigh. There’s no other choice…

I long press on the picture, select “Share via messenger” and then select Ethan’s contact. I see the pic pop up in my text bubble and after a brief moment… I hit send.

A few minutes later I receive a reply: “Hah. Not entirely what I was hoping for but it’s a good start. She’s still hot as hell. You and Scott are lucky guys. Next time though, make sure she’s topless.”

That bit about Scott and I brings me out of my funk from sending the pic and I reply: “Wait. I thought you said her and Scott was just a rumor.”

“Oh, hah. It was. Till Scott confirmed it last night.”
