I [23] had sex with my step dad’s best friend [38]. [MF]

I’ve posted this here before, but deleted it after I got nervous. Here it is again. Enjoy!

My step dad has been friends with “John” since they were both in middle school. John has been our adopted family bachelor since my mom and step dad met when I was a young kid.

John has always been around. He taught me how to swim, he taught me how to drive stick, he picked me up from high school parties when I was too drunk to drive, he cried when he held my baby for the first time, he’s just been an all-around solid dude in my life.

Things changed between us when I was about 17. Nothing happened and he never acted inappropriately with me whatsoever, but things just FELT different. He would have too much to drink at a family party and pull me away to dance with him all night, he always gravitated toward me in group settings, and called/texted frequently to check up on me after I moved out.

Fast forward to a couple months ago, my mom invites me out to dinner with them and John is there. I hadn’t seen him in a hot minute and he was very happy to see me. We did some light flirting and he revealed to us that him and his wife of two years were divorcing. We comforted him and all ended up having a great time. As soon as I got into my car to leave I saw that he had added me on all social media platforms. It was a little random, but excited me for some reason.

A week later I was out with some coworkers at a bar and John showed up with a group of friends. It felt like fate. We greeted each other and talked for a bit. We had never seen each other in this sort of setting before so it was a little weird, but nice. His group got up to leave and he came over to say goodbye. With a little liquid courage I asked if he wanted to meet up at another bar later and he surprisingly agreed so long as he was done with his group in ample time.

The night wore on and I ended up at a friend’s house in the pool with a few other pals. He texted me around midnight and said he’d had too much to drink and didn’t want to drive all the way out to the bar we agreed on. I told him I was still in town and he was welcome to join as a last ditch effort, and again, to my surprise, he agreed. When he showed up, we were pretty blitzed and topless in the pool. I answered the door for him in a towel and let him know what was up and he was fine with it. We got in the pool, talked for a minute and somehow the rest of our clothes came off after another friend called for it. So there we were, in the pool together, naked. Me and my step dad’s lifelong friend.

The conversation turned personal and we discussed how the dynamic between us had changed over time. Just really getting to know each other as adults. I’m not sure how it happened, but I ended up straddling his lap while he leaned against the wall. He put his hands on my hips and asked what I was doing. I said, “oh, nothing”, playfully ground my hips into his. He put his forehead against mine and whispered, “Please don’t do this to me. Please.”, over and over like a mantra. All the while pulling me closer. I didn’t move and finally he opened his eyes, stared right into my soul it felt like, and pushed himself inside of me. We both stopped and stared at each other for a while, and suddenly he started thrusting into me like he couldn’t control himself. It was incredible. I was on fire. He pulled me deeper against him and kissed me like I’ve never been kissed before. He ran his hands all over my body. It felt like he was throwing every ounce of himself into pleasuring me. He was gentle and loving, but also firm and demanding. I’d never been fucked like that before. I never wanted it to end.

We were finally spent and he abruptly pulled away and said he needed to go. And he was gone in an instant. The next day he texted me that he had left his watch at the house so I said I would bring it to him that evening. We met up on our way to our various activities and as soon as he got out of the car he said, “Look, that should not have happened. I’m not saying I regret it but I shouldn’t have done that and I’m sorry. I love you but I can’t see you that way”. I assured him everything was okay and we parted with a long hug.

There is a lot more that has happened, but none of it involves sex. I will post it in the comments if anyone is interested.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/913skw/i_23_had_sex_with_my_step_dads_best_friend_38_mf


  1. More details please! That’s quite a story, must have been a heart pounder for you! How did you feel about it all, after the fact?

  2. I know Josh Brolin is 50 but I can’t stop picturing him as your step dad’s friend.

  3. So fucking hot but halfway through it started to sound familiar. Have you posted this before?

  4. When I was 18 I had a fling with my dad’s best friend. I initiated it while drunk, basically throwing myself at him. Being a gentleman he did not reciprocate until a week or so later when I was sober. It was exciting and fun while it lasted. No one had any idea at the time and my dad never found out. They’re still friends and I still see him once a year or so but it is over, we don’t talk about it ever. It is just a thing that happened that I look back on fondly.


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