[F] Gave into my best friends boyfriend

Last night at a party, I did something I thought I would never have done. I hooked up with my best friends boyfriend. Just some back story to this first, my best friend has been with this guy for quite a while now he’s an absolute prick. They broke up and I was happy for her, couple weeks later they were back together but now in an open relationship. He has hit on me quite often over the years and I always hated it due to how much of an ass he is. Don’t get me wrong he’s a very good looking guy, just a complete prick but I’ve somewhat learned to deal with him. Anyway back to last night, I was at a party without my best friend because she was on vacation. About and hour into the party he showed up and when he came up to me and says “wow didn’t expect you to be here dressed like a complete slut” I responded with the classic “fuck you” he’s very used to hearing from me. The next words that came out of his mouth completely shocked me. He says “I’m gonna fuck you better than any guy ever has before tonight” and he walked away. As he was waking away for some reason I got a little bit horny, even though I hate this kids guts the confidence he showed right in that moment turned me on. The party went on and he didn’t directly talk to me, just the occasional “look at that fat ass” whenever he walked by. The more and more he threw these compliments at me the hornier I was getting. Then my friend and I started twerking to a song that came on and I hear “back that fat ass up over here girl” I was stuck in the moment at the time and just backed up and started twerking on a guy. Thats when I knew exactly who it was. I forgot to mention this earlier but my best friends man is extremely well endowed and I felt it pinned against my butt turned around and gave him a shocked expression. Me twerking went on for about another 5 minutes before he whispers in my ear “follow me im gonna fuck you”. He walked away and I didn’t follow at first I was trying to hold my morales. But then my body just took over and I went into the room he was in. I walk in and he says “I know you couldn’t resist me”. I walk over get on my knees pull his pants down and see my far the biggest, thickest cock I’ve ever seen. We spent the next two hours in that room having sex and I’ve never ever had sex anywhere near this good, and it was with a kid i absolutely hate. Feel free to message me

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/8zvywn/f_gave_into_my_best_friends_boyfriend


  1. This might just be fiction. But we.

    How big was he? Ever had anything close before?
    Was it hard to work it in the first time?
    Do you want more? More big dick?

  2. How big and How thick is his cock? Do you feel pain when he first put it in? How much can you take?

  3. No bullshit: being confident enough to tell a girl at the beginning of the night that I’m going to be fucking her by the end of the night has paid off more times than it has not.

  4. I’ll be honest, you’ve done the human race a disservice by rewarding that guy for being a massive arsehole

  5. Girls like you are easy as fuck and people find out, in 10 years you’re gonna have to settle for a loser who’s happy with a girl all his pals have fucked.

  6. My guess is you’ll do it again, probably while your friend is around. Hot story, thanks for sharing. Would of loved to hear more.

  7. Can we get some details on what happened in the room over those 2 hours?

  8. >I was trying to hold my morales. But then my body just took over

    Riiiiiiigghht /s

  9. This is how it was when I met my now fiance in ”09” I told her I was going to fuck her like nobody ever has. The first night she came over we fucked for 9 to 10 hours! We’ve been together since 2014…

  10. I may be alone here but, well, I’m calling b.s. on this one. I’ve read stories like this here before. And there’s just something off about this one.

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