At The Office [mf], pt. 2

Your breath is coming in ragged starts and stops. I put my lips close to yours and ask… "Should I continue?" You silently nod yes.

My teeth sink into your neck, grabbing at your flesh, biting your hungrily. My hands begin to knead your breasts now, a little more roughly. I'm enjoying how pliant and supple your body is. How willing you are. My hands are strong on your breasts, squeezing them and plucking gently at your hardening nipples. I growl into your neck. You can feel my desire. How much I need you, want you, must have you.

Right now.

Still behind you, I press my hips into you, and you can feel the hardness against your behind. I slide a hand down your belly, tracing the curve of your waistband, sliding a finger just underneath your pants, feeling your bare skin. I stop a moment from devouring your neck to kiss you again…deeply, desperately. I move against you and you begin a gently seductive sway of your hips. It is irresistable and I have no intention of resisting.

I am unbuttoning your top now. I see the panic in your eyes. Here? Now? But I don't care if we're discovered. I don't care if someone walks in on us. I want you, and I am going to take you now. I pull at your shirt roughly, buttons flying off in my haste to get at you. Your bra is lovely, but it has to go. You barely notice as it is removed. The cool air hits your bare breasts, and your hands flutter automatically to cover them. But I take your wrists and gently but firmly move your hands away.

I kiss your bare, lovely shoulders. Moving to the front of you, I finally feast my eyes on your luscious breasts. My mouth waters for them. I kiss and lick your collarbone, and then down a little, to the top of your chest. Still holding your wrists, I run my tongue in a straight line right between your breasts, sending shivers through your body. My eyes dart into yours. Your fruit hangs there, tempting me. I close my mouth onto one pert nipple and taste your breast. It is warm, quivering, delicious. I kiss your breast all over, taking big mouthfuls in, scraping my teeth on the smooth skin. I flick your nipple with my tongue, feeling it get even harder.

I swirl my tongue around the nipple, teasing you…feeling you squirm with need. Finally I begin to suck at the nipple, pulling hard. I let go of your wrists but you no longer resist me. I move my mouth to your other breast, and pull your body close to mine. Our hips meet and again you feel me, hard and ready, against your hips.

My mouth explores your other breast, biting and licking, devouring you. I tug at the other nipple until it stands out, betraying your desire. Your breasts are now wet and glistening from my mouth. I cannot help but wonder what other parts are wet. I slide my fingers again just inside your waistband…teasing you…just feeling along the edge of your fur. Making you squirm and press your hips to mine. I kiss my way down your belly as my fingers quickly and deftly undo your pants. I begin to kiss the outside of your panties…gently…feeling how wet you are. How ready for me. But I plan to get you a lot more ready.


1 comment

  1. Wow. You really pull me into the scene. This is an excellent followup and quite bothersome to the nethers if I do say so myself. Yes, keep going! Serious talent. I’m a fan.

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