[group] Summer Camp Part 5 (take 2)

(For previous parts, [click here](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/8w7sgm/ff_summer_camp_part_4/?st=JJ9G9XAT&sh=5386dfe4) and they go all the way back to part 1.)

(Last time it was SD’s story, but this time it’s my perspective, along with some of Alexa and SD. And I apologize because this one will be longer than the previous posts.)

Bell had just told me what SD and Alexa did after breakfast, and I couldn’t believe it. SD confirmed everything at the lunch table, and it was still hard to believe. That’s when Alexa came over to our table and gave SD the evil eye, so maybe it did happen. Either way we were cutting up and laughing, and didn’t even notice how long time had passed, because lunch was already over and it was time for the next classes. Before we started cleaning up, Alexa stopped us.

Alexa: “Before you three go to class, I have something for you three. How would you like to participate in a poker game tonight?”

Bell: “Poker? As in with chips and everything?”

Alexa: “Yeah. Me and my bunkmates are bored at night, so we usually play poker. We are bored of playing each other, so how about it?”

A: “Count me in. I know some things about poker, so don’t expect to win.”

SD: “Hold up. Before you two start getting in over your heads, I want to know what type of poker we’re about to play.”

Alexa looked around to make sure the coast was clear of innocent people, then whispered under her breath.

Alexa: “Five Card Draw. Strip Poker of course. Remember the other night when I was at the shower that late at night? I was the loser. They teamed up against me just so they can see my tits. Brad used to play poker in college and Lindsay has some bar stories, so it’s unfair against me. How would you three like to join?”

I looked at SD, and she was surprisingly calm when she got her answer. Bell on the other hand was super excited to see this go down. I then looked back at Alexa and gave the answer I think us three would have agreed on.

A: “See you tonight.”

**Later That Night**

The three of us finished dinner and left the dining hall to go to our camps. We were told to meet back up at the dining hall at midnight, and I did at least. I was wearing one T-shirt, sandals, shorts, and underwear. I was confident that I wouldn’t bust this round. SD and Bell showed up minutes later, and you would have thought they just came from the Himalayas. Three shirts, pajamas under the jeans, double panties, double bras, double socks, and anything else they could layer up on,

A: “So how was your trip through the clothing aisle?”

Bell: “Didn’t you hear Alexa? Those two, Brad and Lindsay, they sound like professionals! You seem awfully calm about this.”

SD: “Probably because he wants to show his cock off to every woman he meets.”

A: “Not this time. At least for the game. I think Alexa just has a bad poker face, but I can look like I stay calm under anything. This should be a fun night.”

Minutes later and Alexa drives up in the camp golf cart. SD rides shotgun, and me and Bell ride on the back. We kissed on the way there, and SD turned around just to watch us.

Alexa: “You guys better stop here. We’re almost at the cabin.”

The cart pulls in as the counselor’s cabins are lined up and down the area. All the lights are out except for one, and that’s the one Alexa took us into. When we got inside, Brad was getting the case out and Lindsay was throwing a blanket over her. We walked in and I immediately locked eyes with Brad.

Brad: “So this is the group you said would play poker with us? Looks like the little dude doesn’t know how to play strip poker. Ha ha ha!”

A: “It’s like regular Five card draw, except the person who has the worst hand has to strip out of one piece of clothing, and we continue until everyone except one is naked.”

Brad: “So you do know how to play then? Whatever. Alexa over here was bragging about how good you are, but I think she was bluffing.”

Lindsay and Alexa walked in between us as we were bickering, and we dropped it there. We then walked over to the glass table where all the poker stuff was set up. You could tell they don’t have guests because three of the chairs were nice office chairs, and the other three were metal folding chairs.

Alexa: “I won’t be playing this game, but I’ll stay and watch.”

Lindsay: “If you won’t play, you know the drill.”

Alexa nodded and stripped away all her clothing immediately. What kind of camp is this!? Anyways, she then walked over to the counter and poured herself a drink, as Brad slid the deck over to me: I pulled it out of the box and began looking through the deck.

A: “Nice deck. Casino finish with a smooth coating and bold font so you can’t get the cards mixed up.”

Brad looked in annoyance while Lindsay was curious.

Lindsay: “How’d you know that?”

A: “I may not look like it, but I know some secrets that can help me win.

As I’m talking to these guys, I’m actually setting the deck in my favor. I know how to count cards and I know how to deal with some flair, so I set it up to where my first hand would be four aces and a random card. I deal the cards out and we do our trades. I trade my garbage card for a king, so I’m in good shape. We reveal, and Bell loses the first hand. She takes off one of her shirts, and we continue. The one thing I noticed was Brad had three queens and two jokers. Something about that was odd, but I didn’t let it bother me.

Couple hands later, me, Brad, and SD haven’t lost any clothes yet. Lindsay was in her bra and still had her jeans on, while Bell was down to her last pair of panties and no bra. I deal again, and count the cards to make sure I have a lucky hand. I had three queens, and I traded my garbage cards and got two nines, so I was set, we reveal, and Bell loses the hand again. She removed her panties and walked over to the bar to join Alexa while they watched.

One thing I noticed that nobody else’s saw, was both Brad and SD had a queen in their possession, and Brad’s queen was the same suit as mine. Something definitely wasn’t right if that guy has to cheat to win. So this time I set the deck for him to have a garbage hand. I know what he has, and he trades one of his cards for another one. We flip, and somehow Brad ended up with a flush, and I know for a fact he had all four different suits in his hand when we started this hand. Brad was definitely cheating, but I needed to figure out how to catch him.

Hands later, and Lindsay is almost out, SD busted a while back, and both her and Alexa are hanging out around the table. We play the hand, and Lindsay lost. Brad had a royal flush and I had a three of a kind. This dude was good, but I couldn’t tell how to beat him. Eventually SD and Bell decided to make out on the couch as entertainment for the guests, and Brad was focused on the game. Lindsay walked over to the bar and started rubbing herself with a bottle of water before inserting. Alexa came up from behind her and grabbed her chest and started rubbing her tits together.

All four women having their own orgy together, and me and Brad locked into our own game. I knew for a fact he was cheating, but I couldn’t figure out how. We deal, trade, and show. I have three of a kind, he has a straight flush, so I take my sandals off.

Brad: “So, it’s been a tough game, but I think you’re about to lose and I’m gonna keep my win record sealed.”

I’m fed up with this dude, so I reach over to grab his cards instead of him sliding them over to me. And that’s when I figured out when he was cheating.

SD was on the couch with Bell on top of her. They were kissing as hard as they could while fully naked for everyone to see, and they loved it. SD grabbed Bell by the tits and massages them for her own pleasure, making her pussy drip onto the couch. Bell pulls her back up so they both are sitting on the couch, and then she gets a grip of SD’s tits with her left hand, and her pussy with her right. They were in full swing and were ready for anything, when they noticed the two trying to use a bottle for a dildo.

Alexa faintly remembered what SD did on her, but she used it to her own advantage when she couldn’t get the empty water bottle to fit inside Lindsay’s shaved pussy. She reached in with her two fingers and began feeling around like SD did, but couldn’t find anything. She didn’t practice this at all today, but she still tried feeling. Nothing came up, so she pulled out from inside her.

Lindsay: “It’s okay. I know you were trying to help.”

SD heard this and stood up, walked past the table, and over to Alexa, where she was crouching under Lindsay while she leaned onto the counter.

SD: “It won’t take a day to master. But it will be fun when you learn it.”

Alexa watched as SD shoved her two fingers in Lindsay, and after a few seconds, she proceeded to moan like a wolf at night. Her legs started quivering and her pussy started leaking. She was definitely enjoying this. Bell eventually made it over and sat against the wall where Alexa was, and watched as SD made Lindsay feel like a block of jelly.

Brad was cheating, I knew it. As I grabbed his hand, his cards felt grippy. Not like the cards I’ve been dealing with this whole night. Brad was using a second deck, and it was time to call him out.

A: “Hey guys! Who wants to see Brad naked?”

Everyone in the room stopped what they were doing and looked over at the table to see Brad with his arms over his head and me holding two cards up.”

A: “You know why he’s always won? Because he’s been cheating this whole time. Come look at this.”

The girls gather around as they look. Two cards, both 3 of Hearts, both look like they’re from the same deck, and their font is similar.

A: “These two look the exact same, but feel these two.”

And they did, and all four girls, naked and all surrounding me, agreed one card felt like sandpaper. Brad looked at me with the face of anger, and then sadness. He stood up, and emptied his sleeve to reveal another deck of cards.

Brad: “I can’t believe this. Why did I let you deal!? Stupid mistake!”

Lindsay: “If you’ve been cheating this entire time, you definitely deserve to be naked more than us, because we at least played fair.”

The girls stared Brad down like he was a snake and they were eagles. Finally he took off all his clothes and dropped his boxers, when suddenly the girls broke out in laughter. His dick was rock hard, but was only about four inches long. It looked like someone sharpened a pencil all the way down to the base. And this dude was taller than I was.

A: “Brad, it’s ok. One day you’ll learn what it’s like to pleasure a woman, especially with something like this.”

I dropped my pants and underwear to show my 7 inch cock, rock hard and all, and Lindsay gasped in amazement.

Lindsay: “You weren’t joking when you said he was hung like a horse.”

Alexa: “Of course not. He definitely satisfied me more than I ever felt. But it’s late, and I need to get these campers back to bed.”

Lindsay reached down without thinking, and stroked my cock slightly, then let go and walked over to her room and closed the door.

Alexa: “And I’ll find her imagining this night tonight. Good work here A.”

Alexa kissed me on the lips, slipping her tongue in, and I gave her ass a nice pat. At this point Brad disappeared, but his clothes pile stayed in place. Bell and SD took their clothes and put them on, then Alexa walked out to the golf cart naked. We hopped on, with me riding shotgun this time, and took off for the dining hall. I did slip my fingers in her pussy at one point, and she didn’t mind while we drove to the dining hall. We were dropped off, she winked, and drove back to the camp. I said goodbye to Bell and SD, as they walked in the woods to their campsite. As I got in mine, the same group from last night was there, playing poker on the table.

Friend 1: “Dude. You gotta stop wandering off at night.”

A: “Relax. I made it back, right? And he’s got a two pair, going for a full house.”

Friend 2: “Not cool dude!”

I got in my tent and laid on my cot, staring at the canvas roof for a while. Finally, I went to sleep, thinking of what else would happen this week.


(Sorry that this part was long and not really a wild story, but I didn’t ask the girls about their experiences that much, and I was really focused on the fact I caught a cheater and embarrassed him in front of his friends. Next time, however, I promise there will be more fucking, and I think you’ll like Lindsay, because she will make a return tomorrow, along with more details than what I explained here.)

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/8whh1v/group_summer_camp_part_5_take_2


  1. So much good work there mate. Long stories always have set ups and side stories. This is turning out to be great. Kicking my self for not going to more camps. Rock on mate.
    You keep in touch with any of the camp ladies from the story?

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