[Request] Does anyone have a story involving fucking your partner/SO/etc, while laying next to someone, or being in visible view?

Hi /r/gonewildstories,

I read a gwstory the other day that turned me on and perked my interests, so I was curious as to if there were any similar to it. The post can be found below:


Another post is one that /u/love_sponge wrote, as follows:

"reminds me of when I met one of my summer flings….we had a huge cuddle puddle and my ex was fucking me….I basically was moaning into his friends shoulder. I was wearing a dress and tights and both of them ripped my tights by the end of the night. While my ex was fucking me the other guy played with me while his girlfriend was playing with two other girls…intense night."

Anyone have similar stories to these? I'd love to hear them!

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/3oxzc9/request_does_anyone_have_a_story_involving


  1. Not a whole lot of detail to tell, but I brought my girlfriend on a family vacation. I fingered her in the back of the car in the middle of the night while everyone was sleeping. The next night we had sex while the parents were in the next bed.

  2. In high school, I jerked my boyfriend off under a blanket while his parents were in the same room watching a movie. I’m pretty sure his dad knew what I was doing.

  3. Back in high school I (M) was at my friends (M) house. In his basement he has a guest bedroom. We had 3 girls over. We all ended up in the guest room. Me in the bed with one girl, my friend with another girl on the couch in the bedroom, and the 3rd girl was on the bed with us. As much as I want to say it was a 3way, it wasn’t. A king size bed allowed my girl and I to have enough room of our own. We turned the lights off and all ended up hooking up. Except for the 5th wheel, she kind of just hung out and chatted. But my girl and I ended up having sex. It was pretty hot because no one knew until afterward. It was obvious we were hooking up and doing stuff, but no one realized we took it to sex. Really hot now that I think back about it, having to muffle her moans. And it was spur of the moment. We both knew we wanted to hook up but didn’t really plan on it happening then. I guess we both felt the rush of other people being in the room and it just happened.

  4. In high school I was in the marching band. It might seem like the dorkiest thing in the world, and maybe a little "old hat" now, but band camp can be a bit like the movies. Naturally the movies go a little far, but my experience, and the confessed experiences my younger brother, are all the proof I need to believe he myth. Band camp was fun but the ride home from away games was where the real action was. The band didn’t have a bus for boys and a bus for girls. We had two buses but if you were in one they didn’t care which one. Long rides home late at night from a football game were the perfect time to make out for those of us with a SO in the band. Most people in the band dated someone in the band for just this reason. Naturally most of us rounded 3 bases on a school bus at some point along the way. Every other Friday for years my girl friend and I cuddled up and pretended no one knew what we were doing under the small blanket she carried because she "was always cold." Later, in college, I talked a girl friend into sex on the back porch of our apartment. Eventually we settled on a late night adventure with the lights off to reduce the chance we would be noticed. On a cool fall night we stripped off on the back porch and I folded her over a chair. She grabbed the arm rests and tried not to make too much noise as we had our fun. The back porch faced a road often used in town and there was certainly a street light that would have shown enough to know what was going on is anyone took the time to look. At another point a friend rented a hotel room for my girl friend and I as a birthday gift for her. At the time we both lived with our parents. The blessing and curse of living near a major university. This room was paid for so we could all party and when things were said and done the two of us could have the room for the loud sex we couldn’t have at home. One of our friends got a job that day and instead of going home, he was very sober, he decided he wanted to sleep in the other bed in the hotel room to save the drive time in the morning. That was not stopping my fun mind you. While he slept, or not, in the other bed my girl friend and I had the loud and satisfying sex we craved. If he felt uncomfortable that was on him. The lights were out, and she did insist on staying under the covers but we ALL slept in the smell of great sex that night. After that even this almost became a habit for us in a way. We made some more open friends and it wasn’t uncommon to have a conversation with one of my guy friends while we were both getting a blow job. The girls loved to get us all playing some racing game against one another and they would do there best to distract us. They guys raced for first place in the game to prove they could focus through it, and the girls played to make their guy lose. Looking back that was a great time in my life. Not everyone in those memories is still with us. There is more but, well that’s enough. I never thought of my life as sexually adventurous before this, so thanks for bringing all this to mind at one time. I feel like I have lived a little more than I did before I started typing.

  5. I have a couple, but I’ll just start with one. If you like it, I’ll post another. My bf and I were walking late at night through a park by my house. It was never very crowded and this night it was almost empty–probably because there was no moon and it was almost pitch black. Anyway, there was a river with a path running alongside it that had benches. We sat on one of the benches and started making out. Things progress. Eventually my breasts are exposed, nipples hard in the cold night air. Seeing that I’m turned on, he lifts my skirt up and spreads me wide on the bench and starts fucking me. God, it feels so good. I don’t know if it was the sound of the fucking, because I tried to muffle myself, or the sweet smell of my super wet pussy hanging in the night air… but eventually we notice another couple fucking on the bench next to us. They must have come across us and gotten inspired. I wish I could say we all interacted next. I wish I could say my bf splayed me out and invited them to explore me and fuck me and use me, but that didn’t happen. Both couples finished fucking and went our separate ways in the dark. I was so turned on and so wet, I remember the juices soaking my panties and dripping down my legs on the walk home.

  6. One summer in college, my girlfriend had an apartment overlooking a crosswalk used by many students to walk between their apartments and classes. She had mentioned a while earlier that she wanted to try fucking with the blinds open in daylight, so one day while we were having sex, I positioned her doggy style facing the window, opened the blinds, and fucked away. I have no idea if anyone saw, but it was really hot either way.

  7. I have a couple. I was at a friend’s party years ago and after everyone left there were 6 of us remaining: Me with a girl that was friends with my friend’s gf, and my friend’s roommate with his gf. The guys who lived there took their gf’s to their respective bedrooms while I hooked up the one on the living room couch. While everyone was having sex and could hear each other, at one point my friend and his gf took a break and he went to the bathroom. While she was waiting for him to come back I could see her reflection in the sliding glass door standing at the corner by their bedroom door as she was watching us. She started rubbing her tits and fingering herself and didn’t notice him come up behind her. He watched her watching us for, I don’t know, maybe 5 seconds, and promptly bent her over right then and there and did her doggystyle while they watched me and my girl bang on the couch. They tried to be all sly and quiet, but I knew. To this day I don’t think they know I saw them watch us.

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