Blowjob for a taxi fare m/f

Something on tv reminded me of a thing that happened quite a few years ago, I was probably about 22 then.

I had been out drinking with a few friends, had a good night and we had separated leaving for home. I was walking through the town centre making my way to the taxi rank when I saw a girl coming in my direction. She was pretty, slim, about 20 (maybe younger), heels, short skirt, nice breasts, she had her arms crossed and was looking at the ground as she walked.

As we were about to pass each other she looked up at me and we caught each others eyes, she stopped and seemed to want to say something. I waited, trying to look friendly and open to help if she needed. She told me she had lost her friends and had no money for a taxi home and asked if I was going in same direction as her. Unfortunately I was not, my place was in the opposite direction of hers. I apologised and said I would have helped if I could.

She asked if I could give her some money for a taxi home, she would be very grateful. At this point I surprised myself and without even thinking about it I said I would give her my taxi money if she gave me a blow job in return. She took a second to think about it, looking away and biting her lip, looking back at me she said sure as long as it didn't take too long.

I took her hand and we went up a side street which served back of some shops and was deserted. Once suitably under cover, I pulled her into me and started kissing her. She tasted, smelt and felt really nice. I had a good feel of her tits and ran my hand under skirt and fingered her for a few minutes, I noted she was very wet and had started panting.

Suitably aroused I stood back and undid my belt and trousers and pulled them down freeing my cock for her. She knelt down and immediately took me in her mouth and sucked eagerly. She put a good effort into it and was really working me over. I thoroughly enjoyed it and came really hard in her mouth and watched her as she swallowed, grimacing only a little.

Once finished she stood up waiting for me to sort my trousers out. I took out my wallet and gave her what I had left, which was about £15 and thanked her. She said sure, thanks and walked off back in direction of the taxis.

I decided to walk a little further to a different taxi rank to avoid any further contact with her, I wasn't interested in getting her number or anything. I passed an ATM and took some more money out for my own taxi ride home.

I had actually forgotten about this until recently.



  1. I think you meant to type "inexplicable" rather than "exploitable" you have 2 grammar strikes on your account, please be very careful until the monthly reset on October 22nd.

  2. I didn’t mean anything rather than "exploitable", given that I didn’t write "exploitable", but thanks for your run-on sentence providing input.

  3. Sure you can appeal this most recent strike but upon deeply looking into your file, we see that you also have a checkered history of capitalization errors involving the seasons (spring, summer, fall are NOT capitalized) as well as you sometimes use commas incorrectly, but other than that you are progressing at a fine rate and making noticeable improvements which are highly commended!

  4. Is OP responding from his non-throwaway account? Interesting to hear how OP would feel if he was desperate and the chick said she’d help him out of he ate her smelly butthole.

  5. I suppose I could have just given her the money, but she could have declined as well, I’m sure she would have gotten home eventually. I don’t see how this is exploiting at all, I made an offer and she accepted and I’ll add seemed to enjoy.

  6. Nope, no idea who Retifon is, certainly not me. And if the roles had been reversed and she asked me to eat her smelly butthole, as much as I enjoy rimming these days, I would probably have declined and walked home.

  7. I don’t see how this is predatory? I made an offer and she accepted, I can’t remember how I felt at the time (certainly a little drunk) I may have given her the money even if she had declined.

  8. Because this girl was in a situation where she couldn’t say no. I mean, yeah she could have walked home or found someone else to give her cab fare or a million other different things, but fundamentally instead of helping a human being out of the goodness of your hard you took advantage of the situation for your own personal gain. Is that right or wrong? I don’t know. I mean fundamentally paying her for sex work isn’t any different then her using that money a cab driver.

  9. He didn’t think you were me. He thought, probably correctly, that you were the author of a couple of posts ill-conceivedly attacking my grammar. Those have since been deleted, probably wisely; otherwise someone who cared (and so not me) could easily check how frequently those two usernames have posted together, and get the accounts banned.

  10. Taking advantage of people less fortunate just means you’re a predatory piece of shit. I’ve seen guys like him predating on adolescents in the Dominican Republic, Thailand, the Philippines and other places. You’re human garbage.

  11. She agreed to give him a blowjob for money she could have said no she did not OP did nothing wrong

  12. If I put a gun to your head and ask you for your money and you say yes, did you get mugged or give me a cash gift? Consent where no isn’t an option is not consent.

  13. She had a option that is a stupid comparison she could have walked home or asked someone else OP never forced her to say yes to it

  14. Also the situation what you described is legally robbery the situation in this story completely different also Consent where no isn’t an option is not consent is really stupid

  15. So do teenagers and children in the countries I listed to feed their families and make money as well. You’re pathetic and despicable.

  16. She did not have to feed her family wtf are you talking about she needed cab money not money for food or bills or rent for her family apples and oranges she could have easily asked anyone else

  17. She was in a desperate situation. You might want to focus on finishing high school, losing your virginity, getting a job and getting some social skills before you comment again and remove all doubt as to how ridiculous and idiotic you are.

  18. Well i am a grown married man but nice assumption also as i have said again and again she could have asked so many other people it is not like she would have died if OP did not give her money stop being a idiot

  19. Sure. Right. OK. Whatever you have to tell yourself that you’re not a predator. Grow up.

  20. Ok now you are saying i am a predator you don’t even know me clearly you are a retard with a agenda and no common sense so this is my last response OP did nothing illegal

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