Alyona, the slut I denied

I had met up with my friends (Eric [my best] and James [his neighbor]) one night at a park in downtown near an Asian convenience store that would sell us alcohol. My best friend had brought along a girl he met (Alyona) lifeguarding. He told me she sucked him off in the pool shower during his break earlier that day. She was a blonde Russian girl with a ballerinas figure. She liked to wear leather boots with dark colored jeans and a leather jacket. I didn't pay her much mind, I was more interested in getting drunk with my friends. James and I were pouring vodka on the ground and lighting it on fire, trying to make designs out of it. Eric was off to the side with Alyona's hands in his pants.

Soon after Alyona had to leave. Eric left with her to take her back to the metro. James and I decided that we should trail them to see what they were doing (at this point we were piss drunk). Aside from a kiss at the metro they didn't do much. When Eric walked back to us we shoved the bottle in his hand and congratulated him for the catch.

Flash forward a week later. I was walking through the shopping district and Alyona spotted me in the crowd. She ran up to me and gave me a kiss on the cheek then grabbed my arm as we walked together. We chatted as we shopped together. I noticed that she wasn't wearing a bra. She was wearing a high cut top with matching jacket, a pleated skirt with knee high socks, and polished black leather boots. She continuously dodged conversations involving Eric by asking for my opinion on clothes. I knew what she was up to; she wasn't as sly as she thought. I had no plans for the day and she was entertaining.

After an hour or so she told me she wanted to show me her secret spot. She led me down a back alley and up a fire escape ladder to a roof. From it we could see a good portion of the city. I sat down and we talked some more. She became impatient with me and pushed me on my back as she straddled me. I told her I wasn't interested and she became very upset. She told me that if I didn't do what she asked she would cry. I scoffed at that but tears started to well in her eyes. She told me that the least I could do was suck on her neck. I figured that wasn't so unreasonable and she was gorgeous.

I laid back and she followed. I began sucking her neck as she grinded my (admittedly) hard cock through my pants. I could feel her getting hotter as I sucked and licked her neck. As she grinded my throbbing cock her shirt slid up to expose her breasts. They felt amazing as they rubbed up and down my chest. They were firm C cups and I could feel how hard her nipples had become. Her skirt had lifted too and the feeling of her silk panties sliding up and down my shaft was tantalizing.

She reached down to undo my belt and I pulled her hands away. She pouted but I still didn't want to fuck her. She continued to rub herself on me, her crotch grinding against me harder and harder. Soon she began shaking as I grabbed her head and body, sucking her neck delicately. She sat up and thanked me for being a gentleman. I told her that it didn't count as sex. She smirked and we parted ways.

She didn't notice it yet but I left a hickey the size of my fist on the front of her neck. She texted me later and said a stranger on the metro asked her about it. She had to use heavy amounts of makeup to cover it. She told me that the thought of having such a huge hickey made her so hot that she had been masterbating several times a day. That was my punishment to her for forcing me.



  1. That’s questionable decision making, Sir. Lol. Been there though, sometimes the nutty is too powerful. Lol

  2. >After an hour or so she told me she wanted to show me her secret spot. I bet she did.

  3. I still don’t understand your reason for not banging her… did you think your friend had "claimed" her?

  4. Vodka doesn’t burn, at least not your typical 80-90 proof vodka. So I think the whole story is bullshit.

  5. I wasn’t interested in having sex with her. I didn’t have much more of a reason than that.

  6. I don’t have any vodka or butane lighters around, and I’m not gonna buy them to test this, but I used to bartend. You need Bacardi 151 to make a flaming drink and even it is hard to light.

  7. You can light the fumes on fire. If you’re pouring it on a wide surface like a table or the ground, it’ll evaporate quickly and you can get a little fire out of it.

  8. You seem to be exclaiming to the Internet that you don’t know what you’re talking about and you’re too lazy to learn. Why did you say anything in the first place? Why waste everybody’s time?

  9. You told me "try a butane lighter" to burn vodka, and I simply replied that I wasn’t going to buy something I’ll never use – I neither drink nor smoke – just to test what you told me to do. Lazy doesn’t enter into it – I already know from my days as a bartender. Our standard Vodka doesn’t burn. Neither does whiskey, or any of our typical 80-90 proof liquors. Alcohol needs to be at least 125 proof to burn, even 151 proof rum doesn’t burn easily.

  10. So you know that vodka will burn but you decided to call me a liar? Is it ignorance that ails you?

  11. His friend is a Russian named Aloyna (or whatever), and he makes no allusions to being in America, why would you assume he’s american? I would assume he’s European.

  12. I don’t assume he is American, I put the reference to American liquor in there for context. It would’ve been very easy for him to come back with his nationality, (if that is a factor) but he choose to get butt hurt instead.

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