Master of Castle Oscarshall Part III [mf] [bdsm]

Part 3:

Sabrina awoke in a haze, her eyes out of focus. Her panties were on, her hair didn't feel like the mess she expected. She sat up and looked around the room. No Jean in sight. Sabrina ambled out of bed and into the hallway. She didn't hear anything or see anyone. She began to think maybe last night's events had been a dream.

Sabrina pushed the door to the bathroom open and sat down on the toilet to pee. Ouch! Sabrina stood back up as she felt a sting from the toilet seat. She peered at her ass in the mirror – faintly visible fingerprint marks remained on her cheeks. Jean must have really been there. She shuddered – where was Jean now? Had he left her again? Sabrina was so sick of being alone. She choked back tears as she sat back on the toilet.

A few minutes later, Sabrina stepped out of the bathroom and strolled down the hall to foyer. The kitchen was located on the end of castle away from the sleeping quarters. From across the foyer, Sabrina heard sizzling. Jean?

Sabrina swung the kitchen door open – Jean turned from the stove. He held a skillet with fried eggs sizzling within. “Hungry?”

Sabrina ran to Jean. He barely had time to place the skillet back on the stove before Sabrina wrapped her arms around her waist. She fell to her knees and nuzzled her Master's belly. “Oh Master, Master I thought you were a dream!” Jean ran his fingers through Sabrina's hair. “I won't be leaving you again, my Pet.”

Jean scooped the eggs onto two plates on the counter. He led Sabrina into the dining room adjacent to the kitchen. The two academic kinks reminisced over a hearty breakfast. Jean had spent the past year teaching and mentoring undergraduates at Cal Poly in St. Luis Obispo. He had hiked and camped and tried to fill the void of their relationship with nature – yet in the mountains of California he found himself constantly thinking of Sabrina. She had become a slave to her research on Nordic architecture. When Sabrina could not stop thinking of Jean, she drowned her mind out with another book. She had become one of the hottest scholars in the field.

Sabrina got up to bring the dishes into the kitchen. Jean followed her lead, but blocked the doorway. He reached into his pocket and produced from it Sabrina's collar, which he had nicked from the bathroom counter. Sabrina grinned as her Master fastened her beloved collar around her neck. Jean pushed the cold steel ring against Sabrina's collar bone. She shivered.

In the kitchen, Jean told Sabrina to just leave the plates on the counter for the servants. He felt odd saying to do so, but as the staff's pay for the summer was covered by his late great-grandfather, he allowed himself the privilege. He followed Sabrina out into the foyer. She turned to him, “Jean, I really need to get to some work done in the library. Would you keep me company?”

“Certainly,” Jean replied. “Actually I had planned on joining you in the library already.” As the two walked toward the library, Sabrina's mind wandered back to Jean's kinky quirks. She remembered her favorite. “Master… do you still carry your switchblade?”

Jean pulled the knife out of his back pocket and flicked the blade open. He pushed Sabrina against the wall of the hallway. “You know better than to ask Master questions you know the answer to.” Jean pressed the flat end of the blade into Sabrina's Chest. “Yes, Master,” she eked out. He dragged the blade down to the crevice between Sabrina's breasts. Sabrina begged, “Please, Master don't tease me.” Jean pulled the knife away, his left hand still pinning Sabrina against the wall. His fierce eyes burned into her.

“You will be doing your research with no clothes today, slave,” Jean said cooly. Snip! Snip! He cut the straps off of Sabrina's nightie. He let it fall to the ground. “Take the thong off, now,” Jean commanded. Sabrina slipped it down over her thighs. She handed the panties to Jean. “Good girl.” Jean opened the door and followed Sabrina into the library.

The library was old and stately. One wall was fully covered in stuffed bookshelves; a sturdy reading desk sat in the center of the opposite wall. Jean took a seat at the desk. Sabrina gleefully took to the bookshelves, spying one-of-a-kind volumes at every glance. She climbed the rolling ladder to grab tomes from the high shelf. Jean watched his pet's body at work. He wanted to grab her ass, to pull her from the ladder and fuck her brains out on the library floor. But Jean was no slouch as a Master – he kept it cool on the surface.

Sabrina pulled down several books, piling them atop the desk near Jean. After a while, the cold stone floors and cool castle air began to give Sabrina chills. As she pulled a ninth book from the shelf, she shivered. “Master, it's so cold in this library.”

Smack! Sabrina turned, startled. Jean had hit the desktop with a smooth, wooden paddle. He had stored it beneath the chair. Sabrina bit her lip. “I've been waiting for you to say that, slave. Those who complain must be punished.” Jean crossed the room. Sabrina backed up into the bookshelf. Her Master's hands reached her shoulders. Jean spun her around. “Hands on the bookshelf, now!”

Pap! Pap! Pap! Jean started softly with the paddle. He was baiting his prey. Sabrina, expecting harder lashes, turned her head to look at Jean. He grabbed her jaw. “Bad girl! Don't question your master.”

Smack! Smack! Smack! Jean laid into Sabrina's asscheeks harder. Smack! Smack! Her ass grew red quickly. Sabrina couldn't stop tears from welling up and running down her cheeks. Her ass was sore from the previous night. Jean, feeling Sabrina sob, rubbed her gingerly with the opposite side of the paddle. The cool wood soothed her pain. Now Jean directed the paddle to Sabrina's thighs. Smack-smack! Smack-smack! Sabrina's legs quivered. “On your knees, kitten.”

Sabrina leaned against the bookshelf for support. Jean put his arms around her shoulders, comforting her. “Are you going to be a good kitty for Master?” She nodded her head. Jean unzipped his fly. “Turn around.” Sabrina turned to face Jean's erect cock at eye level. She reached and covered it with her lips, surprising Jean. Sabrina covered Jean with her warm, thick spit. “Oh fuck, good girl.” Jean managed to not let his voice shake. “Touch yourself.”

Sabrina's fingers met her slippery clitoris. She pushed and rubbed against it, her Master's cock now pounding her mouth. Sabrina was in a fantasy world. Her tongue lapped at Jean; her fingers plunged into her pussy. She longed for more. Jean pulled a toy from his cargo pocket – A curvy, purple, silicon dildo. “Use this, kitten.” He shoved it into Sabrina's hand.

The toy slipped into Sabrina easily, she was soaking wet. The curved end rubbed the inside wall of her pussy perfectly. Meanwhile, Jean grabbed Sabrina's hair. His cock pushed against the back of her throat. Sabrina continued to lap it with her tongue. Jean was about to explode. Sabrina pounded herself roughly with the toy.

Jean pulled Sabrina's hair tight. “Don't you dare flinch.” Sabrina knew what that meant. She tightened her lips. Jean fucked her mouth roughly. Sabrina's toy just kept hitting her vaginal wall perfectly. She was approaching nirvana, all she saw was white. All she felt was bliss. Her legs went limp as she started to cum. She pushed her hand into her thighs for support. She kept the toy pressed against her wall.

Jean could see Sabrina melting in her orgasm. He erupted. His cum shot into Sabrina's mouth. Sabrina kept her lips tight around her Master's precious cock. Her mouth was filled. As Jean pulled out, she allowed his cum to pour out onto her chin. It dripped down to her chest slowly – Master's cum was thick.

Jean petted his kitten, showing his appreciation for her brilliant performance. He gave her collar a little tug. “Thank you, my pet.” Jean pulled Sabrina up from her knees, the toy falling onto the floor. Sabrina was a mess, she was covered in her own and her Master's cum. Still, Jean embraced her, nuzzling her cheek. “You make your Master so happy, Sabrina.”

Sabrina licked Jean's faced. “I love you, Sir.”


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