The Master of Castle Oscarshall: Part IV [mf] [bdsm]

Part 4:

Steam poured from the marble of the shower floor. Jean sat on the stool underneath the downpour. His eyes were tight shut, his mind was focused. He felt like a king again – and rightfully so, as he currently sat in his castle. The watered trickled and then stopped falling as Jean twisted the knobs tight on the wall. He allowed himself to drip dry, standing in the center of the bathroom, and admiring himself in the mirror. Perhaps it was his rediscovered dominance, but Jean felt like a stud.

Meanwhile in the library, draped in a blanket, but otherwise still obediently nude, Sabrina poured over a book. She was absorbed in the history of the castle's inhabitants. Eleven generations had come and gone from Oscarshall; Jean would be the twelfth. It's original walls all stood strong. Sabrina dived into the memoirs written two hundred years in the past, losing track of time and space.

In the master bedroom, Jean stood before the vanity mirror. He straightened the collar of his shirt and fastened his wrists with cuff links. The tie tightened around his neck. His dark coat slipped over his shoulders. He buttoned it closed. Jean examined himself and the room around him. Perfect.

Sabrina noticed the setting sun blazing through the window. She realized she hadn't heard from Jean in hours; what was he up to? Sabrina walked toward the doorway – but she stopped short, surprised. Hanging on the doorknob inside the library were several hangers, containing a dress, lingerie, and jewelry. Sabrina sifted through the clothes gleefully. She grabbed them and darted to the bathroom to get dolled up.

Sabrina exited the bathroom, clad in an long, elegant red dress, to find her Master awaiting her in the hallway. Jean surveyed Sabrina's body, “Almost Perfect…” He pulled out a six-foot leash from inside his coat and snapped the clasp onto Sabrina's collar. “Perfect.”

Jean led his pet down the hallway and into the formal dining room. The room was lit with candles; two places were set at the table across from one another. Jean led Sabrina to one seat, unclasped the leash and tucked it into his pocket, and took his own seat. He rang a bell. The Butler appeared from the kitchen. “Reginald, sir, please bring us a nice red wine, and tell the chef we are ready,” Jean commanded the butler. “Right away, Sir,” and the butler disappeared back into the kitchen.

A minuter later, the butler was in the dining room filling Sabrina's and Jean's glasses. The chef brought out two steaming plates of stir fried vegetables and grilled red potatoes. Jean commanded the servants to leave them alone and unattended. The two hastened away.

Jean removed the lid from a silver bowl in the middle of the table, revealing its contents to be ice cubes. He rose from the table and refreshed his and Sabrina's wine. “Now, for every bite of dinner you take, you will also take an ice cube and place it wherever I demand,” Jean ordered. He sat back at the head of the table. Sabrina took a big sip from her glass.

Sabrina hesitated a minute; Jean quietly enjoyed his meal, ostensibly ignoring her. Sabrina silently slipped a potato onto her fork and lifted it into her mouth. She chewed slowly, not making a peep. She swallowed. Clink! Jean's placed his fork onto the table. “The back of your neck.”

Sabrina gasped inaudibly, covering her mouth. 'Jean must have bat ears.' She grabbed a piece of ice and touched it to her neck. “Ah, Master it's too cold,” she whined. “If you complain, I'll make you hold it longer,” Jean retorted. “Ok, drop it.” Sabrina let the ice fall behind her.

This time she tried to take a bite quickly and gulped it down. “Upper chest,” Jean spoke calmly. Sabrina complied. “Let it slide,” Jean commanded. The ice left a wet streak as it slipped down Sabrina's chest in between her breasts. It stopped in her lacy bra, melting away.

Sabrina took another bite, daringly. “Pull the dress aside. Left nipple.” Sabrina pushed the ice into her nipple, which stiffened immediately. “Push.” Jean barked. Sabrina squeezed the ice against her breast. water trickled down onto her dress. She held it until it melted completely.

“That's enough,” Jean said. “Enjoy your wine and vegetables.” He had finished eating, himself. He walked around the table behind Sabrina. The leash clicked back onto her collar. jean reached over her and grabbed a piece of ice. He rubbed it against Sabrina's shoulders as she ate. Sabrina shuddered.

Sabrina finished eating, and again jean rang the bell for the butler. “Thank you for your service, Reginald, you and Elbert can leave after cleaning up. Please don't disturb Sabrina and I for the rest of the night.” Jean's dominance protruded into his character. He was always certain of himself. Jean grabbed ahold of Sabrina's leash now, and led her out of the dining room. “Oh, my.” the butler whispered to himself as he entered the kitchen.

In the hallway, Jean stopped. “Down, girl,” he commanded Sabrina. She got down on her knees and felt the soft ruby carpet. Jean unzipped her dress and pulled it over head. Underneath, Sabrina wore a lace corset, garter belt, and stockings. She got down on all fours. Jean walked her to the master bedroom, admiring his pet's ass swaying as she walked. He stiffened as she prowled like a cat in front of the bedroom door. “Do you want to come into Master's lair, my pet?” Jean inquired. Sabrina nodded her head. “You will have to pay the toll.” Sabrina licked her lips. Jean unzipped his pants.

Jean's cock rammed into the back of Sabrina's mouth. He pulled her by her shoulders up from all fours and pushed her back against the wall. He pinned her arms. Sabrina drooled uncontrollably as her throat was invaded by Jean. Her head bobbed against the wall. Slobber rolled down Sabrina's chin. Jean looked into Sabrina's eyes as his cock erupted inside her mouth. “Take it!” he demanded. Sabrina tried to say 'yes sir' but her words were muddled by Jean's thick cock and his semen pumping into the back of her mouth. Sabrina gulped it down.

Jean pulled out. Sabrina sat against the wall, breathing heavily. Jean regained his composure and zipped his pants. He turned the doorknob of the master bedroom, revealing the dim firelight. Jean grabbed Sabrina's collar, “Welcome to paradise, Sabrina.”
