No One Hits It Quite Like Your Ex (F and M)

I'm not going to pretend like I'm a good girl. I've never had a hangup about putting out for a guy I liked. But when I was about 20 I was going through an uncharacteristically long dry spell. It had been about 8 months since I had sex, another 2 or 3 since a guy had actually gotten me off. Valentines Day was approaching and I wasn't lonely so much as I had an uncontrollable need to be touched by a man.

I had been on a couple of dates but none of them had anything remotely approaching chemistry. If found myself on OK Cupid a few days before V-Day, and stumbled upon a familiar face.

James and I had dated for several months when I was a first year at school/ A tall, scruffy, stocky white boy with a quick wit, it didn't take long for him to talk his way into my panties. For six months he had me every way he wanted me and it was six months of some of the most passionate sex I've ever had. Sadly we didn't really click during the time that requires you to be wearing clothing, so we drifted a part.

A bit tipsy and maybe more than a bit thirsty, I sent him a message. "Single again?" I teased. Almost immediately he sent something back saying that he wasn't expecting to hear from me so soon. He asked me what I was up to. I was unprepared to give an answer. I told my roommate about stumbling on him.

"Do you still have feelings for him?" she asked.

"not exactly."

"But you still want to fuck him, though?" I nodded emphatically. "Call him. Tell him that."

I didn't wait, I gave him a call at 3:30 AM, my heart pounding with excitement.

"Are you drunk," were the first words out of his lips.

"Fuck you," I laughed, glancing at the empty bottle on my bedside table."I was curious what your plans are for Valentines Day."

"Are you asking me out?"

"No. Answer the question."

"I don't know… I was going to seeing if a girl on OK Cupid wanted to do something."

"Why don't you come to my place instead. I won't make you waste money on a date."

"What do you mean?" I let out a loud, angry sigh.

"I mean I want your dick, dude. Not a relationship. Not an awkward couple of hours where we eat a bad meal and wonder where the night's going to end. I want you to come over and fuck me."

He didn't say anything and I was a bit stunned by how blunt I was. after a few minutes I got:

"Are you fucking with me?"

"No, but I want to be."

We agreed for him to come over around 6pm on V-day, after my roommate would already have left for her date.The next morning I told my roommie about the conversation.

"Wow, slut, I'm really impressed." "Yeah… now I have to follow through," I laugh. "Do you have anything sexy I could wear?" She laughed out loud. "Look at you, do you think that a top I could own could conceivably contain those?" She had a point… she was very slender and I was, in her words, "blessed in the chest."

I spend all morning on Valentine's day getting ready. Cleaning the room. Showering. Shaving. Reshowering. Trying out outfits.

Six o'clock came and I answered the door wearing a bathrobe. He was in a black button up and jeans, a bottle of wine in his hand. I pulled him inside and dropped the robe. He stared for a moment and then he was on me, backing me against the desk, his tongue in my mouth as his hands found his way to my hips. I greedily reached for his belt, pulling down his trousers, grasping him.

"Jesus," I said, aware of how fucking stupid I sounded, "I forgot how thick you are." Which wasn't just puff…James is not the only guy with a big cock I've slept with, but he is the only guy with a big cock who knew how to use it. He reached a hand to start fingering me and I slapped it away. "Just put that thing in me. Now." I commanded. He took a condom out of the bag he'd carried in and let me adjust it.He entered me slowly.

"Fuck me. Hard." I commanded, grabbing the back of his neck, forcing him to look at me. And wow did he listen. The desk shook so hard that I'd find cracks in the dry wall the next day.My hands locked behind his neck I grinded in rhythm with him, it wasn't long before he brought me to a crashing climax. I began to scratch at his back, breaking my french tips in the process.He began to hammer away, leaving me unable to do anything but scream in pleasure, the high pitched shriek I let out alien to my own ears.he lifted my legs,giving a few deep, slower thrusts, forcing a third climax on me before I felt him spasm into his own.

He sat on the bed, panting. With some effort I was able to get my legs to stop trembling long enough to join him. "Want to order a pizza?" I asked. We did and lay there, mostly bullshitting about TV until it arrived. I went down in my bathrobe to pay, the delivery guy giving me a weird look. "it's valentine's.. don't judge," I told the guy, loving the way he was checking me out.

James lay on the bed, naked, displaying his manhood. I set the box down and he grabbed a slice. I sank to my knees.

"what are you doing," he asked.

"Not hungry yet," I whispered, taking him into my mouth. He tasted like cum and latex, and I don't usually love giving head under normal circumstances, but something about the situation unleashed something in me.

"The pizza's going to get cold," He said half complaining.

"then eat it," I looked up, smirking. "Don't mind me."

It was so satisfying when he grew hard in my mouth. Feeling that throb as i took him deeper into my throat. I let him gag me, felt my jaw ache around his girth. . . "You're a lot better at that than you were when we dated,' He teased.

"Fuck you. I'm happier to see your dick knowing I don't have to pretend to give a shit about what you have to say." I shot back. he gripped my curls tight, He bent me over my roommates bed, this time not wasting time before giving me the full brunt of his cock. I almost had forgotten the mix of pleasure and pain that came from getting it deep and hard from a guy like James.I screamed encouragements in Spanish and English,loving how powerless I felt with his rough hands gripping my shoulders and his piece battering away at me. I actually saw stars as I came this time.

When he finished we didn't kiss goodbye, he just got dressed and left. I told him we should see each other again occasionally, and we did, but nothing serious.

That night, my roommate got home around 4AM. Drunk. From the look on her face and the mess of her hair, I wasn't the only one who enjoyed my evening. "What did he do to you?" She said, a bit worried when she saw bruises on my shoulders. "Exactly what I needed," I laughed before rolling over to go to sleep.



  1. >"Are you fucking with me?" "No, but I want to be." Smoother than a woman’s legs on date night! Great story, always love hearing GW stories from girls blessed with a ravenous sexual appetite. More please!

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