“Here We Go-gan” — A Pete’s Dragon 1977 Buttonsack Fanfic

*This short story is a work of fiction intended for entertainment purposes only. All characters portrayed in this piece are of legal age. Any resemblance written characters have with real-life individuals is strictly coincidental.*

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Pete dashed around the corner with Dr. Terminus following closely on his heels.

“He’s in there! Come on!” Terminus pointed toward the large warehouse doors ahead.

“Elliott! Elliott!” Pete exclaimed as he shoved the doors open and burst in. Then he froze, uncertain by what he was seeing.

Within the warehouse was complete and utter chaos. Shouting boat workers – about fifty of them – were laying out layers of nets and tarps that were connected to pulleys attached to the ceiling above. Judging by the thrashing that was happening under the tarp, there was an obvious malfunction of some sort that they were trying to figure out.

What was even more peculiar, however, was the absence of the large green dragon that Terminus had told Pete would be here.

Terminus looked at the flailing tarp with the same bewilderment that Pete expressed.

“Did you say the primary was really the tertiary?” Hoagy asked nonchalantly as he walked up to Terminus and Pete.

“What?” Terminus asked in disbelief. “Never!”

Pete stepped back toward the warehouse wall with his back toward a closed door that led to another room.

“Where’s Elliott?” Pete asked.

Terminus returned his attention to the boy, and he smirked.

At that instant, the doors behind Pete burst open, and out poured the four sisters, Glenda, Rose, Amber and Brenda, in that order from oldest to youngest.

“Nowhere!” Glenda screamed as she grabbed Pete around the neck from behind. “Your hokey-pokey dragon’s out helping Santa Claus pull his sled! Girls!”

The sisters rushed Pete with each of them grabbing an arm or a leg and lifting him up to restrain him.

“Let me go!” Pete struggled, but there wasn’t much he could do against the strength of four grown women.

Together, they all began to pull at Pete’s clothes, ripping them from his body one by one to make sure he had nothing on him that could help him escape. Not a stitch.

“Now you’re never gonna get away again! We’re gonna put chains on you when you’re workin’!” Glenda chided.

“And when you’re *not* workin’!” Rose added.

“And we’ll tie you down when you’re sleepin’!” Brenda chimed in as she debriefed Pete of his last article of clothing: his white underwear. She licked her lips lustfully as she gawked at Pete’s unconcealed penis.

Keeping things moving forward at a quick pace, Amber took the long, large cloth that had been draped over her shoulder and shook it out, revealing what it was: a big knitted burgundy sack with eight large wooden buttons running down the middle. Amber unbuttoned the mouth of the sweater-like bag, and together, the sisters began to dump his naked body inside.

“Okay, okay. Tear him to pieces in your own time. Right now he is the bait for the trap,” Terminus began. “Take him in there where that *thing* can see him when he comes through the door. He’ll head straight for Pete. We spring the trap. After the tertiary net drops on him, I’ll give Hoagy the signal, and he’ll fire the harpoon right into the middle.”

“No! No!” Pete screamed.

“Yes! Yes!” Terminus yelled back.

Pete tried to argue more, but his voice became muffled as Amber clenched the bag shut over his head, trapping him inside. “*Mmmm! Mmm! Mmm mm mm!*”

Still holding one limb each, the Gogans carefully carried the squirming, bagged boy to the other side of the room where they would wait for Elliott to show up.

“Got it?” Terminus asked as he turned toward his assistant, Hoagy.

“Got it!” Hoagy replied. “But what I don’t got is, h-h-how you gonna get that monster, that hideous beast, that nightmare sent by the devil, to come here?”

“Easy. We get someone he knows to bring him here.”

“Well, who’d be crazy enough to do that?”

Terminus just smiled at Hoagy.

“No! No!” Hoagy shrieked.

“He knows you! He trusts you!” Terminus encouraged.

“He scares me! He hates me!” Hoagy was still hysterical.

“Hoagy. We are all on this earth for a purpose, and the time for your purpose is now. I know that inside this pale, frail, pathetic shell of a man…there is a Vesuvius ready to erupt. Now, I’ve known you, man and beast, since, since you were nothing. But now, Hoagy, now, you’re still nothing, but you could be *something!* You can *be* a somebody. A legend, Hoagy. A legend in your own lifetime, not a joke! The moment’s here, Hoagy. Grab it. Grab it! Today the jester. Tomorrow the king!”


“Get out!”

And Hoagy left to fetch Elliott from his dark cave beside the lighthouse.

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Terminus had waited on guard at the front door of the warehouse for what had seemed like an hour. He was starting to wonder if maybe he had been wrong about Hoagy and Elliott’s relationship; maybe the dragon had eaten him.

Then Terminus saw something floating down the street toward the warehouse. He had to blink twice, because he wasn’t sure if his eyes were playing tricks on him or not. It wasn’t a trick, though. Sure enough, it was Hoagy, hovering about fifteen feet above the ground, with a terrified expression on his face.

“Battle stations!” Terminus hissed at his quiet crew inside the warehouse.

“I told you! I told you, Elliott! There Pete is!” Hoagy spat frantically to the invisible creature that was carrying him as he pointed through the open warehouse doors to the other side where Pete was being kept.

“Look out, Elliott! It’s a tr-mp!” Pete tried to warn his friend, but Glenda clapped her large hand over his mouth, stifling his words.

On the end of the warehouse opposite the door, the three sister sat atop a suspended lookout with their captive sitting in between them. Pete was still wrapped up in the burgundy buttonsack, but the sisters had left the mouth undone to let his head stick through so that Elliott could see him. Glenda sat on the left side of the boy, restraining his left arm through the sack with one hand and clamping his mouth shut with the other. Rose sat on the right side of Pete so that she could restrain his right arm through the bag. Then the two younger sisters sat one level beneath the boy so that they could hold his feet still, or at least that’s what they were supposed to be doing.

Brenda kept turning her attention to Pete’s naked penis that she had gently rubbed so much through the sack that it had turned hard in her hand. The boy repeatedly tried to squirm away from her grip, but she kept massaging his appendage with a delighted giggle. As for the other sisters, they didn’t seem to notice what Brenda had been up to. They were mesmerized by the scene that was taking place before them.

“Aaah! Get him! He’s right here!” Hoagy screamed as his body floated into the warehouse and directly below the hanging tarps.

“Drop everything!” Terminus ordered. “Drop everything!”

The room came to life as the boat workers all struck at once: The men up top quickly lowered the tarps and nets while the men on the ground ran toward the mass that took shape underneath.

Elliott audibly growled in frustration as the dragon collapsed under the weight of the tarps. The men on the ground took advantage of this position; they began to throw ropes over the creature so that they could tie him down.

“Elliott, over here!” Pete was able to tear his mouth away from Glenda’s grip for just a moment.

“Get me out of here! Elliott, don’t step on me!” Hoagy thrashed beneath the tarp as Elliott stomped violently beside him.

Meanwhile, the Gogans all watched in utter disbelief.

“Am I seeing what I think I’m seeing?” Rose wondered aloud.

“It’s beginnin’ to look like a…” Glenda trailed off, and her hand slowly slipped away from Pete’s mouth again.

“Dragon!” Pete finished her sentence.

“Don’t say that!” Glenda barked.

“I’ve got it! We’ve done it!” Terminus celebrated as more ropes flew through the air to restrain the dragon. “We’ve got it! We’ve got it!”

Elliott growled again in anger.

“Please! Please, let me out! Doc, please!” Hoagy screamed as he struggled underneath the tarp.

“Hoagy!” Terminus suddenly remembered his partner. He ran to Hoagy’s aid and pulled back the tarp to let the man free. “Get out of there! Get out of there!

“Doc, get me out! Get me out! Get me out!” Hoagy screamed, even as the tarp was pulled away from his head.

“Okay. Okay!” Terminus grabbed Hoagy’s arm and pulled him to safety.

Elliott continued to growl and stomp in anger, but as the minutes passed, his capture was looking more and more plausible. There were already quite a few ropes fastening his back half to the warehouse floor, and once his front half was secured, the battle would be over.

“Elliott, over here!” Pete pleaded.

“Tie him down! Tie him down!” Terminus ordered.

“Help, Elliott, help!” Pete cried out again, but just like before, Glenda slapped her hand across his mouth, silencing his voice.

Helpless, all Pete could do was watch as Terminus stepped up to the large fishing harpoon.

“I’ll man this harpoon. Take this,” Terminus handed his walking cane to Hoagy. With a viscous laugh, he struck a match a lit the wick that was attached to the weapon. “Light the fuse. Ha, ha, ha.”

Pete’s eyes widened in terror. He couldn’t let Elliott die — not like this and on this day. He had to do something.

With all the strength he could muster, Pete bit down hard on Glenda’s hand while he twisted away from the sisters’ grips.

Glenda screamed in pain as she released the boy. Caught off guard by Glenda’s sudden yell, the other sisters all turned their attention toward her, releasing the boy in the process.

Still in the burgundy, buttonbag, Pete jumped down from the lookout and away from the Gogans. Luckily, the mouth of the sack was unbuttoned enough for him to put his arms through and push it off of the rest of his body so that he could get out.

“No, no! Don’t shoot Elliott!” Pete yelled as his naked body streaked across the warehouse, his penis flopping about as he rushed toward Terminus.

“Girls, grab him!” Glenda yelled after the boy.

“Get him back!” Rose screamed. “Get him back!”

Pete shoved the harpoon so that it was thrown off course. He smiled triumphantly, but the victory was short-lived as Terminus grabbed his shoulders and pushed him back toward the Gogan sisters who were already on his tail.

“Get him outside! Go and get him outside!” Glenda ordered

Terminus and Hoagy fumbled with the harpoon, desperately trying to get it pointed at Elliott correctly before the fuse ran out.

“The other. Shoot, it won’t even aim.”

Meanwhile, the Gogans tended to Pete quickly. Now that Elliott was almost completely restrained, they had held up their end of the deal. It was time for them to make their escape.

“Come on! Get him in the sack!” Glenda ordered.

“Come on, Gogans!” Rose chimed in as she cradled Pete’s naked body in her arms.

Brenda and Amber held the mouth of the burgundy bag open, and Rose dumped the boy inside once more.

“No! No! Help, Elliott!” Pete cried out.

“Pick him up!” Amber pulled the sack up over the boy’s head and clamped the unbuttoned mouth of the bag shut while she lifted his top half into the air.

“*Mmmm! Mmmm! Mm mm mm!*” Pete’s muffled voice came from within the bag.

Brenda wrestled with Pete’s kicking feet, but managed to lift his lower half off the ground.

“Come on! Take him! Take him outside!” Glenda yelled as the Gogans all began to shuffle toward the other end of the warehouse where their escape buggy waited by the closed doorway.

“Get out of the way!” Terminus screamed as the Gogans tiptoed past Elliot with Pete squirming in their grasp.

“*Melp!*” the boy whimpered, but Elliot didn’t hear him through the shouting and growling.

Eventually, the Gogans reached the other end of the warehouse. The sisters had to put Pete down for just a moment so that they could pry the doors open.

In this short time, Pete push his head out of the bag once more to call out to his friend, “Elliott, save me!”

“Throw him in the wagon! Get him outta here!” Glenda shouted.

Amber tried to shove Pete’s head into the bag once more as she and Brenda desperately tried to button the opening up.

“Elliott, don’t let ’em take me!” the boy cried out, but those would be his final words of freedom.

[Brenda made quick work of the last several wooden buttons, sliding them into place and ultimately trapping Pete inside.](http://fav.me/dcfs218)

The youngest sisters climbed into the back of the wagon and pulled Pete in alongside them while the older sisters got in the front of the wagon to make their escape. This was it; they were almost home free.

“Hold still!” Amber yelled at Pete. She tried to hold the top half of his squirming body still, but he was moving around a lot, especially with Brenda massaging his penis through the sack again.

“*Mmmmph! Mmm!*” the boy called out.

At that moment, Elliot had decided he had enough. With one gigantic thrash, the ropes that bound the dragon to the ground snapped. The green beast reeled back, throwing the tarps, nets and men aside as it freed itself. While the men failed to recover quickly from the backlash, Elliot spun around and snarled at the Gogan sisters who were about to make away with Pete.

With a few giant steps, the dragon reached out and grabbed the cart, effectively stopping it in its tracks. Everyone in the cart toppled over, including the bagged Pete that rolled away from Brenda’s penis-pinching reach.

Carefully, Elliot wrapped his tail around Pete’s naked, bagged body, lifted him up out of the wagon, and sat him down on the pavement.

“*Mmm, mmph,*” Pete’s moaned.

“Pete? Reet,” Elliot grunted as he placed his claw within the fastened placket and popped the buttons open with a swipe.

Pete stuck his hands up out of the sack and pulled the bag down to his shoulders. With a smile and eyes radiant at the sight of Elliott no longer trapped, he said ecstatically, “Thanks, Elliott!”

“Okay!” Elliott grunted.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/8uv6wy/here_we_gogan_a_petes_dragon_1977_buttonsack