Domination of Fate [F, fantasy, bd, NC] Part 1

*This is my first time writing a story like this, CC is welcome. Inspired by a writing prompt. I will be continuing this story once I have more time to do so.*


Curled in a chair as old as the house it sat in was a young woman. She sat, reading a large book, with one leg tucked underneath her and the other leg flung over the arm, foot drawing lazy circles in the air. The womans long, ebony tresses provided a small blanket about her bare shoulders.

The shadows watched her.

She sat comfortably in the small cone of light cast from a lamp that hung above her head. The light barely cut into the room, but it was more than sufficient for her to read the book. Unnoticed by herself, the women’s foot would draw its circles in a clockwise direction if what she was reading was easy to decipher, and counter clockwise if it was not. Tonight, her foot had spent much more time counterclockwise than the alternative. She would never be able to tell you this.

The shadows noticed.

Thick frames held heavy lens that stretched eyebrow to cheek, catching and correcting her eyesight as the woman looked down at the pages in front of her. The book told of impossible things; beings that could not be contained by walls, creatures that existed at right angles to all our own. In the days of late she had become transfixed by such stories and was having no trouble finding many more in the library which she sat in. It had belonged to her grandmother, a strange woman who collected many books akin to the one the woman in the chair currently held, but now the library belonged to her, and all the strange books in it.

For the first time in long years, the shadows had heard a mind whisper their name. It had been drawn by the scent of curiosity, and had found its quarry. For some nights it had waited, watching, but now it knew what had called it, and it wanted her.

She flipped the page, but then reached underneath her glasses to give her eyes a rub. Fatigue had enveloped her, and she knew that if she didn’t close the book and head to bed soon the chair would become her bed. And with that she would wake up with a crick in her neck- no, it wouldn’t be a pleasant sleep at all. Rising to her feet, she closed the book and set it carefully on the chair. Normally she would set a bookmark, but during her reading she had set it down somewhere to be swallowed up in the dark, and preferred the future pain of trying to find the right page the next time she read to the current pain of trying to figure out where she had laid the mark down. Stretching, the woman reached up to pluck the lamp from its hook. The library had much natural lighting during the day but didnt have any actual electricity running through it. No switches to flick, but that meant these late night readings required assistance.

The shadows drew in hungrily.

However as she stretched towards the lamp, the light reflected against her glasses, revealing smudges on the lens. With a frown, the woman whisked her glasses off her face. The world burst into blur, edges gone and only soft colours blossoming against each other, muted further in the dim light. She turned, angling her body partially away from the lamp so that the light would reflect against her glasses. Pulling her shirt up, the woman revealed her navel to the darkness as she used the edge to wipe down her glasses. As she cleaned, something pulled at the corner of her eye- some strange form seemed to be in the darkness, drawing together harder than her myopic eyes would regularly allow her to see. In the darkly lit blur that surrounded her, there was almost a solid shape… she thrust her glasses onto her face again, but the blurry world was dispersed and in its place only the expected remained.

The shadow blushed in its thn’nor- she had almost seen it! Few had that eye, the one to see the unseeable. Fewer still had reason to use it. Where the shadow had been resolute, it was now determined.

Glasses now clean enough, the woman grabbed the lamp and made her way out of the library. She crept past tall bookcases, her lamp peaking down each aisle, revealing hundreds of books stacked haphazardly on creaky, old shelves. Her steps were soft, muffled by the socks she wore that crept from toe to thigh, stopping barely an inch below where her shorts started.

Behind her the shadows congealed,, creeping soundlessly as it followed.

The woman reached the bathroom, the door standing slightly ajar. Still the hall was only lit by her lamp, and so barely revealed much if her surroundings. To her right was her bedroom door, shut tight, and so the woman reached out and flicked the door handle. The light of her lamp spilled into the room, revealing a bed only a few feet away. It had been folded neatly, but the dim light barely revealed that. She left the door open, turning back towards the bathroom door. With a flick, she switched the lamp off and plunged herself into darkness.

The shadows had been waiting in a patient agony, but now they rushed forward, propelling itself down the hallway-

She fumbled in the dark for a moment, with one hand clasped to her eyes, before finding the lightswitch. Although her hand still shaded her eyes, the woman felt the light as it lit the bathroom and spilled into the hallway, a comforting blanket of familiar. She kept her eyes covered gently, the light touching softly against her eyelids and staining them red. She fumbled for her toothbrush for a moment but, thanks to living alone, it was exactly where she had expected it to be. She began to brush her teeth, thinking back to the book she had been reading as she did so, keeping her eyes shut all the while.

It had been quick, but not quick enough. Patience was something it had aeons of experience in, but the thrill of the hunt sometimes still consumed it. Just outside the ring of light it waited, ready, hungry.

As she brushed her teeth, the woman’s thoughts drifted back to the book she had been reading. Goosebumps formed and she shivered, but it wasn’t in fear; something in those books called out to her, spoke to some darkly desire she had never the courage to speak. Instead she would think of it, could imagine it- strange, twisted desires as she thought of what those entities in the book could be capable of. How exhilarating it would be to experience them… under her sheer top she felt her skin awaken, every shift of the fabric against her body tantalizing. With her eyes still covered she could almost imagine it was something… *else*.

The shadows could feel her thoughts, feel the echo of it’s own name in her imaginings and it felt itself grow stronger. The scent of her thoughts was tantalizing, the taste of her desires was dehydrating- it wanted more, and these tiny drops only made it crave more.

She bent over the sink, rinsing her mouth out as she thought about crawling into bed. *Perhaps I could twist my blankets around me* she thought, trying to come up with a way to make her imagined scenarios seem slightly more real. Her imagination was great, but it could only do so much- a little physical sensation would do wonders to feed her fantasy. Warmth flushed through her body as she imagined herself, bent over the sink like so, being introduced to one of those beings she had read about. Perhaps it wouldn’t introduce itself at all.

The thoughts were tantalizing, sweet crumbs the shadow consumed, but it was almost amused- so primitive, compared to what it had planned for her.

Teeth brushed, the woman angled herself towards the door. Despite her thoughts and dark desires, the dark sometimes frightened her still- some primal fear that something *would* grab her in the few feet between the bathroom and her bed. Although her eyes remained covered to not wake herself up more, the dim red that she could see was reassuring- nothing could grab her in the light. That’s what she told herself, at least. A nervous giggle escaped her lips, and echoed down the hallway. She reached up with her free hand and switched off the light.

Where before it had rushed, chasing down its prey, it was now patient- from the nights of watching, it knew her routine, knew that she wouldn’t be turning that light on again. It began to lay its trap, vibrating in anticipation. Reaching, stretching, it found itself by her ankles, swarming, swirling as she stepped.

The darkness was heavy on her chest, the air thick against her skin. It felt as if she was wading through water, but she knew it was just her mind playing tricks on her. With her fingertips outstretched she guided herself along, feeling the door frame of the bathroom as she brushed past, then the wall, the corner, and then the frame of her own bedroom door. Her other hand reached out as well, bumping gently into the door, pushing it further open as she stepped into the room before circling around it and pushing the door closed. She followed it, one hand on the handle, the other on the wood, carefully guiding as it clicked into place. A heavy sigh escaped her lips- her bedroom and safe, now she only needed to make it to the bed. With confidence she turned around and let go of the door, striding towards the bed.

The darkness smiled.

After three steps she bent down, fingers brushing the blankets on her bed- or they would have, if the blanket was there. Instead they brushed nothing, momentarily throwing her off balance as she tried to grab something that wasn’t there. Confused, she took a few more steps, more tentatively this time; but still she did not bump knees into the bed, contrary to what she expected. She whirled around and stumbled to where the door should be, but it wasn’t there either; confused, she turned around, arms outstretched, trying to reach something, but nothing seemed to be in reach. *That doesn’t make sense*, she thought. *My room isn’t that big- I would have run into something by now.*

*Fate*, the shadow whispered, *you called, and I have come. Give yourself to me willingly, or I will take you by force.*

The words were more like echoes, as if she had imagined even imagining it- but the voice had called her name, and even in her imagination that rarely, if ever, occurred. She stumbled backwards as if to get away from the voice, but it had come from *inside*, not any particular direction. As she stepped backwards, Fate tripped on some unseen surface than shouldn’t have been there. She landed hard on her ass, except it hasn’t hard at all- the ground was soft, definitely not the same hardwood floor that decorated most of the house. The ground was much warmer, as well, and it took Fate another moment before she realized- it was also wet.

The shadow had caught her as she fell, and now could taste her- there was an overwhelming pungency of fear, but it was brimmed with arousal- was it fading off from her earlier thoughts or growing anew? The shadow did not yet know, but it planned to cultivate both emotions- and even a few more. *Either way, I will enjoy you,* the shadow laughed.

Fate knew the voice wasn’t coming from her own head now, but she definitely heard it there- somehow it didn’t seem to echo as it should, and every word was full and heavy in ways she couldn’t quite comprehend. The laugh was both enchanting and menacing; Fate wanted to hear it again, and was afraid that she would. She tried to push herself back into a standing position but the wetness seemed to cling to her. Fighting, she forced herself to stand even as the weight of the wetness tried to drag her back down. As she stood, facing the darkness that enveloped her, pressing in on every side, Fate felt the wetness thicken and grow. It seemed to pulse, condensing into a rope as it slid and curled around her arms, still somewhat slack, but increasingly heavy.

*Squirm,* the shadow dared. It wanted to feel her try. Although it would enjoy her any way it had her, this would be infinitely more fun.

Pulling against her bonds, Fate felt more of the wetness drifting up her legs, coagulating as it climbed her body. They slid in knotty ropes over her socks, slowly gaining height as the looped around each leg. None of them were very tight, not unless she tried to pull away from them. Relax, and they went slack, although continued to climb; struggle, and each part clung to her tighter. Fate flailed, trying to shake them off her arms and for a moment if seemed to work, the wet ropes on her arms were much thinner- but when she paused they only surged forward with more eagerness than had possessed them previously. The next shake brought her down, falling face first onto the ground, hands restricted too much to catch her fall. Despite the dark Fate involuntary closed her eyes, and when she landed she landed still in the wetness, but it was softer still and seemed to cushion around her face. Warmth radiated from the ground, and from the ropes that were wrapping around her, warmer than he skin, almost burning to the touch- but the warmth was almost pleasant. Her face was submerged and desperately Fate lifted her head up, trying to remove her face from the wetness, trying at least to roll onto her back. As she kicked and twisted the wetness still clung to her face, but at least her nose and mouth were clear and she could still breathe. The wet ropes clung, and in her squirming they began to dislodge her glasses from her face. “No, my glasses!” Fate cried, but it was too late- they had already been whisked away into the eternal darkness that surrounded her. The familiar press of her glasses now absent of her face, Fate blinked and stopped squirming for a moment- for now she could suddenly see.

The shadow hesitated as well, watching with its many eyes as Fate took it in, took as much as the shadow dared to show in this realm in with her eyes. It could not fully exist within the confines of this dimension, that was true; but it had more than enough to drive a man mad. As the shadow watched Fate, it cradled her, gentle. Never with a mortal had it felt so strangely exposed- most humans could barely comprehend a sliver at the thought of it, and even less could see that sliver.

Fate screamed, and clamped her eyes shut. It was everywhere, it was shadows and darkness but also limbs and substance- something her books could hardly prepare her for, their depictions barely a single brushstroke in the massive canvas that was the being’s actuality. The swirling, fractaling, changing landscape of its existence made her dizzy and she wished she could unsee it.

That reaction was one that the shadow had been expecting but had hoped against. Now it wanted to pour itself inside her- bore a hole in her mind, tunnel it’s way in, fill her and consume her from the inside out; that would be easier, of course, but not as satisfying. No, if it could control her physical being first, then she would open her own mind to it. And then it could crawl inside. Disappointment flooded the shadow.

Fate felt a flash of cold come from many different places but it spread until every strange limb that clung to her now was cold against her skin. They had hardened now too, a much thicker consistency than they had been a moment ago, and they now pushed tighter against her skin. She gasped at the change in temperature and continued to squirm against the restraints. She opened her mouth to prepare a scream again, but before her voice could start a tendril slipped across her face, between her lips. It stifled her voice and Fate, confused, didn’t bother to continue trying to scream again. Instead she continued to squirm, desperately trying to raise her arms up enough to clear the tendril that had covered her mouth. It continued to grip, and Fate could feel it slip across her lips, pressing gently into her skin as it pulled past. It was still cold and the sliding sensation sent chills across her skin. In a desperate attempt, Fate opened her mouth again and bit down on the tendril as it fell into her mouth.

Although it was not much more than a tickle to the shadow, it still knew what the sensation Fate had inflicted meant- it meant she was still resisting. She wasn’t giving up yet- her tenacity enthralled the shadow, and it planned to test the very limits of her ability to resist.

The tendril had paused for a moment as she bit into it. It had a semi-solid tension to it, her teeth digging into it but unable to close her mouth fully or even cut into it. Just as Fate began to feel that maybe she had turned the battle to her own side, the tendril flexed in her mouth, wrenching it open further than was comfortable. An end to the tendril snaked it’s way into her mouth under the flexed part, and placed itself on top of her tongue. Fate’s mouth began to salivate as it tried to moisten itself again and the tendril end found itself a comfortable spot in her mouth. swelling until it filled her mouth until she could do little more than breathe, and even that could only be comfortably done through her mouth. The tendril that had kept her teeth separated now slipped down, down across her chin and to her neck, before sliding to tighten itself, wrapping itself around her neck. Once secure, the tendril flexed, as if to show Fate how easily it had found itself there, and what it could do if it wished. In her mouth the tendril end writhed and pulsed slightly, causing her to gag.

It wanted to savour every sweet second of this; Fate was already beginning to bend, but not easily. The shadows would ask for no other way.

Fate pulled her head back in a futile attempt to dislodge the tendril end from her mouth, sinking further into the squishy mass that lay underneath her as she did so. Instead the tendril only followed with her, having formed a sort of seal by swelling more behind her teeth, making it impossible to pull out. Her hands, which she had been fighting to crawl up her body, fighting against the bonds that were restricting her movement, were nearly at her neck already. It wasn’t far, but to Fate it felt like a victory.

The change in Fate’s demeanour- from frightened to determined, told the darkness that it was time to step it up a little further- she actually thought she had a chance.

Although she didn’t seem to physically change position and ever tendril stayed on Fate, the lurching in her stomach and her hair now hanging directly on front of her told Fate that she was somehow now no longer on the floor. *Was it ever really the floor?*she thought, but had no answer there. Just as she felt herself get used to this new position- despite her struggling, Fate wished she could tie her hair back, even in the dark and unable to properly see it still seemed a nuisance- things began to change again. Her legs were being spread apart, pulled by the tendrils that encircled them, gently to the sides; and now her arms, too, were having more force exerted on them- more than she was able to fight, although fight she did. Her arms were being pulled up and together, and slowly the tendrils knotted together until her arms were bound above her head. Even immobilized as she was, the tendrils continued to slide across her, probing, creeping across her skin. The stark coldness was fading, but not gone entirely; and now Fate could feel the tendrils pulsing, hot and cold, slowly, the rhythm pulsing travelling down the tendrils to their ends, flashing heat and then chills across her body in strange patterns. One of the tendrils began to creep further up her leg, and this one moved the slowest, tantalisingly slow- terrifyingly slow, as if it already knew its prize waited and was in no rush to get it, know it would be there when it arrived.

The shadow could feel Fate’s heavy, desperate breathing- it could tell by how she sucked the air in that Fate was nearing the end of her endurance, her will to fight was nearly diminished. She was not endless- not like it was. Eventually she would give in.

Fate felt one tendril slip underneath the fabric of her shorts just as she noticed another sliding across her collarbone and under her camisole. Until that moment her torso had remained relatively unmolested, but she could tell that was about to change, whether she wanted it to or not. The pulsating hot and cold creeping through the tendrils like a heartbeat was electrifying against her skin. She squirmed, digging her heels into the squishy-ness beneath her and thrust her hips out and away. Arching her back Fate seemed to momentarily have more movement, but the tendrils pulled her again until she was splayed again. The tendril continued to climb, searching, slowly circling over her underwear, tracing the lips of her vulva against the fabric. Fate shivered even as her body began to respond to the gentle touch, pulsing in it’s own rhythm not dissimilar to the beat the tendrils throbbed at. The end of the tendril held itself against her body for a moment, the heat radiating with each subtle vibration. A moan bubbled from Fate’s throat but was mostly stifled by the end that still stuffed her mouth. She told herself she should keep fighting, not give in, but curiousity was overcoming her and it had been so gentle so far… she wanted to see how far it took her. How could something so horrifying, so strange, be so gentle? Why was it playing with her? This was entirely like her books. Thoughts rushed, frequently interrupted as her body began to betray her, pulsing and squirming no longer to fight. This time her hips thrust up of their own accord, begging for more…

Satisfaction flooded the shadow. She didn’t belong to it, not yet, but the tide of her mind was clearly turning, her bodily desires overcoming. The fear was beginning to diminish and arousal truly was growing… the shadow knew that both would have to exist, in some balance, but for now arousal would do more, and it could feed on either. It was enjoying the sweet taste of her.

The tendril that lay across her vulva slid down further and then wrapped under her underwear, pulling at her shorts and underwear until the began to fall away. They didn’t go far- her spread legs ensured that- but now she was exposed. A new tendril laid itself against her sex, continuing to pulse but faster now, and only hot flashes instead of the cold. It pulled back her hood, exposing her clitoris and pressing against it. The pulses continued to increase in frequency on that particular tendril until it was essentially vibrating. Another stifled moan snuck out, and Fate stopped actively, intentionally squirming to try and escape, instead trying to stiffen herself instead. The rope that was sliding across her collarbone now looped around one of her breasts, giving it a gentle squeeze as it crossed back and drifted to tie the other as well.

Fate’s stiffness did not go unnoticed by the shadow; in its own way it smiled, realising that while she was too tired to continue to actively resist, that didn’t mean her spirit was broken and that she couldn’t continue to vex it. *You are mine*, it growled.

On her lower back Fate could feel a new one sliding, but where it had originated she had no way of knowing. What she did know, however, was that her backside had been left exposed while her shorts and underwear were being held down. The new rope paused on her lower back, however, drawing small circles where her dimples were for a moment. The tendril against her clit continued to vibrate softly, and Fate’s stiffness was momentarily forgotten as her hips thrust up once again. As they came down again, the tendril at her back it’s move, sliding down the middle of her spine, over her tailbone and right between her two ass cheeks. Fate sucked air in through her nose in surprise as she felt the tendril, thick and pulsing, slip between her cheeks, spreading them apart. Squeezing them together again did nothing but exaggerate the sensation of its pulsing, and it drifted further down until it finally reaching it’s destination. The tendril prodded gently, not pushing enough to enter, but she could feel it moistening itself. She tried to shake her head, scream no, but she was too restricted and her mouth was too full to make any protest. To add insult she felt herself immediately become moist on her own, her vagina begging to be entered instead.

Her body was responding to it fully now, even if her mind was still trying to resist. The shadow knew it was almost time.

The tendril continued to gain moisture, slicking itself as it rubbed itself between her cheeks and tentatively pushed into her again. Her body here, at least, continued to resist, not willing to give herself in this way just yet. Again and again, slowly but surely, the tendril rubbed and prodded. Her clitoris thrumbed with pleasure and her vulva sat hungrily, aching to be filled, but her asshole remained resolute, the last line of defence. Her breasts were squeezed, the tendril at her neck tightened, the one in her mouth swelled, all as if preparing for her. The tendril between her cheeks began to prod with more determination, pushing, driving itself in, no longer relenting and pulling back- she could feel herself began to separate, begin to open, and the tendril slowly wiggled itself inside her, barely the tip but it was enough to make her want to scream again- not in pain or fear this time. She shook, the fight back in her, but the tendril continued to press into her, pulsing and lighting a fire that her body achingly craved. Another pulse, another push…

Sunlight spilt into the room, scattered across the bed. The sudden brightness startled Fate and she had to shield her eyes- surprised to find that her arm was not restricted. She sat up, realizing that she was laying in her bed. Bedsheets were twisted around her, but the room looked normal, completely undisturbed. She glanced about herself, looking at her body, wondering if it was just a dream. *Maybe I’ve been reading too many of those books*, she thought, pushing the blankets off of her. As she did so, she realised that her shorts sat just below her bum, and she became starkly aware of a desperate throbbing in her clitoris- plus she was incredibly wet *down there*- a quick check with her fingers confirmed that. Fate lay back again, realising it must have just been a very intense sex dream. A dark thought crossed her mind- she hoped she’d have a dream like that again, sometime soon. With the memory of her supposed dream, Fate realized she still had some time until she had to get up, and she was still incredibly turned on. Her hands, almost with their own mind, drifted down and began to rub- she would at least enjoy these quiet few moments and memories before the day continued.

The shadows, hiding in the only unlit corner of Fate’s room, smiled.


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