Domination of Fate [F, fantasy, bd, NC] Part 1

*This is my first time writing a story like this, CC is welcome. Inspired by a writing prompt. I will be continuing this story once I have more time to do so.*


Curled in a chair as old as the house it sat in was a young woman. She sat, reading a large book, with one leg tucked underneath her and the other leg flung over the arm, foot drawing lazy circles in the air. The womans long, ebony tresses provided a small blanket about her bare shoulders.

The shadows watched her.

She sat comfortably in the small cone of light cast from a lamp that hung above her head. The light barely cut into the room, but it was more than sufficient for her to read the book. Unnoticed by herself, the women’s foot would draw its circles in a clockwise direction if what she was reading was easy to decipher, and counter clockwise if it was not. Tonight, her foot had spent much more time counterclockwise than the alternative. She would never be able to tell you this.

The shadows noticed.