My Thailand Rebound [MF]

A few years ago I had traveled to Thailand with my gf of a year on a two-month trip designed to “test” the relationship before we “moved forward” together. We had been through a lot together and were very much in love, but the sad truth was our relationship was doomed, a slow train-wreck well-set into its final collision. After several weeks of winding along the tourist tracks of SE Asia trying to salvage what was left of us, our partnership collapsed and died on the rocky shores of a southern Thai island.

We’d arrived Monday on the same boat but she had decided during the night that we would no longer be staying together. She needed space and time to “think,”and I, unable to stomach another minute of fighting, accepted defeat. I rented a motorbike and opted to stay on the opposite side of the island, easier to give space if we weren’t tripping over each other at the guest house, I thought. The next 5 days I filled with hiking to remote beaches, freediving, cliff jumping and other proper adventures. Dating a non-athlete had forced a lot of compromise, cutting loose and testing my body again felt wonderful but there was an empty space in my days – I missed her. I decided to try to reconnect and share how I felt, it was Friday evening. By the time I arrived to her part of town it was dusk but the beach had yet to come to life, I settled in for a meal on the walking street to kill time, striking up a conversation with an expat and trying to hold my nerves at bay. It had been a good week, a good day, I was there for the right reasons. It would work out. During the meal I glanced up and saw a beautiful woman, the kind that catches your eye so hard you feel guilty and spend the next few seconds letting your gaze ricochet around the room as you pretend you weren’t just staring at them. After she passed and I unclenched my jaw, I looked to my dinner companion “tell me you saw that girl.” He chuckled, “Everyone on this patio just saw that girl,” our conversation continued on to my lost love and my hopes for tonight’s reconciliation. “That sounds really nice,” He said, “I hope it works out for you… but your dream girl is coming down the street again.” An owl would need a chiropractor after the what I put my neck through to look her way. I couldn’t help myself, I had to talk to her – “Excuse me, Miss?” She was about 5’7” wearing a white floral sundress, long dark hair almost to her waist despite being thickly curled, coffee-coloured skin and cool grey eyes that cut right through me, she didn’t break her stride “yes?” she said coolly passing me by, “You are stunning, thank you for walking by again, seeing you just once wasn’t enough.” She stopped, I stopped. Everything stopped. She considered me for a moment, “You’d really like to see me again?” “Very much.” “I’ll be at The Fishbowl at 10 tonight, come find me” – and carried on walking. I looked at my companion, then my watch, 8pm. My dinner companion smiled like a cat as he asked “So… going to find your girlfriend now?” my head made a hollow thunk as I dropped it onto the table and groaned “…yes.” I have always been a slave to my heart and that day was no different. I set off to find my girl – stunning brunettes would have to wait.

It was late when I finally found my gf sitting in the sand in front of one of the many bars that dotted the long stretch of white sand. She was alone and looking out to sea, it had that romantic movie feel and she didn’t see me until I spoke. I want to tell you she jumped up and hugged me, but as I remember it now the closest simile for her reaction was the look your dog gives you when you catch it shitting on the rug. I’d always admired her eloquence and confidence – as she stammered out “oh…hey…” and fumbled for words while shifting nervously in the sand I realized something was very wrong. I did the gentlemanly thing and assumed I was to blame and began to excuse myself from her evening when a man in board shorts sat down beside her with two beer. The air got thin, the noise of the beach vanished. I looked at her, I looked at him. Letting the moment hang long enough to fully freeze away whatever warmth remained in my voice “You two have a great night.” And walked away. I want to say I was stoic but it broke off a piece of me to see that. The slow walk back to my motorbike was one of the saddest I’ve made. It felt like everything was over. I glanced at my watch. 10:45PM. Yep. It was definitely over. I resigned myself to head back to my side of the island and sort through whatever this situation was going to make me feel next.

The motorbike engine coughed to life and as I flicked on the headlights saw that same stunning brunette walking my way again. Life has a sense of humour.

“I missed you at the bar didn’t I?” “I didn’t even go.” “I don’t blame you. Can I give you a ride home?” “Not yet.” “Walk with me then?” I parked my bike, she took my arm, and we headed back down the street.

Walking became sitting, and then stargazing in the beach as the nightlife around us faded. She was Israeli, had finished her military service and additional officer training, but now worked in film. We talked philosophy, politics, anything to keep her lips moving. Her accent was enthralling and the way her tongue curled around words made me forget the Irish lilt of my now very-recent ex.

It was now 2am, I offered her a ride home again and she accepted. Arriving to her guest house she confided she had had a lovely time but had roommates and could not bring me in, though I could walk her to the door if I liked, I accepted. At her door, the tension was so thick I could barely breathe – I had an idea, and I shared it. “You can’t bring me inside, but you could can get ready for bed, wrap yourself in a sheet and we could find a place to spend a little more time together…” I nipped her neck “I’ll wait here at your door for two minutes, then I’ll leave. The choice is wholly yours.” She bit her lip, the door closed. I waited.

I don’t think a person can reliably count time in that situation. I heard rustling behind the door but had no way to know what it meant until it creaked gently open again. My Israeli goddess, wrapped from shoulder to floor in a white cotton sheet, her thick dark hair flowing down her shoulders over her chest. I went to speak but my heart caught in my throat as she parted the sheet and my eyes poured over her in from head to toe. Her breasts were larger than I’d thought, firm and round with dark nipples standing proudly erect. Her flat toned stomach led my eyes lower to a tightly-trimmed landing strip. A jewel of liquid sparkled in the light as it slowly slid down the inside of her thigh… she trailed the sheet behind her as she strode past me out the door to the end of the balcony, leaning over the railing and arching her back towards me. The white sheet a perfect contrast to her dark hair, dark skin.

She was the most beautiful woman I had ever seen.

I unbuttoned my shirt and shrugged it to the floor as I swept up behind her. My 6’2 frame towering over her as my hands slid around her waist and up her sides, her breasts filled my hands perfectly – “is this really what you want?” “Yes, I want you to take me.” Her hands slipped between us down over my hard stomach to squeeze my now throbbing cock – her jaw dropped. “Are you sure you can handle me?” I teased, knowing I had filled both her hands with room to spare, she kissed my cheek and smiled “it’s you who needs to handle me.”

I stepped away from her and slipped on a condom – we never broke eye contact, as soon as it was on she leaned back against the rail and lifted her leg, her wet pink slit winking open. I caught her leg and held her firm as the fingers of my hand teased her clit and explored her soaking pussy, It gripped my finger hungrily as I sucked her nipples and sank my teeth into her neck. There was no need to tease, we both needed this tonight. I took a firm handful of her thick mane of hair, “guide me in” I breathed. Her one hand pressed the tip of me to her, the other pulled firmly my hip – her mouth went wide as I pried her open, the hungry mouth of her biting down on my thick shaft, her nails bit into my ass as she pulled me to her. I couldn’t believe it had swallowed every inch of me, we both writhed and groaned in ecstasy as our hips met.

I held her firm against the rail, stretching her knee up to her shoulder and pressing her forehead to mine as I started pumping my cock into her deep and hard. She arched forward and moaned into my neck. Her hand diving between her legs to cover her clit “oh god, don’t stop” she begged. Feeling every muscle in her body tighten, her gasps and moaning getting louder and more frantic as I pounded her towards her release until she shuddered and collapsed in my arms, limp except for the tender muscles of her pussy massaging up and down my shaft as her orgasm rolled through her body.

I lowered her leg and kissed her forehead as she caught her breath. “We can be done now if you like,” I said “I know I’m a lot to take.” Her eyes locked to mine in an instant “No, I want more. I need you to cum for me.” She turned and pressed her firm ass into my hips, my rigid cock glistening wet between her cheeks. “Don’t stop fucking me. Don’t EVER stop fucking me.”

Hearing those words and feeling the passion she had for me in that moment – I felt myself let go of the sadness and pain of my trip, the fighting, the ultimatums and the constant stress melted off me. To only be lost in this girl, this feeling, as long as it lasted, that was all that mattered.

Cupping her breast in my hand and pulling her back to my chest, kissing her shoulders and neck, swirling my fingertips around her clit and feeling our bodies slick with sweat as her juices boiled out around my cock. I fucked her, I worshipped her, I ravaged her. Her fingers running through my hair as she cooed her sweet accent into my ear, begging me to not stop, to fuck her harder, to give her the cum she wanted so badly.

When I finally found my release It took all my self control to not roar like a beast as her perfect body milked my cock to the very last drop.

We hung there on the railing for what seemed like hours, I withdrew and wrapped her once again in her white sheet. She lifted her chin and gave me a smile, we shared a moment of lusty pride in the scene we’d just made. Our sex had echoed down the hall and out through the jungle, the whole island could have heard for all I cared, there’s no room for shame in the spotlight.

I walked her back to her door, not wanting to linger too long but aching to savour every last touch and moment. I kissed her hair, her cheeks, took long loving sucks on her still hard nipples, and told her she was perfect in every way. I wished her a good night, kissing her one last time, and left.

**Trying again now that my account is a few days old, hopefully it will post this time.



  1. Some people really know how to live life to the fullest. That was hot

  2. well, fuck… that’s certainly a good way to get over heartbreak. no moping for you!

    so what happened after?

  3. Damn that was really well written, I’d say you were a writer. If she’s the most beautiful woman, tell me you met up with her again.

  4. Is there a part 2?? What happened next? This was so hot and well-written…

  5. God damn that was one of the hottest things I’ve ever read. You’re inspiring me to live my best life. See the world, travel and experience wholesome cock.

    Damn. If you ever find yourself traveling again, come find me.

  6. Glad you found Israeli women to be he most gorgeous out there. It’s fucking true!!!

    Semi-edit: Middle Eastern women are STUNNING

  7. What a pleasure to read. A story book quality writing that was like a slice of memory not just written out facts. I really hope you got to see her again.

  8. Aww fuck that was sweet!! It reminds me of that HIMYM episode when Ted first met Victoria and they didn’t want to exchange contact details – just enjoy the night together and make the most of it.

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