One of the scariest experiences of my life. Met a girl who went from “married” to “masseuse” to “prostitute” to “drug user” to fucking INSANE. Help

Blog post:

I’ve just upgraded from girls with boyfriends to girls with husbands.

But it’s ok – her husband is gay.

Kat was out celebrating the end of the week when I saw her standing there – tall, skinny, huge eyes. Thai.

As I’m walking by, I reach into the group and offer to “cheers” her with a smirk. She returns the sentiment.

Fast forward a couple hours and I see her standing alone waiting for her friends. I walk up and say “I’ve been looking for you.”

“I saw you hitting on another girl a minute ago” “You’re cuter though”

We go from flirting to dancing to kissing and then she tells me she’s on E.

That’s why she’s so touchy-feely.

We dance and kiss as she repeatedly tells me, “I’m not going home with you tonight”.

She then tells me that she works at a massage parlor in a way that intimated she wasn’t necessarily a certified masseuse.

Is she about to name a price?

“Awesome, I’m cool with that. I’m not looking for any kind of transaction though.”

So she’s a sexy-as-fuck drug-using prostitute.

Why not.

We end up at my place. She loves it. We make out and stumble over to the bed. She gets up a moment later.

“Hang on, I have to go to the bathroom”.

A few minutes later…

“Are you ready?”

She comes out totally naked.

Yup – she’s a hooker. A totally fucking hot one though.

Rubber in-hand, I tell her to do the honors.

It feels good to fuck someone who’s professional at it. She apparently has only fucked one person professionally and just got out of an exclusive relationship, but she fucks like she knows things. Said she loves watching porn to get better.

She watches porn in the same way that I read consulting literature.

We fuck a couple more times and then we crash. Or so I thought.

I wake up and my place is SPOTLESS. Half my shit is reorganized, my unfolded clothes were folded, my closet was tightened up, and my furniture was shifted around.

I look next to me and she’s sitting up on her knees with crazy-eyes looking for my approval. Normally I’d call them puppy-eyes, but there was something terrifying about her in that moment. She was smiling but it was like… a Chuckie smile. Like there was a big ol’ pile of malicious intent behind those manic lids.

It begins. With a smile,

“I found some lingerie”

Fuck. Hong left her shit here last weekend.

“Wanna tell me what it is?”

Her smile grows. Teeth glaring at me.


I want to go and make sure all of my knives are accounted for but I’m tired so fuck it.

“You know what boudoir photography is?”

She’s into it. Sort of feigns approval with a passive-murderous grin as she agrees to do a shoot of her own wearing the lingerie that she now believes to be mine, purchased for shoots.

I’m going to hell.

So we shoot. The whole time I’m wondering what would possess this chick to redesign my apartment at 5am. Was it the E? Some other drug? The more time I spend with her, the more scared – but intrigued – I get.

I ask – “So what else did you take last night”



Oh cool! One second, gotta piss.

I head to the bathroom to google this shit and see her toothbrush in my drawer on top of mine.

I then discover that Ice is meth. I’m in an episode of Breaking Bad.

She seemed so normal. But it all started to make sense.

At this point, I was like Keanu Reeves in Speed, except I kind of wanted to just do a couple extra laps in the bus.

We continue the shoot, get some beauties, fuck some more because that water’s already under the bridge, and I try to delicately encourage her departure. As you would expect, this was not easy. Allow me to quote:

“I’m not leaving” “So what are we” “Are you allowed to see other girls” “I love you and your cock” “This is like a dream” “You’re like my prince” “I might call out of work tomorrow”

Hours later and she’s finally back home, giving me a play-by-play of her activities without me responding. Shower, how she feels, how she misses me.




  1. At least Thailand has that puke rehab run by Buddhists. But yeah, they’ve got big meth issues in that neck of the world. Call the cops. She’ll start stealing from you in no time if the cleaning wasn’t a front for rummaging through your shit for valuables.

  2. > I want to go and make sure all of my knives are accounted for but I’m tired so fuck it. I lost it. Have an upvote. That was a fantastic story. Some gems have been discovered. A+ 11/10 would read again.

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