[MF] How an in appropriate OTPHJ turned into an aggressive outdoor fuck

This story takes place in July of 2016. It’s important to the end of the story.

I’m not sure when my wife and I fell in love. There are a foggy few months between our first hookup and when we started living together. Everything just went so fast. I’m guessing we still just in lust at this point.

Before I met Eve I was kind of out of control. I made plenty of mistakes. One which lead to being on probation. Part of my plea deal was that I needed to attend regular meetings of Alcoholics Anonymous. It was fine. AA meetings can be fun. Only problem was sometimes I was just too busy to always get there.

Eve knew all about this. She didn’t care. She had her own troubles with the law. We were very honest with each other when we first met. So, the idea that I couldn’t hang out certain nights because I had to go to a meeting wasn’t a surprise. She understood that I wasn’t blowing her off or out with someone else.

The week plus leading up to this night was a whirlwind. We had gone away for the 4th of July together. It was an intense few days of fun and sex. Then two days back to work and our regular lives before another wild weekend. We were spending almost all of our free time together. I think we both knew we weren’t fuck buddies any more.

Monday was my recovery day. I never did anything after work that night. Eve knew this and we would text or talk on the phone but never meet up. Tuesday came and I realized I needed to go to AA. I had been blowing it off for more than a week. After having sex 10+ times in 8 days I could wait another day to see Eve. Eve wasn’t on the same page.

She texted saying she wanted to hang out. I told her that I needed to go to AA. She said that she would go with me. When she stated with authority “I don’t care, I NEED TO SEE YOU” two things crossed my mind.
1. This girl is insatiable
2. She has fallen for me, and misses more than my dick
Looking back it’s nice to know it was a combination of the two.

I reluctantly agreed to take her with me. I told her I would take her to get some food before the meeting. It was the least I could do seeing the second part of our date was going to be pretty lame. She showed up around 6 and off we went.

My wife has her fair share of talents. She is a great mom, a great cook, and great in bed. She does lots of things well. But quite possibly her greatest talent is her style. My wife can pull off the classy but sexy look like no one I’ve ever known. She never looks slutty, but always looks fuckable. I get that almost everyday. I’m a lucky man.

I got into the car and gave her a kiss. She was wearing little denim shorts just long enough to be not daisy dukes and a nice tank top. I think she was wearing flip flops so she could look casual as if she wasn’t really trying. Whatever, she looked hot. I was turned on.

We pulled over so I could drive. She wasn’t familiar with the area and I wanted to take her somewhere special. My favorite pizza place was in touristy part of the city. I knew she had never been there before. Her little outfit earned her the best slice around.

We parked a few blocks away and grabbed a few slices and two drinks and headed to a nearby park to eat. It’s such an aphrodisiac to be out in public with a hot girl. She took me to places where she hung out before I ever took her to any of my places, so I’m guessing the feeling was mutual.

We finished eating and headed towards the meeting. She seemed very happy at our little pizza date. I was happy too. Aside for the way she was dressed I felt like she really just want to see me. For the first time in a long time I was out with a girl having a nice time that wasn’t just a prelude to fucking, or so I thought.

We pulled up to the building the AA meeting took place. It was located directly across the street from a local nature preserve. This was a place I partied at a lot when I was in high school. It was secluded and beautiful. The kind of place people took their dogs of their leashes. Community gardens, walking trails, and big fields to play frisbee. In all my drunken nights there I don’t think I ever hooked up with a girl there. A quick thought of fucking Eve there crossed my mind before we got into the meeting.

We snuck in the back door because we were late. We found an empty table in the very back and sat down. I always was very respectful at these meetings. I knew they meant a lot to almost everyone there. Eve was new to this and wasn’t aware of the rules. She said something quiet to me. I immediately texted her to not talk. That’s when she started texting back.

Within minutes of being there she was texting me filthy things. It’s almost like she wanted to be very bad in a very bad way. We had sexted many times before, but never when were seated right next to each other. Each text got me a little harder. I was trying to get her to stop, but she wouldn’t.
“I’m so wet”
“Let’s go fuck in the bathroom”
“I’m going to climb under this table and start blowing you”
And then the last one that put things over the top. One simple word. “Look”

I looked over and saw her touching herself over her shorts. This was getting out of control. I gave her a very serious look and moved her hand off her crotch. We were still locked eyes when she glanced down at my crotch. She could see I was rock hard. My shorts couldn’t hide the bulge. She smiled and moved hand over to me. It’s almost like she planned this.

She started to stroke me at a slow pace. This is the first time she had done anything like this. I was getting an over the pants hand job at an AA meeting. I felt so dirty. This was not how my probation punishment should be going. I felt guilty, but I couldn’t stop her. For close to 20 minutes we sat in silence as she rubbed my dick. Finally she made her move and reached up the leg of my shorts. This was too much. We were going to get caught, or I was going to cum. I couldn’t let either of these things happen.

I grabbed my phone and wrote STOP showed it to her. She just smiled. I took her hand out of my shorts and sent her a text. “This will be over soon and I don’t want to be hard we have to get up”. She frowned and texted back “okay”

The meeting ended and I made my way to the front to get my attendance slip signed. I walked back to Eve and we headed to her car. We joked a little about what just happened. I still had her keys so I got in on the drivers side. We drove for about thirty seconds. I parked directly across the street.

Eve didn’t know about the nature preserve. I got out of the car. She asked me about where we were and what we we were doing. I didn’t speak. I just grabbed her by the hand. It was dusk and there were no cars in the parking area. I felt like we would be safe and alone.

I marched us down a trail to the community gardens. Though I had planned to find a more secluded spot I couldn’t wait any longer. I pulled her close and gave her one long passionate kiss. She clawed my back as I grabbed her ass. That was enough niceties for me. I spun her around and started in on her.

I quickly undid her shorts and dropped them to the ground. I ripped my shirt off before I reached for her pussy. With one hand I rubbed her quickly while I loosened my belt and unbuttoned my shorts. It took an extra tug on my boxers to get them down because I was so hard again. I guided her left hand to grab on to the fence as I lined up my cock to her pussy. My teenage dreams were coming true 20 years later.

I slid inside with her without much effort. I had to bend my knees a little because I’m so much taller than her. My pace wasn’t too fast as I tried to enjoy the surroundings as much as the sex. I hadn’t had sex outdoors in a long time. As dirty and carnal as it was it kind of felt special. I don’t know how her experience was, but her soft moans made me think she was into it. This felt right.

But then it felt not right. We were having sex less than a hundred feet from the parking area. If anyone was to walk down the main path we would be caught. I couldn’t let this happen. I also couldn’t stop fucking Eve.

I reared back and started to completely smash into her ass. I was going to finish this as fast as possible. With every thrust I pushed her closer to the fence she initially held onto. She was screaming at this point. Louder than I had ever heard her. The sweat dripped down my forehead and I could see it glistening on her back. Now I didn’t want it to end.

I kept fucking her as hard and as fast I could. We had become a loud vulgar neighborhood disturbance. You don’t do this kind of thing with someone you respect. It was smelly, wet, and rough. I loved it. She loved it. It was way more than I could have ever expected.

I looked up from staring at her ass to see she had moved as close as she could to the fence. Her right forearm was now on the two by four of this make shift garden fence. Her left hand was tangled up in the chicken wire. It looked like she was holding on for dear life. Her flip flops had come off. She leaned forward and up. Her toes barely touched the ground the ground but held her up like a ballerina. For the first time she looked back at me. She was a mess. Her makeup was ruined. Her face was flush. She could barely open her eyes. I don’t think she could take much more. Neither could I. I wanted to pull out and cover her ass but that look was too much. Almost my whole load ended up inside her.

She stood still for a few seconds while I found my shirt and pulled my shorts up. I was a little light headed as was she. I bent down and helped her step back into her shorts and panties. I knelt down and put her flip flops back on. I knew she would have had a hard time doing that. I wrapped my arm around her waist as I walked us back to the car. It felt like I was helping a friend off the battlefield.

Within seconds we heard voices. There was something going on up by the car. Maybe we had been scene or heard and they were just letting us finish before our questioning or arrest. I was nervous.

At the top of the path we were met by three people. Two teenage boys and a girl. I was relieved and was about to plow right by them when the girl spoke to us. She asked “Are you guys playing Pokémon Go?!?!”. “No” we said as we laughed our way to the car.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/8tlq0d/mf_how_an_in_appropriate_otphj_turned_into_an


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