[MF] Sometimes, life is kind to us (The story about Molly I promised)

Some of you may have read my post from Monday. You can find that [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/8s19mq/mf_sneaking_away_the_first_day_that_changed_my/). You don’t have to read it, it is both tame and long. So I will sum it up in the next paragraph. If you want to read it, click the link before reading on.

Twelve to thirteen years ago I [19 at the time] [Male] was on a vacation trip with family and friends in Florida, and the group across from our campsite was just a bunch of college girls. I had my eye on a short, tan, black-haired girl who I named “Molly” at the end of the last post for the sake of anonymity. However, due to some drama that happened, a different girl (the blonde) from the group approached me and in the middle of a conversation we had kind of a spur of the moment spark of rebellion. We ended up hiding somewhere and showing each other our naked bodies. It didn’t go much beyond that. Again, this did not happen with Molly. However, my friends and I did get Molly’s contact info. I mentioned that I actually would end up having more exciting experiences with Molly so here we go:

Pretty much the moment I got home (South Carolina) I turned on my computer and added these two girls to AOL Instant Messenger. Except the girls were still going to be on their vacation for another week.

I was really hoping the blonde girl would sign on, but after even after the week, she didn’t. Molly did though. We exchanged hellos and talked a little about where we lived, her in Florida and me in South Carolina. What we were studying in school, and all that basic small talk. About a day after that, BAM, *I learn that my friend is dating her*. Just like that…

Oh well, I guess I was more interested in the blonde girl at this point. She was the one that did the exposing thing with me after all. She NEVER did sign on, though. In fact, I couldn’t even find her when Facebook became a big thing.

A few years (not sure how many, less than 5) pass. I kept in contact with Molly, even though she was a long-distance dating one of my friends. We added each other on STEAM and would chat when playing new games. One day, her and my friend decide to end their relationship. My friend got a job up even farther in the states. They had been “dating” for a long time and neither made an effort to travel. After that, I guess I was afraid of seeming like I was moving in on her because I pretty much stopped chatting with her.

I was never very outgoing, I only ever asked one (unrelated) girl out in college. She politely turned me down. I never really had heavy enough urges to go out and mingle. So yeah, I had nothing. I never had anything. And yes, it was for the lack of trying.

2011 comes. More specifically, Skyrim comes out. One of my old childhood friends wanted my brother and I to get on a Skype group call with him so we can all hang out online while playing. I saw Molly playing the same game and I broke the years of silence and sent her a message. It just seemed like a good idea, I wasn’t feeling interested in her or anything. She joined us. We had fun.

However, that only lasted ONE day. My friend and brother abandoned us the next day and it ends up just being Molly and I playing games and talking until the sun comes up.

Through the next few years she becomes my best friend. We ended up using chat much more than voice. So, I kind of forgot what she even sounded like. She did bring up that the blonde girl told her all about that thing we did back on the vacation (from the first post). Fortunately, it did not make Molly think I was weird. I asked why the blonde never came online and Molly said she didn’t really know where she ended up. So yeah. She’s probably off living in a farm or something. I hope.

Anyway, I had a job, and I was living with my parents with close to no expenses. My job had a higher paying position open in Florida. It was in a city only 1 hour away from Molly. I really didn’t want to risk our friendship, but I had to ask.

We start dating.

She didn’t want to do the long-distance thing again, but since I was actually going to be moving close to her, things were different. And I swear I didn’t just do this to impress her but: I bought (not rented) a house and it was a pretty remarkable middle-class house too. In Florida. Not cheap. Turns out you can make a pretty big down payment if you spend a few years working while still living with your parents. Here’s the thing though, I didn’t want to impose anything on her. I talked to her about it, because I wanted her to know I wasn’t trying to coax her into moving in with me. I just wanted a house.

So that was the initial plan. I moved to Florida. We met up quite frequently. She helped me paint the house and stuff, but she did not move in with me. Looking back, I think we were overcompensating quite a lot in the way that we were being super analytical about every aspect of our relationship. Like, for example, we agreed that she would not pick the furniture. This way, if things did not work out between us I wouldn’t have a house full of stuff that felt like it was “hers.”

Oh, but I should mention the first time I saw her (again.) Her Facebook pictures did not do her justice. She looked so vibrant in real life. I guess it was the way she moved, the way she breathed. My mind started acting like a kid playing with a light switch. On, off, on, off. One moment she seemed like a really cute animal (she was tiny), the next moment I felt like I needed to kneel down to this glorious holy vessel that housed my best friend’s intellect.

She had fairly long black hair, which was kind of frizzed out but in an orderly wavy way. So clean too, pure silk. I previously described her as tan, but that’s a little deceptive. I believe the correct term is “olive.” She can’t tan any further, and she can’t get pale. Think of sort of a light olive though. Her eyes were brown, which isn’t too exciting but also nothing to complain about. But her lips… give me a moment here… her mouth was so small and her lips were just perfectly pink. And her nose, don’t even get me started. It was like slightly too big, in a way that REALLY worked.

You know what though? I can’t believe I am just now thinking of this, but this was probably the first time I saw her wearing makeup. I don’t think she was wearing makeup back in the Keys… huh… Also disclaimer: I am kind of retroactively filling in these details, I don’t know how much of this exactly I actually noticed the first time I saw her again. I just remember being floored.

ANYWAY, after about 3 months of very innocent dating, we both packed my car full of luggage and we departed for South Carolina to spend Christmas with my family. We packed so many people into that little house. My sister and her husband got my old room. My other sister got to keep her room, but she also got Molly. I had to stay in my brother’s room with him. And, of course, my parents had their room.

On Christmas Eve, the stars aligned. I don’t remember where everyone went (they weren’t all in the same place), but Molly and I got left in the house alone. Molly mentioned how traditional my family was, and that quickly lead to us talking about the blonde girl and I exposing ourselves to each other years back. (Due to the context.) Now it wasn’t long before Molly and I decided we were going to try to top that. We had no clue when anyone else would return to the house, so we quickly peeked in every room just to verify that absolutely nobody was still around. Then we went into my parents’ room because it had a combination of the best lookout and the best bail-out plan.

We began to take our clothes off. This was it. It only took 3 months (plus all those years being friends online) before I finally got to see her naked. Yeah, our relationship was pretty slow. Now I need to mention that Molly was a Floridian and I had also become one. It was like 50F outside, probably like 67F inside and we were bundled up enough to survive a snow storm. So, when Molly got nude out from underneath all that clothes, just how tiny she was caught me by surprise again. It was like the opposite of what happened with the blonde girl. Everything on Molly looked so small. Small, but DAMN FINE.

Like I started having a panic attack. I didn’t even have a boner at that point. I was in a state of just appreciating pure art. I was in disbelief. Well I do feel the need to ground this a little bit. I will admit, there were a few things about her appearance that weren’t perfect. She had some dark spots and blotches. Her nipple color couldn’t really decide if it wanted to be brown or red. Otherwise, everything else seemed pretty ideal. Unlike the blonde, Molly had more normal shaped breasts. They were also in the B-Cup range.

And yes, I do remember running through the perfections and imperfections in my head. I really think my brain was trying to wake me up from a dream and started to nitpick at everything that could be considered reality. Except that the reality was that she was still there, I was really her boyfriend, she looked amazing naked AND she was cold and had gotten goosebumps which just made it even more exciting for some reason.

I got naked too, and we started mulling through our heads how we were going to top my previous experience. As far as I knew, we were still taking things slow so I figured straight-up sex would have been out of the picture. Also we hadn’t talked about birth control so… There’s that. Obviously we were still going to go somewhere in between right? In an odd way, we did. I made a HUGE breakthrough that day. And by that I mean, without first brushing our teeth, we participated in the simple act of… kissing each other.

Yes. We had kissed before.

Yes. That includes with tongues.

This was different because we always brushed our teeth prior to kissing, as a requirement, and it was MY fault. Listen, never liked to be around others when they are eating. People should learn how to chew with their mouths closed. (Here I go with the rants again.) Even with Molly, I wasn’t too fond of the idea of getting my mouth close to hers if there were to be food particles in there.

That day though, things were different. I was willing to kiss her regardless, and it didn’t bother me. She had graduated into a sort of official exclusion from my OCD. Alright, so we’re naked pressed up against each other and kissing whilst shivering our asses off, surely we had already topped what I had done with the blonde, right? Nah. We still had more touching to do.

Molly took a seat on the side of my parents’ bed because I asked her if I could see her pussy more closely. She definitely had the whole roast beef thing going on down there, and when she moved her leg I could see that it was reddish pink inside. I had this almost out of body experience though. I stared down at her vagina and everything else in life seemed to disappear. Does anyone remember a time just like staring at your own hands or knees or something just lost in thought like, “This is… me…”

I don’t want to say I felt ownership over her pussy, but it was sort of the same experience. It felt so significant, since I was in a close relationship with her, which still surprised me. Her vagina, it wasn’t just something that she had… *It was her.* She was a WOMAN and she was very real, and I was that close to her. And you would think, after I just had this moment of complete reverence for her womanhood that I wouldn’t just go stick my finger in it.

But I did. Slowly of course, until I looked up and noticed her giving me a face that I could only interpret as, “What do you think you’re doing?” At first, I almost thought about laughing it off, but then the next moment it felt like I just carelessly pressed a big emergency button at a nuclear facility tour. I felt like I had just ruined everything we had built up together.

We heard the thump of a car door closing in the drive way. We both scrambled. I tossed Molly’s clothes to her and she grabbed mine and handed it to me. She locked herself in the master bathroom and I leapt across the hall and locked myself in my brother’s room. Then I realized it could seem suspicious if we just happened to be both in locked rooms (actually I was just overthinking it) so I scrambled to get my clothes back on as fast as possible and make myself visible and available before my family had even made it to the hall.

Well I did, and Molly followed shortly after. I was in despair though. Like I felt like our cooperation in that bail-out could be compared to one of those action movies where you get two enemies working together toward a common goal super efficiently even though they are still enemies. I wanted SO BADLY to apologize to her, but my sisters had come home and they were all excited. They wanted to show us something they bought. Then of course, they just HAD to have been hanging out with one of my old friends so they had to tell us all about that. The whole time I was tense and devastated.

Finally, they leave us alone and Molly and I go outside. Only then did I start to rationalize how well I knew her. She wouldn’t break up with me for that one incident. We sat down on a swinging bench, shivering intensely. Before I could say anything, Molly apologized to me. It took me off guard, but not as much as what she said next, which was something like, “I was afraid you were going to break my hymen.”

I remember freezing for a moment waiting for her to say it was a joke. She looked serious, so I blurted out, “… What?…” See I SWEAR that she had previously told me that she was not a virgin. She had a boyfriend in high school and I AM LIKE POSITIVE that she told me that she did “a lot more” with him than what I did with the blonde girl. She claims now that she probably meant to type something like “not a lot more” when we had chatted about it. I also really thought we had brought it up more than one time, but apparently we did not.

I was freaking out again. This couldn’t be right. There was no way I could be this lucky. I know that’s what pretty much everyone in a young relationship says, but you’ve got to admit that the odds were stacked in my favor. And to think, my friend blocked out so many years of her life “dating” her online. It was almost like he was keeping her on ice for me. What a bro, what a guy. (What an idiot.)

Molly and I kept our voices down and started to discuss sex. Given our traditional upbringing, we put some serious thought into what we would be saving for marriage, if anything. Ultimately, we decided not to save sex. In fact, the plan was to do it as soon as possible, but OH SHIT we still hadn’t talked about birth control. We really didn’t want to lessen the first time for both of us by involving a condom. She was going to need to talk to a doctor first and get something prescription. And then we were going to need to wait.

The good news: I’m not going to make you readers wait! Skipping ahead!

Later I am back in Florida at my house and Molly had been following her pill instructions to the letter. She was on her way, and finally ready. I was scrambling around the house to clean up when I heard my doorbell. I answer the door and lead her into my room. I remember her sitting on her knees on my bed. I ask her if I can get her anything first, she mentions that she might bleed on my sheets. I end up just laying towels all across my bed. It was a single bed, but Molly didn’t occupy much space.

We both get naked and just start petting each other. I was trying to get her wet because we wanted to do everything as natural as possible, but I had lube stashed on the end table just in case. I was rock hard pretty much as soon as we got on the bed so I started to get concerned about just how premature I was going to end up being. We started out silent and kind of awkward, but then just as I started squeezing her boobs, Molly busted out laughing.

“Your face! You should see the look on your face.”

After that, the mood lightened a little bit and we started talking through everything. I asked her how she was feeling, she asked me how I was feeling, I kept complimenting her on how sexy she was. I remember at some point it just like totally came to me that I could use my mouth. I started flicking her nipple with my tongue and sucking on it. I moved my hand down, brushed through her bush, and over her vagina. She was already wet. She mentioned she had felt turned on even before she got out of her car. This was incredibly encouraging to me, we both felt we got excited a little too fast but could just assume that had everything to do with inexperience.

I decided it was time to attempt insertion. Molly was on her back and she lifted her legs up. I started to push my penis in and she indicated that it hurt a little. I pulled out, we added some spit and I tried again, but it was still uncomfortable for her. I really have an aversion to hurting people, so I was starting to feel a little tense. We decided to try the lube and… same thing. At this point I was getting a little light headed just thinking about it, but she assured me it didn’t hurt THAT bad.

We decide to try another position. Before I attempt insertion again, I told her about how it took years for me when I was young before I could fully roll back my foreskin. She wanted me to check her to see if there was anything in the way. So I ran to the closet, grabbed my bathrobe and walked into the kitchen to get my flashlight. As I was on my way out I saw that I had left a box of gloves on the counter from when I was cleaning. I thought it would be funny so I slipped on a pair.

When I got back to her she made a comment like, “What’s with the gloves?” And I had my snarky remark ready, “I mean, you got me roleplaying doctor here.” And yes, I did feel like a doctor inspecting her reproductive system with a flashlight. I don’t remember if she thought it was funny. Even though I had no clue what to look for. I remember everything seeming pretty normal in there. I took off the gloves and slowly stuck my finger in. She said that felt weird, but it didn’t hurt. So with her on the edge of the bed and me being able to see what I was doing, I tried with my penis again.

That time I managed to slide it all the way in and she didn’t say anything. It was an interesting sensation for me, though I don’t remember exactly in what way. I just remember feeling like I could just comfortably leave my dick in there for all eternity. I asked her how it felt and again she just described it as “weird.”

I get back on the bed, we try going into missionary again and that time when I inserted, my foreskin got stuck in an uncomfortable position. Eventually I got it right and we started rocking our bodies against each other. My intent was to drag it out as long as possible so I kept it slow. I told her to let me know if she started to get bored. She said something like, “Oh, I don’t see myself getting bored even if nothing happened for hours.”

I propped myself up on my elbows and ran my hands across her shoulders and back and kissed her as I continued rocking. I felt like I was doing like an “ultimate hug.” Despite being a very non-physical person, I had always loved hugging, and this was like that, only naked, genital linked and without a short duration limit. Molly was even putting off less body heat during all of this than I predicted, which was a relief to one of my Florida concerns. Though I had only really experienced the body heat from watching TV with dogs in the past and dogs run a lot hotter than people do.

She told me she had got to a point where it had started to feel really good. This just excited me more, and unfortunately accelerated me toward finishing. It wasn’t long before I could feel that rise. I warned her it was coming. She said something simple like “go ahead” or “alright.” I don’t remember what exactly. My mind became very focused as I began to pulse and ejaculate. My penis and my brain teamed up on my orgasm. The penis to add the feeling, and my brain to season that with an excitement in the realization that: I’m doing this inside of her! I CAME INTO HER!

Of course, she was on the pill but, unfortunately there was still that chance. Sure did make it exciting though, even though neither of us would have enjoyed becoming parents from that. Despite being a paranoid person, I didn’t dwell on the thought, I just continued to enjoy the moment. I had a mission to get her to at least one orgasm.

As I began to lose my hardness I pulled out of her and brought her hips up to my face. I began to lick her all over and started to clean my semen out of her with my tongue. I didn’t know if she was going to think that was weird, but all she asked is if I found any blood down there. I didn’t see any blood, nor was there any on the towel beneath us. She started to explain that her doctor said she didn’t have much of a hymen anyway, but I told her I trusted her and that she should focus on what I’m doing to her. Even though… I didn’t really know what I was doing.

I put two of my fingers insider her and started to grab in and out. I asked her how that compared with me just thrusting my fingers back and forth and she said she wasn’t sure. I tried everything I could think of, brushing my hand back and forth over her vulva while playing with her breasts, sucking on her, fingering and rubbing her at the same time. I was afraid that, alas, the female orgasm would be as elusive as the legends claimed. However, I asked her if I should stop and she said, “What? No!”

I started to get hard again so we decided to try out the cowgirl position. As soon as she got “in charge” she became very shy. She kept asking me if she was hurting me. She kind of was, but I told her to go faster. She began to pant as she bounced up and down and eventually let out an “Oh!”

But don’t get me wrong. It wasn’t an “Oh! So good!” type of “Oh!” It sounded more like an “Oh! What is THAT!?” type of “Oh!”

I couldn’t help but laugh. She started to giggle but she immediately got distracted by… I guess another wave of pleasure. Judging by her reactions, she was experiencing pulses (or whatever) for what felt like a minute.

We followed that up with our first shower together. She mentioned she was extremely tempted to stay overnight, but she said her parents would be expecting her home. We did spend a few more hours together just lying naked in bed watching YouTube videos on my tablet. When she left that night, I knew what I had to do. I started planning. I already had bought a ring, but I needed a proposal plan. I set for about a week.

While we had not elected to save sex for marriage, we decided to save moving in together. The reason for that: It was the biggest factor that would add impact to our wedding day. We wanted the day of our marriage to not only be the beginning legally, but to also be the turning point of spending life together.

When I woke up the next morning alone, I was DONE. Even though I had never awakened next to her in the past, I knew I needed it. I was a little nervous that proposing right after our first time having sex would seem a little tacky, but I couldn’t wait any longer. I bumped my plans down to that night.

Since this one got even longer than the last one I will leave you all with this information:

Yes, we are married now.

No, she did not get pregnant.

Yes, she knows I am writing this and it was mostly her idea.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/8tjjzv/mf_sometimes_life_is_kind_to_us_the_story_about

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