Gracefully [MF]

Laying in bed, all I want to do is cum all over this space but nothing is happening. I only arise from my bed because my mother is calling for me downstairs. Pancakes, the same thing everyday and its like she doesn’t know how to fix anything else. I am quick to dismiss them as I come down the stairs in my black leather jacket and ripped jeans. My dad hates my cold black hair, lip piercing, but its my fucking body so I mentally throw his comments in the trash. He says, “Michael be better than me.” However better than him would be anything because he is not shit to me. Now that I am in college he worries me daily about the costs. Money is the last thing on my mind, but thats all my father can scream about as I head out the door to school. I would drive to school but I like to walk through the neighborhood noticing all the doors lock because people fear the unknown. Not a criminal but people look at me as if my piercing blue eyes would find out who they truly are. There are no secrets to me yet I am the biggest secret here in town because I have chosen to talk to no one. Then Vicky walks out the door with tall skull covered socks and a short skirt hoping that I would put an answer to her question for the thousandth time.”Hi Michael, can I walk with you to school?” I only flash a smile then I go in another direction totally avoiding her at all costs. Not interested, in someone hanging on to me to meet her relationship goals on Instagram. Upon arriving at school I realize that my robotics class in in the science lab. I could really give a fuck about robots but apparently Professor Tarvel assumes I am talented and wont let me drop it. There is only three more weeks and then my college days are behind me. Class almost comes to a close when Tarvel decides to gives us one last project. He wants us to design a robot hand with another person. The only thing I hate worse then waking up to come to school is working with another person on anything. Sitting in the back of the class I gaze over the sloppy head teens with bad acne to figure out who I would be paired up with on this project. “Michael your partner is Grace,” a quick glance pulled her away from my stare. Before I could go over there to speak she left the room not even looking back. I stood there for a moment as if the curve she just threw wasn’t obvious. Since my focus went back to this project, I decided to head out the door. -continue [Gracefully ](
