I was her summer subletter. Here’s how she became my cumslut sub. Part III (Final). [MF] [MFM] [Long]

I don’t want to bore you with the typical preamble, so I’ll try to be brief:

1. It’s really recommended you check out the preceding parts ([Part One](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/8pyb8f/i_was_her_summer_subletter_heres_how_she_became/), [Part Two](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/8qkfkd/i_was_her_summer_subletter_heres_how_she_became/)), as this is not your typical single encounter story, but rather one that unfolded over the course of a whole summer, two years ago. Moreover, it relies pretty heavily on development and detail, as it encompasses more than just one or two explosive sexual encounters.

2. Everything is strictly true, though things like dialogue and certain specifics (where I placed my hand when, etc.) are obviously approximated. (They help me get back into it and hopefully make a better read for you.)

3. Thanks for reading if you’ve been with me since part one! I know it’s been a lot of words. This one is especially lengthy, as it’ll be the last of my chronicles of the summer I spent with Lauren. Anyway, without further ado…


So, my last post left off on a Tuesday in late July. Lauren had gone into the office and, per my instructions, relieved herself of her bra, placing it in her handbag, which left nothing but a t-shirt blouse between her soft, pale nipples and the unceasing blast of cool air her office’s AC was in the habit of dispensing all summer long. Lauren’s nipples — which hardened almost immediately upon removal of the bra, as she told it, and stood at attention for the remainder of the workday — became the subject of a number of distracted glances and subtle stares, from guys and girls alike, across the open-plan office space. On the internet, this kind of phenomenon is typically described with observations like “every guy in the room went rock hard, and began noticeably oozing precum out of their ten inch cocks,” etc. In reality, even a couple of furtive glances, awkwardly cast, is enough to set the heart racing. And so, around 4 PM, she texted me for permission to go to the bathroom so she could get herself off. Permission granted.

Now, Lauren, as I’ve already explained, was an ambitious, professional person. As much as Monday and Tuesday excited and enlivened her, she found mixing work and play like that a little too distracting, and we agreed it was maybe best to phase this kind of thing out — considering that it’s perhaps best left for a slow Monday here, a lazy Friday there. (We ended up doing something similar only once more that summer).

As such, the next day, on Wednesday, we didn’t do anything at all. She went to work in the morning, and came home in the later afternoon. As thankful as she was to have a reasonably normal, ho-hum day for the first time in nearly a week, she said she found herself wanting something, missing something, having grown a little addicted to the rush, that electric feeling of chasing new pleasures, putting herself in new positions and situations, and giving herself up to me (I was similarly addicted to the rush of seizing, using, and pleasuring her).

In a way, given who I thought she was for the first few weeks of knowing her, it surprised me a little that she had this kind of hunger. In retrospect, though, it makes every bit of sense. Smart, witty, really has her shit together, and sexy (in general but also) in a kind of sophisticated way, it only seems natural that she be compelled, spurred on by her innate curiosity and adventurousness (as well as her insatiable mouth and cunt), to expand her horizons and explore new pleasures. And, in fact, I think she was almost deliberately living out this summer as an experimental or exceptional window of time in her life. Sniffing out and diving head-first into the deep end of experiences she’d never seriously contemplated before, and ones she likely won’t return to again, once this summer had run its course (once I really got her to open up more, she’d talked about a curiosity to try a handful of depraved things “at least once”).

What made all this work at all was the fact that we had a fabulous and easy rapport. I think the fact that she’d lived with me for a number of weeks in the most uneventful and quotidian of circumstances, only to discover this other side of me, and learn what else I was capable of making her feel and do, allowed her to put that much more trust in me (basically, the fact that I was in control and could vary my rhythm and speed gave her a lot of confidence). And it was all about trust, in the end. From the moment we’d first embraced in that bathroom at that random party, the moment I’d made her cum harder than she had in months and months, my left hand reaching around her body, stuffed in her panties, smearing circles on her clit, my right hand wrapped around her throat just tight enough to make her feel like I owned her and that was that, and not even a little bit tighter – from that moment on she trusted me. Trusted me to use her, to work her raw, to feel out and respect her limits, and to supervise her descent into this sordid little thing, this intense game of saliva, spankings, thigh-quivering orgasms and a regular intake of cum.

So, that Wednesday, when she came home hungry, we talked for an hour or more — mostly naked and kind of passively playing with one another. Scented candles and ambient music in the background, windows open, cold beer. She talked about Saturday night ([detailed here](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/8qkfkd/i_was_her_summer_subletter_heres_how_she_became/)) and how she felt when we introduced her toy into the mix (she’d sat on it while I tenderly fucked her mouth, and I’d inserted it into her ass slightly while mounting her from behind). She likened the feelings she had that night to being “under the influence of a powerful drug.” She said that, with two of her holes filled, she was “practically unable to think at all, and could only *feel*,” etc.

She said she wasn’t too interested in anal (more on this later), and while she thought it was a ton of fun when we flirted with it that Saturday, she definitely wasn’t looking to get into DP. Oral, though, was something else entirely. From that first Thursday night when I’d used her mouth like I did, she said she didn’t quite feel the same. Or rather, she felt something she altogether hadn’t before. She said, in those moments I was filling it, that her mouth almost felt “like my pussy, but different obviously.” It was a kind of pleasure that was intimately related to a feeling of submission, of being used and almost helpless — her ordinarily clever and quick-talking mouth filled and stretched by my warm, hard, heavy cock.

And there, right there — that’s just the thing, we surmised practically at once. Rubber was fine, but a warm, hard, heavy cock filling her mouth while I was filled her from the back… Instantly we started running through scenarios, both realistic and far-fetched, of all that could result in the course of introducing a third (or, strictly in terms of cock, a second). In no ordinary circumstance would I (or she) have jumped to something like this so soon, but I think the ticking clock of our time together lit a bit of a fire under the ass of her daring and appetite for trying new things fast (my subletting arrangement was up in about five weeks from then, at which point I was leaving practically cross-country, not to return for the foreseeable future).

Moreover, I trusted her fully to be able to handle this kind of situation – she’s spoken out at every juncture when something wasn’t entirely cool with her, and let me know in no uncertain terms when something was straight up off limits. It was quite a lot, of course, jumping into MFM threesome territory, but nothing gave me even the hint of a suspicion that she wouldn’t be able to handle herself just fine.

We fucked, and left our conversation alone for the night — mostly thoughts and speculation.

With my balls drained, and her in bed (she went to bed a few hours earlier than I did, as, since I was freelancing, I made my own hours, and typically rose later in the morning), I began thinking a little more about a threesome. All a once, I realized that, while I had no lack of confidence in *her*, I realized the prospect of finding a solid, handsome, and respectful candidate on any of the typical channels, be it website or dating app, would, at best, be a bit of a struggle and a long shot.

Not even a half hour of deliberation and doubt went by before the solution practically landed right in my lap. Sam (my friend mentioned in [part two](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/8qkfkd/i_was_her_summer_subletter_heres_how_she_became/)) had been blowing up my phone a little bit earlier in the day about Lauren — it was my mention of what her and I got up to on Tuesday in particular that really got his questioning going. And by late Wednesday night, he was practically begging for anything from her full name (so he could stalk her pictures on facebook, etc.) to me bringing her along to drinks before he left town (he was leaving at the end of that month, July, in a matter of days, at that time).

In a certain light, Sam was ideal for a third. He’s a good friend of mine — a truly good friend, since back in college — and I knew he wouldn’t try to mess up my shit or anything. He *could* be a bit obnoxious and rough, though. The latter alone was by no means a bad thing — but Sam, my age then, around 25 or 26, had a slight bit of the college boy left in him, at least when it came to romance and women.

I asked him — careful not to promise anything, purely in a speculative fashion — how something like a threesome would sound. It wasn’t until the afternoon of the following day that I finally succeeded in convincing him I was in fact serious, and not merely completely fucking with him. The moment I succeeded in convincing him was, more or less, the moment he said yes, as well as a few other things.

When Lauren came home from work that day, I let her know I might have a promising, safe, and easy lead. I let her know all about him. We talked for a while. She said she didn’t want to fuck him, and that she moreso wanted to feel like a slut for me, as well as realize that feeling of just… being filled, used (within her limits), and that everything reasonable (touching, sucking) this side of actual sex was mostly fair game, and entirely welcome and wanted.

Now, at this point in time, I’d never shared anyone quite like the way we were talking about. Without doubt, it was a bit of a dangerous game, as at this point in time I’d definitely developed feelings for her, just as she’d developed feelings for me (feelings, both ways, of a very particular kind, it should be said). Seeing another guy inside of her in any capacity would have felt a little funny, for sure, but I was still pretty secure insofar as it was pretty evident she’d grown smitten with me, and authentically looked up to me as something who’d really opened her eyes to a different way (sorry if corny) of living and loving.

It was important, though, to remember that this was all a part of our game. From this perspective, this threesome idea was nothing short of healthy, and, moreover, a healthy reminder that what we were up to, after all, was very much a game of sorts. A game and an opportunity. Just getting each other’s rocks off for an unambiguously finite period of time, as well as exploring and testing her heretofore undiscovered limits, and unplumbed depths (put less elegantly: hitting the back of her mouth with the head of my cock, in addition to other pleasures).

When I told Lauren that we had a similarly finite window of time to take advantage of our little plan with Sam — specifically, less than a week, likely that very weekend — she was a little taken aback at first, but quickly came around, and before long began guiding my hand straight toward her pussy.

We had a thunderous fuck the night. It was barely lucid. I had her on her knees on the bed, her face down, ass up. The nearly always surprisingly loud clap of my hand hitting her left cheek filling the apartment for a brief instant. Coming up behind her, staring into her two holes, my tongue outstretched, placed flat up against as close to her clit as I could reach from that angle, and running it slowly, in one smooth motion, all the way up her cunt to her other hole, which I proceeded to devour. I turned her over and used my mouth and tongue to push, lick, press, suck, and abuse her little clit. I rammed my left hand’s index and fore fingers into her tight, hot cunt, as my right hand — as kind of became tradition with us — was wrapped firmly (tighter even than usual) around her throat, feeling her body contort and squirm between the hand that was fucking her, and the hand that was holding her down.

I had her on my knees before me, my hand clasped in a fist at the back of her head, grabbing her hair into a tight ponytail, angling her face upward towards me, as I spit into her mouth and tell her how good of an obedient, sexy little slut she’s been for me, but that she’d have to work a bit harder that night if she wanted to play with a second cock. That night, all said, was a memorable one.


I checked in with Sam, in person, before the Friday evening it was to happen (a day or two before he was moving out and leaving town). I went over the ropes. No fucking, mainly oral, touching, playing, etc. He seemed hungry and ready, but I also knew him to put up a bit more up front (talk and tough posturing and sex), so was unsure exactly how his demeanor would be reflected in his actions and conduct the following day.

I told Lauren about Sam’s mixed nature — and, together, we decided to have a bit of fun — come at him hard and fast, get him on his toes, see how he’d respond. While the goal of the night was to give her two cocks and at least as many loads, it was also yet another occasion to fuck around and play games, something we enjoyed and participated in as equals, co-conspirators, etc.

So, that Friday night, she answered the door in an *insanely cute* black lace teddy that I’d picked out from a shop earlier that week (it had two buttons just just above her pussy, where two straps met along the bottom portion of it, and where it could be opened and undone).

Sam was a little in awe at seeing her (for the first time, no less) dressed like that. A heady lavender scent in the air from her freshly shampooed hair. Taking her outstretched, dainty, milky-olive hand in his, her big hazel eyes staring up at him, as she brings both her hands over and places them on his chest. We agreed she should really lay it on thick from the get go, and the results were almost exactly in line with what we foresaw. While not necessarily taken aback, Sam was *definitely* slowed down and sheepish. While he slightly stuttering voice and reddened face betrayed him, the things he was saying sounded perfectly normal, as though he were meeting her under ordinary circumstances for the first time. He finally managed an awkward “you look really hot.”

After some minutes, Sam and Lauren’s apparent lack of chemistry ceased being amusing. Thing weren’t going spectacularly, and Sam had really swallowed a good deal of the courage that’d come across in the tone with which was talking up the potential of this evening just hours before.

Right then and there, I order Lauren on her hands and knees, as we’re all nursing a bottle of beer, Sam nervously picking some at his bottle’s label. I begin stroking her pussy from behind, through the soft fabric of the teddy, as she purrs some and inhales deeply, casting a glance at Sam. I undo the strap at the bottom of her outfit and begin rubbing her pussy bare, quickly covering my fingers in her juices. I insert two fingers and fuck her softly with them, for a few seconds, before removing them and reach them around to her mouth. “Open,” I say, as I insert my fingers into her mouth, inviting her to taste herself, and remove them after some seconds (as I do so, she closes her lips around them and suck them audibly). She was revving to go and, staring down my crotch, almost instinctively places a hand on my belt, tugging my crotch toward her face. “Mm, mm,” I shake my head. “Where are you manners, hun?” (I never called her that before, but I guess spontaneously decided to play up her role as the submissive, domestic little pet — I think Lauren and I both had a silent, interior giggle over it). “How could you forget our guest?” I ask her, with light, mock indignation. (I remember I was going to ask Sam to give her a spanking here, but didn’t have the confidence that he’d land the kind of satisfyingly loud blow she liked so much.)

She looked over to Sam, who was sort of bent slightly, honestly looking kind of like an idiot — obviously hard, or close, and awkwardly so.

I think Sam’s sheepishness unearthed some of Lauren’s switchier tendencies, because Lauren proceeded to stand up, touching in interior of my thigh as she did so, and tell him, in a clear, almost deadpan voice (almost like an order), “Take your pants off.” He obliged, quite quickly.

Sam’s cock was maybe a half inch or so larger than mine, which was a pleasant surprise, but also noticeably thinner, which wasn’t entirely ideal, as I think one of Lauren’s favorite sensations was being stretched (whether her mouth or her pussy — although the latter wasn’t particularly relevant as that wasn’t on the menu for her and Sam that night anyway).

She smirks and approaches him, grabs his cock and begins tugging him a little. He moves in to kiss her and reaches both hands down to grab, one cheek in each hand, her perfect, bubbly little ass. Grabbing onto his cock, she tugs him back to her bedroom, and I follow, pleased that things corrected course and were beginning to really get going.

She gets on all fours on her bed, Sam hangs off the edge of the bed. I lift her teddy’s flap onto her lower back and, kneeling behind her, begin voraciously eating her cunt and ass, as she spits on Sam’s cock, strokes it some, and takes him into her mouth, prompting him to let out the first semi-relaxed ~~words~~ word from him: “Fuck,” he impetuously lets out as he watches her work her mouth.

When I see her bring a hand down to rub her clit, I know it’s time to get it into her. I get behind her and mount her, now with a much better view of her sucking cock right in front of me. I push myself in, slowly, and build up a pace within half a minute or so. Her soft, breathy and breathless moans seemed to make Sam a bit more comfortable, as he began holding the back of her mouth, pushing Lauren deeper onto his cock, prompting her to cough and gag some. I continued thrusting into her all the while, stretching her out from behind like she liked so much, while Sam was starting to build some confidence. “Suck my balls now,” he said quickly as he guided her head into his sack. As I was giving it to her harder, and her breathy moans increased, her mouth kept losing Sam’s cock, so he pushed her head all up into his crotch, practically fucking her mouth, or nearly, at this point. As she was getting close, she pushed Sam away from the bed, and lowered her head, breathing rapidly, as she was on the cusp of cumming. Tremors start to run down the lower two thirds or so of her body, and I increased my pace as she squirmed and wrestled, while Sam watched us intently, staring at her heart-shaped ass, stroking himself a little by the dresser where we had a lit candle, the sole source of light in the room.

Sam could just as well have returned and taken hold of her head, guiding her mouth back onto his cock, but refrained, as she looked lost in her world, and, though his confidence had increased from a half hour ago, he still seemed a little uncertain of things. Lauren, meanwhile, reaches for a pillow or two to place under her head, and, with her ass popped out toward me, her face down, buried in the mess of pillows, I continued thrusting into her, slowly, like she likes after I make her cum. I spank her a few times, after some minutes, and begin to quicken my pace once more. I came in her, forcefully, just a beat before I felt I was on the verge of making her come a second or third time.

Sam approached, half stroking, half bouncing his cock with his hand, saying something, almost in a murmur, like “I haven’t finished.” She was pretty beat at that point, and motioned for him to lie down on the bed. Kneeling over him, she spits once more on his cock, and begins rubbing his shaft up and down, burying her face in his balls, causing him to hang his head back and moan (I’m sitting back in a chair, meanwhile, on the other side of the room, watching her, for the very first time, do her thing on someone else). Sam let Lauren go at her own pace for a few minutes, as she was clearly beat from the fucking I’d just given her, letting her work her tongue tenderly, bob her head nice and slow.

After a couple of minutes, he motioned for her to get on the floor, on her knees. Grabbing her hair, he began to control her pace, dirty talking her some in a low voice (“That’s right you fucking slut… suck that cock,” etc.), which I think excited her, because she started to touch her clit a little. A little suddenly, he grabbed her hair and held her head out in front of him, stroking himself intently, spurting ropes all over her face, which definitely surprised her, as I was more in the habit of coming in her mouth or down her throat.

Lauren stayed there on her knees for a few moments, casting me a sort of sly smile, rolling her eyes a little, and pressed her lips against the head of Sam’s spent cock, kissing it lightly, and tickling it with her tongue, which caused him to shiver, prompting her to laugh teasingly. She then tried to take him back in her mouth but he recoiled, as it was a bit much and he was probably a bit too sensitive after coming.

He ended up retreating to the bathroom before she did. I was proud of hear, and satisfied with him (while he was definitely awkward in a number of ways, he lasted longer than I kind of expected the moment I saw him show up at our door).

Lauren, meanwhile, stood up and walked over to me. “You’re just too much fun, you know that?” she said.

I laughed, smiled, shook my head and replied in silence and awe, half-stroking my quarter-hard cock, lustily staring at her figure and her painted-white face.

“Honestly surprised he didn’t try and put up more of a fight to fuck me tonight,” she said in lower tone, as Sam was nearby in the bathroom, cleaning up and such.

“I think he really likes your mouth,” I replied, prompting her to shake her head and throw me back a smile.

“Did you want me to, though?” She grinned devilishly.

“Want you to what,” I replied, sort of playing dumb.

“Maybe we fuck with him,” she said in a whisper, just as he returned from the bathroom, and began collecting his clothes, giving her a sort of startled look, followed by an uneven smile.

She sort of giggles and slinks off to the bathroom to pee and wash her face.

“Dude,” Sam whispers, holding his t-shirt in front of his crotch, “she’s fucking something else.. And you were right about her mouth.. that shit.. She can really take some inches..”

I smile, nodding. “But fuck,” he continues, “her ass…”

She emerges from the bathroom naked (she’d been wearing the romper till then, though it had been pushed up from the bottom for the last half hour or so), her face more or less clean. “If you can go again, like literally again right now, you can fuck my pussy,” she says in a direct voice, facing Sam. I laughed, Sam didn’t. One of the things I loved about her was that, while she was submissive (at least with me), she was also a quick thinker, and playful as fuck to boot.

Dumbstruck, Sam either truly couldn’t help but stutter or was mischievously trying to buy some time by walking in circles with his words, spilling broken sentences and so on.

Within a few minutes, she’s riding him on top at a slow pace. A few more, and he’s moved her into doggystyle, just like I had her not fifteen minutes before. She was definitely getting off, but she was also just having a fun time — when she’s really getting into sex, she mainly gets really breathy, with low moans, her eyes half-open, her jaw hanging slack, etc. But she looked more in control with him, much more composed and less sex drunk. Despite the fact that it was evident she wasn’t necessarily getting her world rocked, she started to dirty talk him, just like he did her some minutes ago. “You like my tight little pussy?” “Does that make your cock feel good?” It made me nearly rock hard, as she hadn’t done that sort of thing with me before (understandably, given our dynamic as well as the state she gets into when I fuck her). I considered walking over and filling her mouth right then and there, but listening to her was just too much fun.

I could she started to get close, as, after some minutes, she stopped smiling and dirty talking, and started to breathe more heavily. She sort of turned her head to look at Sam out of the corner of her eye, her mouth kind of stupidly hanging open like it is when I fuck her. Before she could cum, though, he blurted out that he was about to. “Come on my tits this time,” she breathed rapidly. He pulled out and instantly shot his load on her ass.

Even though he’d already come that night, he still shot an okay amount, a little on the cheek and, as she later told me, a decent amount straight onto her asshole (she later told me that this tickled in a really strange and good way, and almost was enough to really put her over the edge, but she couldn’t quite get there, and as such didn’t end up cumming with him).

She turned around swiftly, almost to Sam’s surprise, and grabs his cock and licks it, “You taste good,” she smiles.

“I think you’re tasting more of you than me,” he replied, causing her to giggle and open wide, taking him in her mouth. This time he accepted it, and held her head there for a moment too long, causing her to sort of cough and bounce off his cock really quickly, taking it in her hand and jerking it, as she looks over and casts me a smile through teary red eyes, and kisses his head one last time while she turns her head slightly and shifts her gaze over to him, thanking him for all his cum.


Much later that night (it was a Friday evening), after Sam had been long gone, and after Lauren had showered and taken care of herself, we cuddled for a while, and fucked slow and romantic, something we actually hadn’t exactly done before. She came, as did I. She thanked me for everything, for tonight but also the past week and beyond. She told me that night she loved me, and I told her the same. We were both pretty embarrassed about it, almost immediately, I think, but we both knew it wasn’t really *love* love. I know this probably doesn’t come across in my posts, but outside of sex and sexual dynamics, though we liked each other fine, we didn’t necessarily get along brilliantly — not poorly by any means, just not nearly as well as we did sexually. This might be due to the fact that we were both acutely aware not only that our relationship had a time limit on it, as I’d be leaving town soon, but also of the whole boyfriend thing (she tried to get him to agree to a break before he left, but he was kind of stubborn and even a little manipulative about it). Owing especially to her exhaustion with relationships, and given the fact that she’d had a boyfriend of some sort for essentially all of college, she was *really* not looking for another one. And I never saw myself as a potential one anyway (perhaps yet another reason why we got along so well). I was her roommate, her summer subletter more exactly, and she was my dirty little cumslut sub. And that was that.


This is probably where I should end this. From this point in time to the end of August, it was just us two (no more group stuff). Even though it was still extremely exciting for us both, and things were about just as fresh at the end as they were near the beginning, I don’t think it’s worth recounting all of that, as most of it isn’t new. There was some public stuff, and some playful games, but nothing as impactful as what I covered in the previous couple of pieces (our first two times) or as crazy as what I describe above (with Sam, etc.). In the end, it was probably one of if not my single favorite stretch of my sexual career. No one has swallowed as much, or even nearly as much, of my cum in the space of a month as she had. And I’ve never had such fun giving orders, pulling hair, spanking cheek, and grabbing throat.

I moved out on great terms with her. We both agreed it’d be unrealistic to keep anything active after I left town, as almost the entirety of our relationship had revolved around physical intimacy and such. Also, we really wore each other down — in a good way, without doubt (we were pretty insatiable, given the newness, the stakes, as well as our overall attraction and sexual chemistry, etc.) — but in a way that wasn’t really sustainable over the longterm.

The kind of sex we’d been getting up to left us both a little exhausted, physically, for sure, but also sometimes emotionally (it can take a lot out of you). As my three posts have basically covered three months, I didn’t really want to dedicate too much time to the lulls and recovery/care periods we had. Like, I’d really go at her hard, use her, restrain her, fuck her till she couldn’t feel her face, couldn’t even stand, etc. But then there’d be like 36 hours of cuddling her, kissing her cheek, forehead, lips, all over, all tenderly, and maybe giving her some really slow, sensual head if she wasn’t too sore. Honestly, the only way we were able to both carry on this kind of lifestyle was because it was a slow time of year workwise for both of us (normally, as I’ve touched on, we’re both highly dedicated to our work and careers).

So, that’s it.

**Happy to answer any questions in the comments if you’d like to know more about this or that.** (And for those of you who’ve read all three parts in their entirety [my friends!] feel free to PM). I feel like I was pretty exhaustive, and hit upon most if not all of the juiciest and most memorable things we did, but naturally left some stuff out. August was a lot of fun.

Oh! that reminds me. I said I’d mention the anal thing. So we eventually got around to it. She was curious about trying something she hadn’t before and figured she might have a bit of a butt kink, as it drove her mad when I’d eat her ass, it made her feel like I positively owned her when I fucked her with the toy halfway in her ass that time early on, and it tickled her incredibly when Sam came on her hole.

So we decided to go for it. One of the reasons our little ‘anal adventures’ aren’t getting a post of their own, though, is because I’d be lying if I said it wasn’t mostly prep and her googling up a storm and opening like a hundred different tabs related to all things anal.

As it was her first time, moreover, I didn’t feel right about really giving it to her rough like she’d mostly been getting it from me. My cock isn’t huge lengthwise — as I said, about 7.5” — but it’s very, very thick. So I practically had no choice but to take things slow and steady. The first half of the actual (anal) sex part was mainly a lot of communication, and not of the dirty variety. Just me checking in on her, her letting me know what worked for her, how she was feeling, when i should ease up a little, etc.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/8rpjv8/i_was_her_summer_subletter_heres_how_she_became

1 comment

  1. fantastic series, thank you for sharing

    > once I really got her to open up more, she’d talked about a curiosity to try a handful of depraved things “at least once”

    please…i need to know…what were they?

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