For a friend, part 2 [C & H] [MF]

Five glasses clink together above a round table. “To Connor!” Heads are thrown back, drinks are downed, and my thirtieth birthday celebration begins.

This night I’m out with my coworkers: Kyle, Alice, Rita, and, of course, Hayley. A few more will join us later in the night. I’ve worked with them all for years, but it was Hayley who organized this outing. Hayley, who I haven’t been able to touch or kiss or fuck since our night in the hotel room two months ago.

I shake that thought off. Those few hours were never meant to lead into anything more.

For tonight, though, our plans are simple: drinks and some food at a local, rowdy bar. No great surprises, no grand expectations. It’s exactly what I want and need. Hayley knows me well.

It’s also a welcome break for all of us after an endless barrage of spreadsheets and meetings and the general bullshittery of a corporate environment. A bit of excess will do us all good. We’ve already put in an order for more appetizers than five people can reasonably be expected to consume, and a second round of drinks is on the way.

“So what are you going to do this weekend?” Alice asks me. She’s an older woman, tall with short blonde hair, and she’s one of Hayley’s closest friends. Earlier she rushed to grab the seat between Hayley and me, and I have to wonder if she knows about and disapproves of what happened in room 309.

“Nothing fancy.” This is about as far as I’ve actually planned. Turning thirty will be a day like any other for me, but it seems important to Hayley that I celebrate, so I throw out a few ideas. “Dinner with my family, maybe some time at the pool or out with my sisters to the beach. More food and drinks with Kyle and our friends.”

“Oh, come on,” Hayley says. She shifts in her seat to face me. Sometime in the past hour she switched to over to wearing her glasses, and I feel the first stirrings of lust at the sight of them. She doesn’t wear her frames often, but when she does she rocks a serious hot librarian vibe.

It doesn’t help that the top two buttons on her shirt have come undone. I try not to stare, and almost fail when she leans her tits on the table and her considerable cleavage threatens to burst from its restraints. I remember the look of them (full and perky, with fat, dark nipples), the feel of them (heavy in my hands, soft against my chest)…. “You only turn 30 once! It needs to be memorable. You need to do more than that.”

Yeah, I need to do you.

Alice nods her agreement. “Go out. Do something new. This is the last big one until 40, and trust me, that’s a lot less glamorous.”

I quickly review of all the various places I’d like to go and new things I’d like to do with Hayley. Now that would make for a good birthday weekend.

My thoughts are drifting again and I try to pull myself together. “We’ll see,” I tell them, hoping to move us all to a new topic. Alice and Hayley roll their eyes, and before I know it the conversation turns to complaining about how ridiculous I am. Perfect.

On the other half of the table, Rita and Kyle are bent over her phone, likely looking through endless pictures of dresses and flowers and anything else related to Rita’s upcoming wedding. Or perhaps they’re discussing a grocery list. I never know with those two.

Kyle is sitting a bit too close to Rita, but I can’t blame the guy. She’s a short, pretty thing with a shapely rear and a sharp tongue. She has her hair straight today, and her collar dips low, revealing a freckle-spattered chest. Her rack is nowhere near as impressive as Hayley’s, but I’m a simple man, and I enjoy the view as she bends forward.

Sudden pressure on my foot. I turn to find Hayley watching me with arched brows. Ah, busted. She gives a slight shake of her head, then brushes her hair over her shoulder and sticks her own chest out.

Okay, Hayley. Message received.

“Heads up,” Kyle says to me. A hot plate of nachos swings into my vision as our appetizers and drinks are loaded on the table. Kyle and I immediately shift our attention to the nachos, and the women are taken aback as we attack the food with gusto.

“How are guys always so hungry?” Hayley asks Alice and Rita. Kyle and I ignore their disparaging remarks while we enjoy our food. We are unashamed.

We pass a few minutes with eat and drink and talk. Two glasses of bourbon have left me with a strong buzz and I feel myself drifting again, losing myself in the noise of the crowd and the conversations of my friends and the memories my night with Hayley. More of our coworkers arrive, another round of drinks comes through, and onwards the party marches.

Eventually Alice excuses herself to use the restroom. Hayley shifts into the vacant seat. She’s well into another glass of wine and her face is flushed a bright red. I can’t recall ever seeing her like this (though I can recall seeing her bent over before me, watching me over her shoulder as I…). “I can’t believe Alice took my spot!”

Her leg is pressed against mine, but I think she’s too drunk to notice. “Did you have anything to eat? You look wasted.”

“No, I’m fasting. Religious thing.” She drops her voice to a whisper. “Though I could make an exception for you.”

Before I can even fathom a response a bright screen hosting a picture of a wedding cake is shoved in front of my face. I follow the phone back to its source and find Rita standing next to me, scowling at her screen. “What do you guys think of these cakes? Kyle thought they were all ugly.”

Hayley leans forward to take a closer look. She uses the opportunity to plant her hand on my knee. As Rita starts to talk us through the pictures (“Here’s a chocolate-chocolate, but I don’t think I can do that at a wedding”), Hayley’s hand slides up my thigh and finds my crotch.

My cock rises to meet Hayley’s touch. She strokes me through my jeans as I harden.

This is really happening.

The past two months of tension have been far more tortuous than the years prior to our hotel romp, but I never thought we’d repeat the act. Now she’s touching me and I want to throw her on the table and have my way with her, witnesses be damned. I try to play it cool. “I still don’t see why you can’t have a chocolate cake,” I tell Rita. “It’s your wedding, you’re paying for it. Have whatever cake you want.”

Hayley scoffs, but doesn’t stop touching me even as she draws Rita’s attention. “You can’t have a chocolate cake at a wedding. Rita, don’t listen to him. I liked the first one best.” She gives me a hard squeeze before scooting her chair back. “Gotta pee. Back in a minute.”

And off she goes, leaving me with a raging hard-on. Rita chooses a new target — Alice — and starts her cake assault anew.

As I watch them scroll through various photos of baked goods, my phone buzzes. New message from Hayley.

Last stall on the end. Knock 4 times.

Oh, wow.

Alice and Rita are engaged in deep conversation, and Kyle has gotten sucked into a group chat with the late arrivals. I’m in the clear.

I make my way to the bathroom to find a large communal vanity. On the opposite side are four full-length doors. No chance to notice two pairs of feet in one stall.

Adrenaline floods my veins. Only one other person is in the lobby now — a woman washing her hands — but at any moment someone can come into the bathroom or out of a stall and catch me going in with Hayley.

It’s risky. It’s stupid. It’s unbelievably hot.

I make a show of checking my hair in the mirror until the woman leaves. Go time. I’m shaking with nerves but I count out four knocks as instructed. The door opens and I’m being hauled in by my shirt.

Hayley wastes no time. She backs me into the wall and kisses me as she pulls at my belt. I start undoing the buttons on her shirt, but she has my jeans open and is fumbling through my boxers for my cock. She pulls it out and breaks away from me. I don’t even have a chance to finish opening her shirt before she drops to her knees.

“It’s even better than I remember,” she says. She pulls her hair back and ties it out of the way, then both of her hands are wrapped around me. There’s still enough left to fill her mouth and that’s exactly what she does.

My hips rock forward as her lips slide onto me. She lingers on that first contact, feeling me with her tongue, running it over the tip of my manhood, tasting me. I feel her moan as she starts to pleasure me.

I put my hands on her head and she speeds up.

My breaths come heavier as the sensations consume me, but it’s not enough.

“There’s more to play with,” I tell her. She gets the hint. I’m out of her mouth and she licks and nibbles her way down my shaft, then down to my scrotum, and then she’s stroking me with one hand while she sucks on my balls.

Seeing her hard at work drives me wild and I suddenly need more. When she finally pauses, gasping for breath and shaking feeling back into her hands, our eyes lock, and we both know she’s about to get fucked.

I grab her arm and pull her to her feet. She’s one step ahead of me. Already she has her jeans and thong around her knees. She turns to face the wall, ass shoved toward me.

I step up behind her and she reaches back for my cock and lines it up and then I’m entering her.

We move as one, in perfect synchrony. I have her up against the wall, one hand down her shirt and fondling her breasts and the other clamped over her mouth, and I let the feel of her consume me: the slick heat of her pussy, the weight of her tits bouncing in my hands as I thrust against her, her hands gripping and scratching my forearms.

Our breath becomes frenzied. The thin walls shake in time with us and my hand does nothing to muffle the sounds of her pleasure. If anyone is in the next stall they know what is happening and that realization sends me over the edge

“I’m gonna come,” I tell her. She manages to twist out of my grip and turns, kneeling, and takes me in her mouth again, and then my cock is convulsing and my knees are shaking and I’m filling her mouth with my seed.

Breathing slows. Time returns to normal. I stand over Hayley, looking into her eyes as I pull out of her mouth. She’s a mess, her makeup running down the length of her face, her lips and chin smeared with my come. It’s one of the hottest things I’ve ever seen.

“I don’t care if you spit it out,” I tell her. “I know you’re fasting.” She rolls her eyes but does so.

I help her to her feet and kiss her. I taste the two of us on her tongue.

We work together to clean her up. When we’re satisfied , she gives me another kiss. “Happy birthday, Connor. I hope it’s one you remember.” She smiles, then she’s out of the stall. I wait another minute before following.

I make sure to steal an empty glass from a table as I make my way back to our coworkers. Let them think I spent the past five minutes carousing.

None of them need to know that I really spent them fucking my boss.


1 comment

  1. Thought this was the “cheap boss put us in one room” people, apparently not tho

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