[MF] Dana, part 3 [teasing] [cheating?]

It makes more sense if you have read [part one] (https://old.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/7lc8ts/mf_dana_part_1_teasing_cheating/) and [part two] (https://old.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/7ljtb3/mf_dana_part_2_teasing_public_cheating/).

It was a couple of nights before Dana was at my place again. She brought over a bottle of Knob Creek, and we sat at my small table grading papers, letting the ice melt in our glasses and only occasionally talking. She was wearing a black dress with short sleeves and black leggings. She hadn’t pulled her hair back, and so while she graded, she kept pushing back stray hairs that fell into her line of sight. I watched her tuck her hair behind her ear and how she bit her lower lip when she was thinking of what to write. We worked much later than usual, and the bottle was still full hours after we had opened it. We were sober and tired, and so it was all the more of a surprise when out of nowhere she said, “I’ve been thinking about what you and Sarah did.”


“I don’t think I could do something like that. I mean, not on a camera.”

“It’s not like it was recorded.”

“I don’t think I could look at myself on that little screen; I would be too self-conscious.”

“So you guys don’t do things on Skype, or…”

“No, but sometimes we send messages, or we talk on the phone.”


“I told him about the Christmas story.”


“I told him like it was something that I wanted to do, not that you guys had done it. I like that story.”

It was pretty shitty of me to be feeling jealous. So, I didn’t say anything, and I sipped my watered-down whiskey.

“Do you two Skype a lot?”

“Pretty regularly, but we don’t do things in the office like that.”

“Is it weird that I like to think about it?”

I reached out, and I touched her bare arm, there were goosebumps. It made her nervous to talk about this. I started to move my fingers down her forearm, but she stopped me. “No,” she said.


“But you can tell me.”

“About Sarah, or about—” and I trailed off.

“Both, either.”

Dana was sitting across from me, and behind her, through the window in the light of the streetlamp, I could see snow falling. “Do you touch yourself when you think about it?”

She paused before she answered, “Yes.”

“I’m going to get another ice cube. Do you want one?” I stood in the kitchen for awhile, she was just ten feet away, but I couldn’t see her. When I came back, I told her. “I think about you sometimes, like that.”

“What do you think about?”

“The other night. I imagined what would have happened if we hadn’t stopped.” She took a sip. I took a sip.

“When you started unbuttoned my shirt,” she said, “I would have done anything.”

“I wanted to go down on you. To pull your panties off. I wanted you to spread your legs, and hold up your skirt up for me—”

“I already took them off. When I went to the restroom to put on her perfume, I took my panties off. I wanted you to touch me under the table while Kate and Cindy were here.”

“Take them off again.”

“We can’t—“

“I know. But take them off.”

Dana has brown-caramel eyes. She never broke eye-contact. I heard her push her shoes off. Covered by the table, she pulled her dress up, shifted in her chair a little awkwardly as she started to roll her leggings off. She had to bend a little to get them completely off. Then her panties. She left her legging on the floor and only broke eye contact to secret her panties way into her backpack, which was filled with student papers and tomorrow’s readings. Although I couldn’t see it, I imagined her dress still bucked up, her ass bare against my chair. She didn’t put her hands back on the table.

“You wanted me to touch you while they were still here?”

“Yes.” At this point, my hand had slipped down under the table, and I was rubbing the outline of my very hard cock.

“What color was your underwear. I kept imagining it, but—“

“I had a pink bra on, and my panties were black. They were black tonight too.”

“When you went home—“

“I used my vibrator. I thought about when we were in the kitchen. I imagined I was sitting on the counter with my legs wrapped around you. I imagined that anyone passing by on the street could have seen us through the window.”

“You’re touching yourself right now?”

“Yes. Are you?” I undid my belt, the first button, and the zipper. Under the table I pulled out my cock, it was hard and warm in my hands. There was already precum; I rubbed it down my shaft. Neither of us talked for a while. She was push back a bit from the table otherwise our knees would be touch as we sat across from each other, breathy a little heavily and touching ourselves. I remember that at that moment a Spotify add came on just as something changed. She tensed in her chair, straightened her back, and closed her eyes. I watched her shoulder move more violently, and she began to make short, fast whimpering noises and then this sudden loud, sharp gasp. Then she went limp in the chair. Her eyes still closed. “I really wanted you to fuck me,” she said in quiet, tired way. Then she opened her eyes, looking right at me she said, “I want you to cum, please. Please cum.”

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/8pld7b/mf_dana_part_3_teasing_cheating


  1. Dang… what a great series! Love the teasing feel to it. Well-written!

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