The (surprisingly) Wholesome Story of How I Helped [M]y G[F] Pass Her Math Class By Being Her Naughty Professor

**This is a really nice, true story about me and my GF:**    

My GF is bad at math. Like, “diagnosed-learning-disability” bad at math. And she had only one math class left to pass in order to graduate from college. She failed the lowest form of math already (even with the help of tutors and a professor trying their hardest) and therefore had to take another math credit in the summer. The only thing they offered was another, harder math class, and she was terrified she was going to fail yet again, and have to take another VERY EXPENSIVE quarter of college.    

So, I offered to tutor her. My summer quarter was especially light, and I have some experience tutoring, and plus, I know her mind really well and how to best teach her. She was still so afraid of failure, and too stressed to be tutored, figuring “what’s the point in even trying…” **So I told her that if she passed her math class with even a D, I’d let her fulfill her long time fantasy of a VERY in depth and VERY kinky Student/Teacher roleplay session (with me as the teacher).** She agreed to really try her hardest to learn the math, but ONLY if I bought her a school girl outfit of her choice for our roleplay and only if SHE was the submissive one and I was hardcore dominant. Which, of course, I agreed to cuz FUCK YEAH THATS HOT AS SHIT…. LOVE THIS GIRL!

So from that point, the tutoring began. It was… Very difficult, and pretty un-sexy. Her learning disabilities were no joke, and she got frustrated very easily because each time I had to correct it made her feel “like a stupid kid again”. I told her she’s “not stupid, just different” and I worked even harder with her and taught her in different methods and broke things down for her and had INFINITE amounts of patience, things that no teacher or tutor before had ever done with her (or she never let them do, because she was too embarrassed to ask them for help again). We did this for 9 weeks.

There were times she wanted to give up and just bomb this class and take an easier math class in the fall, but I motivated her by telling her things like *how great I think her ass would look in a short skirt*, or *how I’m gonna pull her hair and make her moan my name*, or *tie her hands together with my with my necktie and blindfold her* and she’d remember her goal and forget about giving up.

So her final was coming up, and she NEEDED to get higher than a C to pass the class. And although I was confident that she would do just fine, she was very nervous. She took the final and………….

**Ended up getting an A! Which allowed her to finish the class with a C!**

So, true to my word, I bought her the school girl outfit, and had her dress up in it as I got in one of my best looking collared shirts and neckties (I got a real nice tie on sale, made me look like a fucking movie villain), and as soon as I entered the room I was in full character. The whole nine yards: low, dominating voice, demanding tone, hungry eyes. Everything I knew she liked (and was looking forward to). There was one point where I had her put her hands palms down on a table, and put glasses of water on top of them, and told her: *”If a single drop spills, I stop.”* While she was incapacitated and wild with anticipation, I of course used the opportunity to slide first her skirt off, then, very slowly, her long white socks, and then… Her panties….. I think I’m gonna remember that sight of her bare ass quivering there until the day I die.

ANYWAY, just to keep something to the imagination, I’ll keep the rest brief: the next few hours of painfully slow foreplay lead to me deep in her throat with her hair in my fist, which eventually lead to her bent over her bed completely nude *begging* for me to fuck her (which I only gave her after lots… and LOTS of teasing) and finally culminated in us using a metric ton of lube mixed with our own flowing juices for slow and steady anal (her favorite). Many orgasms later, we both ended up completely spent next to one another.

I was so satisfied… Not just because we just busted the FATTEST NUTS of our lives, but really, I was just so fucking proud of her for getting that A. And I could tell that she was proud to FINALLY have gotten something better than an F on anything math related. It was also the best she ever did in a math related class in her whole life. I’m proud of her, and I love her so much.

***TL;DR – helped my GF pass her math class by tutoring her as her kinky professor***


***Tired of getting F’s, I promised my BB the D if she got a D in her class, and with my help, she ended up with a C, and as I promised, I F’ed her in her A***    
