Sex Shop Cherry Pop [M,F Oral]

“Hey stranger, I was wondering when I’d see you again.”

Paul jumped as though he had been shocked. For weeks, he had been sneaking into Dildeaux, always hunched over, avoiding eye contact with the salesgirls. He purposely switched up the days and times that he visited, hoping none of the employees would realize how often he came to browse.

“How’d you like the hentai I picked out for you?” the salesgirl asked brightly.

Paul squirmed uncomfortably under her gaze. Her bright blue eyes were staring at him just a little too intensely. “It..uh…it was okay,” he stammered. He tried to make eye contact, but found himself overcome with embarrassment. What was her name? Kat? The last time he had seen her, she had followed him through the shop, peppering him with questions about what excited him. Paul had been too mortified to tell her that he was still a virgin, and that he had no idea what he was looking for.

“I think I’m looking for something a little more realistic?” he said uncertainly.

Kat nodded thoughtfully, her dark hair swinging against her cheek. “Any particular scenario?”


“Gay or straight?” she asked.

“Straight,” Paul answered. Unable to hold her gaze, his eyes slid down to her lips instead. They were painted a deep red and a tiny silver ring encircled the side of her lower lip.

“Do you like it when your partner’s in control?” Paul watched as her lips twitched upward into a mischievous grin.

Paul shook his head, bewildered. “I really have no idea,” he mumbled.

Kat laughed and took his hand. Goosebumps broke out on Paul’s arms as her hand gripped his. “Come with me.” She led Paul into the next aisle, which was brimming with vibrators, fleshlights, bondage gear…most of which he hadn’t the faintest idea how to use.

“Whoa, I don’t think I want any of this,” he said, pulling back against her grip.

She laughed, “Don’t worry, it’s just a little experiment!” Kat tugged him into the center of the aisle and gripped his shoulders. “Just relax, okay?”

Paul nodded, but he felt anything but relaxed. Kat let go of him and began pawing through the shelves of toys. “Here we go!” she said, pulling a pair of handcuffs off the rack.

“Oh, um, I’m not so sure about this…” Paul stammered, again moving to exit the aisle.

Kat grabbed his arm, “Trust me,” she whispered. She gently pulled his arms behind his back as Paul fought to keep his hands from shaking with nerves. The metal bracelets clicked into place tightly around his wrists. Paul’s breathing quickened as he realized that Kat was now completely in control of the situation.

Kat circled back in front of him to gauge his reaction. “Well? How do you feel?” she asked, still smiling wickedly up at him.

Paul tugged at the restraints. “Well…”

Kat laughed and shook her head, “You’re cute when you’re nervous.” She reached up and unbuttoned the top button of his shirt. “You need to loosen up a bit, my friend.” Paul’s breath caught in his throat as she let her hands trail down his chest. Her fingertips lightly grazed his belly, and Paul felt the first flickerings of desire spreading through his body. She gave the waistband of his jeans a light tug. “How does it feel knowing I could do anything to you right now?” Her voice had lost its sing-song cheeriness, it had become dark and serious. “Do you like it?”

“Yes,” Paul whispered, barely trusting himself to speak. The sight of her dark hair against her pale skin was intoxicating. He ached to feel her full lips against his, the cool metal of her lip ring against his skin. Without thinking, he pushed up against her hands, urging her to caress even lower. His hands struggled against the handcuffs, wishing he could touch her, but relishing the fact that she was the one in control.

Kat backed away, giggling. “I think we found what you’re into!” she said, reverting back to her shopgirl personality. She quickly unlocked the handcuffs and placed them back on the shelf. “One sec, I’ll be right back.” As she ran back to the video aisle, Paul felt a small stab of disappointment at being released. He looked around in wonder at the aisle full of toys. What else could he ask her to demonstrate on him?

“Here we are, “Bound For Pleasure”. I think you’ll like this one,” Kat said, handing him the DVD. “And because I let you down with that hentai, I’ll let you preview it here for free. We have booths in the back where you can watch it.”

Paul raised an eyebrow at her. “People actually watch this stuff in the shop?”

Kat nodded, “Sometimes it’s just to preview it. More often than not, I think they don’t want to get caught with it at home.” She grinned, “So what do you say? Want to try it out?”

Paul nodded uncertainly, “I guess so.”

“Great, come with me!” Kat grabbed his hand and led him to the back of the shop. A few dimly lit booths stood with their doors open. She ushered him into the nearest one and popped the DVD into the player. A large TV screen flashed to life on the wall. “Just have a seat, get comfy, and enjoy! You can lock the door behind me, so anything that happens in here is completely private.” She winked at him. “Let me know if you need anything, okay?” She shut the door behind her as the video began to play.

Paul settled into the booth’s chair, wondering if he really was allowed to jerk off in a public place. On screen, the heroine had just kidnapped the unsuspecting hero, and was slowly undressing his trussed up body. “This is kind of hot,” he thought to himself, as his hand slid between his legs. He felt his cock stiffening as the actress began pleasuring herself with her prisoner.

A light knock on the door pulled Paul out of the fantasy. He pulled his shirt down over his jeans to hide his erection. “Yeah?” he called out.

“Can I come in?” Kat asked. “I locked the front door, we have the place to ourselves.”

Paul’s eyes widened in surprise. With fumbling hands, he slid the lock on the door and opened it a crack. “You, uh, you want to, uh, come in?” he asked, his voice barely a whisper.

Kat pushed open the door and Paul saw that she had changed into one of the shop’s corsets. Her full round breasts were barely constrained in the tight fabric. Paul had an almost uncontrollable urge to caress them. “I feel bad about the hentai thing, so I thought I could make this a little more realistic for you,” she said. “That is, unless you’d rather be alone.”

“No!” he choked out, “You, uh, you can come in.”

Kat smiled as she pushed him forcefully back down onto the seat. “That’s what I thought. Look at you, you haven’t even managed to get your pants unbuttoned. Let me help you out with that.” She dropped to her knees in front of him and let her hands move up his thighs. Paul could feel his heart hammering away in his chest as her fingers grazed the growing bulge in his jeans. He leaned his head back against the booth wall and groaned with pleasure. This was so much better than being alone.

“Keep watching the movie,” Kat instructed as her fingers unbuttoned his jeans. As she slid down the zipper, Paul watched as the actress took the actor’s cock into her mouth. Kat smiled up at him. “Would you like to know what that feels like?”

Paul gaped down at her, was she actually serious? He nodded, and felt her hands tugging his jeans and underwear down his body. Paul relished the feel of her warm hands moving down his legs. Her long hair trailed down his thighs as she pulled his jeans down to the floor. Paul sat, completely exposed, as this beautiful stranger grinned up at him. Her hands slid back up his thighs, sending chills through his entire body. With her dark lips, she kissed his inner thigh, working her way up to his massive erection.

Paul tried to focus on the TV screen as Kat’s warm tongue began to move up his shaft. She teased him, licking him lightly while her hands gripped his thighs. As Paul’s breathing began to grow ragged, Kat opened her mouth and took him inside of her. Her tongue traced circles on his tip, moving slowly down his shaft. Paul moaned as his hips rocked forward, urging her on. His hand reached out and his fingers threaded their way into her soft hair. He gently pulled her closer, so that her warm mouth swallowed even more of him. The ring on her lip rubbed up against his shaft as he moved in and out of her, the sensation was so incredible that Paul felt dizzy as he leaned against the booth wall.

As the onscreen couple neared orgasm, Kat reached out a hand and wrapped it around Paul’s cock, stroking it as it moved in and out of her mouth. The other hand gently tugged on his balls, moving in time with her quickening strokes. Paul’s body rocked hungrily against her, savoring the feel of her lips and hands completely overtaking him. The feel of her tongue sliding against him was better than anything he could have imagined. Her hand stroked him faster and faster, tightening around his cock as he moaned with pleasure. As orgasm began to overtake his body, he braced himself against the wall, thrusting his hips forward as he cried out. His fingers gripped her hair tightly, urging her on. As he finally came in her mouth, waves of pleasure radiated out from his belly. Her hands gripped his hips as she swallowed his cum greedily. Paul groaned and slumped against the wall, completely spent as Kat licked him gently, easing him out of her mouth. Her blue eyes shone as she looked at his limp body.

Paul’s gaze was bleary and unfocused as the DVD ended and the screen went dark. He felt Kat stand up between his legs and lean over towards him. “Thursdays at noon,” she whispered. “I’m all alone in the shop. Maybe we can find a few more things that you’re into.”
