[FM] Hooking up with my rommate

About a week ago I moved into a new 4 bedroom apartment with 3 randomly assigned roommates. I was told I would have 3 other guys, but the day of move in comes and guess who opens the door for me when I knock? A girl lets call her Emily and it turns out the other 2 guys wouldn’t be moving in for another week. Of course I have no problem with this, I was actually looking forward to seeing how this would work. Me and her hit it off almost immediately but knowing she is my roommate we both knew our boundaries.

The next day me and Emily end up chilling in my room to play some video games which soon turns into us watching the walking dead in my bed. I go grab a 12 pack from the store and for the next couple hours shes laying on me, head on my shoulders, my hand on her thigh. It gets to be about 1 am, we are both quite intoxicated and she gets a text from her “friend” who was at the front door, she leaves and spends the night with him. (I was fine with it being that a couple weeks prior I had ended things with my previous girlfriend of 6 months who I was still talking with and I wasn’t really looking for other woman to talk to).

Two days later im heading to the store and Emily asks to come along it being her day off from work. We end up spending the entire day together and guess what? Back in my bed drinking beer watching The Walking Dead. My memory of the whole night isn’t the best due to the alcohol but at some point we end up making out and she tells me it’s not right, that we are roommates and we can’t do this. Of course I know she’s right but man me and this girl really had something going on. I keep kissing her and she is absolutely crazy about making out with me, that amount of tongue shouldnt even be legal. She ends up on top of me taking mine and her clothes off while saying how wrong it is because we are roommates and how it’s going to be awkward the next day if we have sex. Well it happens anyway, I don’t know if it was the whisky or the taboo of the whole situation but I couldn’t even get it up and to my surprise she is literally the most caring and understanding person ever. She even noticed some strech marks that I had gotten from my previous relationship and she didn’t mind them at all, she actually made me feel comfortable about them. One thing that stood out to me was when she told me she didn’t want to hurt me over and over again and how she couldn’t be with me because she has had a rough past and couldn’t feel emotions for people anymore. (She is also seeing a 34 year old guy right now. Oh and both of us are 20 and she had never been with a guy my age). Still the sex was great and she rode me so hard that the bed had moved into the middle of the room!

The next morning I sort of hide in my room all morning just playing video games and trying to comprehend what just happened. I was definitly conflicted about the whole thing being she is my roommate and both of us seeing someone else. We end up talking and she is obviously conflicted too and visually more upset than me. I tell her that I have no feelings for her and she basically tells me that we cant have sex again. I agree and in my head I really believed this was the end of it. I end up going to my ex’s house that night and sleeping with her. Emily was aware of this as I told her where I was going when I left. The next day I come back home and guess who’s sitting in my living room? The guy she had been seeing, I had no problem with this so I walk over shake his hand and introduce myself with manners (him having 14 years of life on me and all) me and him chat for a while and he seemed like a perfectly nice guy except there was just something a little off about him. I knew he and no idea about me and Emily sleeping together though. They go off to work and I spent the day doing my thing. That night when Emily gets home from work she tells me about how she had such a long day and how she could use a distraction so guess what? Back to my bed drinking and watching The Walking Dead. This time neither of us get nearly as drunk and I end up kissing her and man I’m telling you, this girl goes nuts going just a little making out! I’m talking tongue down my throat, her holding my head so I can’t even get away, legs wrapped around me. Yeah I even had to tell her to calm down a couple times haha. Of course we end up having sex again and this time I can tell she is really into me, she spent atleast an hour just looking me in the eyes and playing with my hair telling me how I am perfect and such a nice guy over and over again. After the sex we go grab some food in kitchen and we make out in various locations around the apartment, it’s neatly 4 am at this point and we end up in her bed this time. But she has work in the morning and I decide to let her get some sleep. I can tell shes still conflicted though because of my age and the fact that we are roommates but she brings up the idea of being roommates with benefits and I agree to see how things go.

We knew one of the other guy roommates was moving in the next morning and that we might not be able to have sex in the house anymore but she suggests we could do it in her car or at the pool(not a good idea I know). Now we are just about caught up to the present, yesterday morning I go to get coffee with her before work in the morning and things are great between us, no awkwardness. We even make out against my car in the parking lot. She heads off to work and that was the last time I saw her and that night I get a text from my ex to come over and we end up sleeping together again. During the sex all I could think about was Emily though.

Now here I am laying next to my ex in her bed typing up the story of how me and my roommate have been fucking. Well here’s my question for the ones who made it this far. Should I keep fucking Emily and see how this “roommates with benefits” thing works out or do I be the stronger person and end this now before things get out of hand? Oh and just for reference Emily is definitly the more attractive of the two, beautiful face, huge boobs and literally the tightest pussy I have ever had. What really stands out to me is how well she treats me, easily a thousand times better than my ex ever has (we had a very toxic and abusive relationship). Also me and Emily seem to just work together, even though we will never be a couple.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/8o952a/fm_hooking_up_with_my_rommate


  1. *Recommented from original post*
    Well, comes down to what you think is most comfortable and least conflictive of outcomes. I think it is important for her to tell you what the situation is with the other guy and that she be honest with whether she is actually with him and how serious that is. As much fun and cool it is to have all that great sex with her, you are asking for trouble if she is cheating on someone. You have your options, but it’s a matter of self respect, respect for other people involved, and everyone being really upfront honest about whats going on. Your roommates coming in can be cool with it, you never know, but part of roommate situation is dealing with each others personal lives. Is there rules against this sort of stuff and can someone get you in trouble? Or, is there guidelines with the roommate sitaution that dictate that you’re allowed to make arrangements to have people over and what you can and cannot do. Being roommates, its not like you have someone else in the apartment, but you are still making noise and stuff right? So, it’s about respecting your other roommates as to not being too obnoxious with it. You’re all adults and adults occasionally have sex, they need to get with the program if they think they wouldnt have their roommates getting it on with someone. Just so happens its getting it on with each other.

  2. Roomates with benefits sound nice but if you just keep fucking her on a regular basis and “live with her” you might just be able to be a couple with her she seems to like you (like a lot)

  3. Honestly? Harsh, but it sounds like you need to quit fucking everyone for a bit so that you can sort yourself out.

    The story is hot and all, but there are other people involved and it fucking sucks when dudes are wishy-washy. Why are you still sleeping with your ex if it was such a toxic relationship, as you say?

    Also, considering Emily is your assigned roommate – are there rules about banging/coupling in the townhome? Because it’s likely you guys are going to fuck again (even if you say you won’t if you end it…proximity = opportunity) – but there will be two other guys who will know. Maybe they will be cool about it, maybe there will be even more fun with those guys involved, or maybe they could get you/her kicked out. You might have to make tough decisions based on their tolerance and how all of you get along with each other.

    It also sounds like she’s not really into the older boyfriend – or she just wants to have her cake and eat it too.

    Either way, stop with the ex (if it’s over, she needs to move on), figure out what you want, then make decisions about how to proceed with Emily.

  4. It sounds like you’ve already made up your mind about Emily already. Just because you can’t be a couple now, doesn’t mean you can’t when the lease is over!

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