Fucking my married coworker [FM]

For all of you who have read my other works, I feel like I should warn you that this is not the same as my other stories. All of my other adventures I am a bit proud of, or at the very least not ashamed of. This story however may leave you with a bad taste in your mouth. I do not glorify cheating and I do not justify it, but it is what it is and I will tell the story how it happened, with all of its warts on display. Thanks for reading. Enjoy.

The day that Kristen started at work was the day of one of our biggest events of the year. Free admission and refreshments were available in the lobby; the prospect of free food always attracted tons of people from the community. I passed Kristen by at least three times before I even noticed that she was there. She was standing with a group of college girls giving them directions, and she looked young enough to be one of them so I did not really pay any extra attention to her. It wasn’t until she was talking to an older gentleman and describing the event to him that I realized that she must be the new employee. She was pretty tall, standing about 5’9” or so, Korean, dark black hair that she had in a headband, a slight figure, and a huge beaming smile. I did not have a lot of time to stand and gawk at her though as I had other things that needed to get done. I did not see her again until we took a break for lunch. I strolled back to the break room, grabbed a slice of the pizza that they provided us, and sat down with all of my other coworkers. My butt had hardly hit the chair before my boss Paul stood up to make an announcement.

“So with all of the craziness going on today, most of you have not had the chance to meet your new coworker, Kristen. She will be taking over for McKenzie. Baptism by fire right?” Paul attempted to joke.

Everyone there smiled politely and introduced themselves to Kristen, myself included. She was telling us that she had moved from up north to go to school down here a few years ago and that she had just stayed. She talked a bit to everyone, but the day was consumed largely by the event. After it was over and we were cleaning up, a group of us decided on a bar to hit up and have a drink to wind down the night. We invited Kristen, and she accepted. We all grouped together around a large table while the waitress took our orders. Kristen was a few seats away from me, but was still within talking distance.

“Paul is super nice, but he stresses out like none other when there is any event like the one today. If there is anything that goes remotely off schedule, he freaks about it for days. If you could handle him today, you can handle him no matter what.” My coworker Jessie reassured Kristen.

“He wasn’t too bad.” Kristen replied. “High strung for sure, but he seems ok.”

“It’s something you get used to.” I said. “Was your old boss anything like this?”

“I think Paul is going to be way better than my old boss. He was the kind of guy that was always busy but never got anything done, so all the work fell to everyone else.” Kristen explained.

“Paul’s nothing like that. He is more the type that does everything himself so you are stuck with nothing to do.” Jessie said, laughing.

“I can handle that! Maybe…EEK!” Kristen let out a small shriek that took us all by surprise.

I looked up from my drink to see a man grabbing Kristen by the waist attempting to tickle her. “The fuck is this guy doing?” I thought to myself. I was about to stand up and tell this guy off when Kristen turned around and gave this guy a kiss. Still puzzled, I looked at Jessie quizzically hoping for an explanation. She simply shrugged her shoulders with a look of equal perplexion on her face. Kristen turned around, blushing a bit from embarrassment at the noise she had made earlier.

“This is my husband, Will. Will, these are my coworkers. Great first impression, you jerk.” Kristen said, while she playfully slapped his chest.

For some reason I was extremely surprised that Kristen was married. It wasn’t even that I was disappointed that she was unavailable, it was just somehow surprising. And so, for the second time in eight hours, I was introducing myself. While doing so I took a good look at him. Will was average height, maybe 6’ 1”, and had the body of someone that played sports in high school, but had stopped working out and started drinking: a muscular frame but not very toned. He had short dark hair, stubble, and was wearing his high school baseball hat on backwards. Basically, he looked like a frat guy who had graduated, but had not quite accepted that yet. After introductions, the conversation picked up right where it left off, but eventually Jessie asked about Kristen and Will’s marriage. Kristen told us that they had been married all of three months but had been dating for a few years. I tried making conversation with Will a few times, but he did not talk a lot. At the end of the night, I went home with the impression that Kristen was a lot of fun and an interesting person, and her husband had the personality of the color beige.

Over the next few months, Kristen and I started to hang out and talk more, but nothing out of the ordinary or anything even remotely suspicious. Essentially every time we went out, her husband joined us, and because of this, I started inviting my roommate Lauren to hang out with us too so there would be four of us, preventing me from becoming the awkward third wheel. Lauren, Kristen, and I all got along very well, while Will was sometimes left out of the conversation, but overall the four of us had fun together. Near Christmas, Kristen invited Lauren and I over for a party that her and Will were throwing. We accepted, and on the night of the party, we went over with some beer and a pie that we were bringing for dessert. When we got there, there were already quite a few people there all hanging out and talking.

“Hey!” Kristen exclaimed. “Thanks for coming! These are all of Will’s friends. They have all known each other since they were basically in diapers, so don’t feel bad if you don’t always understand what they are talking about.”

“Ha. No worries. Thanks for having us.” I said.

Lauren and I started to mingle amongst the other people there, but as it turned out, Kristen’s warning was coming to fruition in just about every conversation we tried to have with any of the other people there. Nearly every other sentence was an inside joke that completely went over my head. As a result, Lauren and I relegated ourselves to mostly talk to each other.

“I have to use the restroom. I’ll be right back.” Lauren said to me as she got up from the couch.

“K. I’m gonna get another beer.” I replied.

I stood up and walked over to the fridge and popped the tab on a fresh beer. I paused in the kitchen, surveying the party. Most of Will’s friends were in a group all talking to one another and laughing. A few were out on the patio having a smoke, and one was eating a piece of pie on the couch. “Fuck this is weird. Maybe we can sneak out of here a bit early and just go home and drink more.” I thought to myself.

“You doing ok?” I heard Kristen ask.

I looked over and saw her standing next to me. “Yeah. Thanks for having us over. It’s been a lot of fun.” I reassured her.

“Oh, are you guys leaving?” Kristen said with a tinge on disappointment.

“No, not yet. But we might get out of here soon-ish.”

“I know that it’s tough to break into their little circle.” She said, gesturing over to the group. “You’ve only been at it for a few hours. I have known them for three years now and I still feel like an outsider. It’s nice to have a few friends of my own that I can talk to during these things.”

A sudden realization came over me. Kristen was lonely. “That’s rough.” Was the meager reply that I had to her. I felt bad, but I had no idea what I should actually say. Thankfully, Lauren came out of the bathroom and joined our conversation. The three of us talked for about half an hour when Will came up and took Kristen away for something. At that point, Lauren and I shared a look and we agreed that it was time to bail. We thanked Kristen and Will for having us over and then left.

“Jesus Christ, that was fucking weird!” Lauren exclaimed when we got in the car.

“I know. It was impossible to talk to any of them because every other sentence was a reference or joke that I had no idea about.” I bitched back.

“If Kristen wasn’t there I just would have killed myself.” Lauren laughed.

“If Kristen wasn’t there we would have been somewhere else.” I retorted.

After that night, Kristen continued to invite me and Lauren to join when Will was having his friends over, mostly I thought to have some of her own friends over. At work, Kristen began to talk to me a lot on a variety of subjects, including her family issues, her hope to go to grad school, and some medical issues that she had been fighting recently. We started to bond as really good friends, and began eating lunch together nearly every day.

“What do you think about Will?” The questions came out of nowhere as we sat down at a booth in our favorite Indian restaurant.

“What do you mean?” I asked, blindsided by the odd question.

“Like what do you think of him? I mean I know that you don’t like him a lot, but…” She trailed off.

“I never said I didn’t like him.” I said defensively.

“You didn’t have to say it. You are really bad about hiding how you feel about people.”

“It’s not that I don’t like him, it’s that I don’t really know him, and we don’t really connect over anything.” I chose my words very carefully. The problem was that she was 100% right. I didn’t like him. He was a spoiled, whiny, rich kid who never took a joke about himself but was okay poking fun at everyone else. He was not witty or clever, but had somehow convinced himself he was both. He also was extremely self-centered, and almost always put his wants above those of his wife. All in all, he just kind of sucked and I was not a fan. “Why are you asking?”

“I’m just thinking about a lot of stuff.” Kristen paused. She opened her mouth and then closed it again, looking as though she was about to say something, and then thinking better of it. Then she hit me with a bombshell. “I got into grad school.”

“That’s awesome!” I knew that she had been applying to places, but did not know that she had gotten responses yet. “Where at?” I inquired.

“Ohio State.”

“That’s a ways away. Great news though. When are you planning on moving up there?”

“End of May. There is a summer program my advisor wants me to attend to get me ready for the work she wants me to do.”

“Damn. That’s not a lot of time. How’s Will taking it?”

“He says he’s good with it. But he’s never been that far from his family before so we’ll see once we get there I guess.”

Throughout the rest of lunch we talked about moving and the program she had gotten into. The question about what I thought about her husband was weighing on me though. I understood the connection to moving and starting somewhere brand new with him with no friends to buffer their contact, but still it was a strange question.

“Would you be down for a movie night tonight?” Kristen asked again seemingly randomly.

“Yeah for sure. Your place at 8?”

“Sounds good.”

That night I showed up to her place and was greeted by her at the door. I looked around the living room and did not see Will. Kristen offered me a beer and put in the movie. We sat next to each other on the couch, close but not touching. I kept waiting for Will to come out of their room, but through the first ten minutes of the movie he still had not come out.

“Is Will coming?” I asked.

“No. He’s over at his friend’s place playing fortnite.”

“Oh. Ok.” I was a bit confused because she had never invited me over by myself without her husband there before, but it wasn’t really anything too weird. We had movie nights somewhat regularly. During the movie, Kristen leaned into me a touch, but again it was nothing overtly sexual. Just a bit of contact between friends. The movie finished and we started talking, at first about the movie, but then it branched out to politics, and then to tattoos. Before I knew it, it was 2:00 am and we were both crashing.

“I should head home.” I yawned.

“Yeah. It’s late. Thanks for coming over though. We have to hang out a bunch before I leave.”

I nodded my agreement, gave her a hug goodbye, and left. On the way home, I thought about our interactions that night and about how much fun I always had with Kristen. I found myself trying to justify texting her when I got home, and almost hit the send button before second guessing myself and erasing the message. I sighed and laid in bed. I closed my eyes and sleep quickly overtook me.

It was two months before Kristen left for Ohio, and true to her word, we hung out a ton. Sometimes with Will and Lauren, sometimes alone, but we always had fun. A few days before Kristen and Will were moving, a group of us including me, Lauren, Kristen, and two other friends went to bar trivia. Will was going to go see a movie with some of his friends, so was not available for trivia. After trivia was over, Kristen wanted to go out, so Lauren, me and one of our other friends, Sean, all went out with her. We went to a bar where we all drank quite a few beers, and had a few rounds of shots. I was feeling pretty tipsy, not drunk but definitely on my way. Everyone was about at that level. Around 1 am Lauren told everyone that she had to get back because she was house sitting for her parents and their dog probably needed to go out. Sean also was calling it a night. We said our goodbyes and then it was just the two of us at the table. I knew that I was done drinking so that I could drive home, but Kristen got another drink and before we knew it the bar was turning on lights for last call.

“Are you good to drive?” Kristen asked me.

I nodded. “I’m good. Are you?”

“Not really. I’m a bit tipsy. I don’t want to get pulled over right before I leave Texas for something this stupid.”

“I can give you a ride home.” I offered.

Kristen agreed and we started walking to where I parked. We got in the car and I started to drive her home.

“You ready to leave all of this?” I asked her, gesturing sarcastically at the pathetic city that we lived in.

“There are things that I will miss for sure. I think that I’m more nervous that I’m making a terrible choice for my future. What if I can’t hack it? What if we get there and I realize that this isn’t what I want?” Kristen vented. “You can just go around the block.” She said as I passed in front of their house.

I took a turn and drove us around the neighborhood. “I’m not really sure what to tell you.” I started.

“Tell me everything is going to be ok. Tell me I’m doing the right thing.” She pleaded.

“But I can’t. I don’t know what you want. I don’t know what will make you happy.” I looped around the block again and came to a stop in the abandoned parking lot of a large church, just off the main road. I turned off the engine and turned to her in the soft glow of the interior lights. “I want to tell you that everything is going to work out perfectly, but I can’t. All I can say is that if you need to talk or vent or anything, I’ll be there. Outside of that, I can’t guarantee anything.”

I looked into the eyes of Kristen, and there was a moment when I knew exactly what was going to happen. She had undone her seatbelt and had turned her entire body towards me. The parking lot lights shone through the windows of my car, not enough to fully illuminate her, but enough to emphasize the soft curve of face, the ripple in her shirt, the silkiness of her legs. My heartbeat increased to twice what it had been three seconds earlier. I saw her lean forward in slow motion, my hands quivering due to nerves and desire. Her lips planted themselves on mine, freezing me while a litany of emotions and logical responses crossed my mind in the blink of an eye.

“This is crazy. You are married. You are leaving in three days for the other side of the country. You are married. It is 3:00 in the morning and we are both probably not thinking straight. YOU ARE MARRIED.” All of these response would have been the smart and appropriate thing to say. I should have started up the car right then and driven her home. Should have. But I didn’t.

Instead of doing anything remotely logical or emotionally healthy, I gave into my crush. I kissed her back. I pressed myself against her cherry scented lips. My arm reached out and wrapped itself around her back pulling her over the gear shift. Her soft body melted into me. I felt her back through her shirt and began to trace her spine up and down with the tips of my fingers. My tongue darted into her mouth and was met by her own. I flinched when I felt her hand caress my ribs down to my stomach. She reached the hem of my shirt and ran her fingers underneath it, placing her hand on my bare skin. I matched her boldness and pushed up the bottom of her shirt as well. I leaned over further to press the issue and was impaled by the gear shift. The surprise of the sudden hard plastic jutting into me forced me to pull away from Kristen for a second.

“Would you mind if we moved to the backseat?” I asked.

Kristen shook her head and opened her car door. I followed suit and got out into the warm summer night. Instead of going straight back to my side and into the back, I went all the way around the car and met Kristen at her side. Both standing up, I kissed her again, pushing her into the side of the car. She braced herself against it and mashed herself against me, her whole body rubbing against mine. I grabbed her shirt and pushed it up in order to expose her sports bra. I moved my mouth down and pushed her bra up, popping out her perky b cup breasts. The street lamps cast a dim light on her light brown nipples juxtaposed by her pale breasts. I descended upon them with great enthusiasm, licking and sucking the right tit, then the left. I gently nibbled her nipple and reached down with my hand to her crotch, massaging her through her shorts. I could feel the heat that she was emitting. Kristen leaned her head back in ecstasy while quietly moaning.

She reached out her hands, unbuttoned my pants, and grasped my hardened dick under both the pants and my boxers. She began stroking short and jerky strokes because of both the angle and the fact that I was still fully clothed. Throwing caution to the wind and getting wrapped up in the moment, I pushed down my pants, dropping them to my ankles. Kristen used this opportunity to renew her grip on my member, stroking the entire length now. I grabbed her head and kissed her again, using my other hand to play with her nipples. Kristen stopped rubbing my dick for a second and undid her own shorts. She wiggled them down to the ground and then stepped one foot out of them. Then she kissed me and whispered in my ear: “I want you to fuck me right now.” Her voice had changed into an almost throaty growl, and mixed with her animalistic desire, I was as hard as I have ever been. Kristen turned her back to me and bent over against the car. I looked at her in that position, white shorts on the ground, a blue thong that was visibly soaked in her juices the only thing she was actually wearing, and bent over waiting for me to take her.

I fumbled for my wallet and took out the condom from it, barely being able to put it on due to my excitement. I squatted down behind her and slid her thong to the side. I spread her lips and licked her pussy, savoring the taste of her slick slit. I pulled my head away and bit her ass, then moved my tongue back and brushed it across her asshole. That surprised her, evidenced by her startled yelp of pleasure. I took a finger and ran it along her drenched pussy, pushing it inside when I reached her tunnel. She was so wet that there was absolutely no resistance. Kristen pushed herself back onto my finger, dropping her head and losing herself in the pleasure that began to erupt from her loins. Her expression and her actions had turned me on so completely that I could not wait any longer. I removed my finger from her pussy and guided my dick inside her. I felt her warmth envelop my cock, the pressure squeezing me while she got used to my size. I thrust deep inside her and saw her arms shudder as they held her steady against the car.

“Oh my god. You feel so good.” I mumbled while entering her a second time.

Kristen moaned as I pumped again and again into her. I grabbed ahold of her ass with both hands and thrust faster and faster, building up a head of steam that I would ride until I no longer could. With each insert, Kristen let out an “eep” until she was squealing nonstop. I paused for a moment to catch my breath and adjust my grip. I latched myself onto her breasts, twisting and playing with her nipples while fucking her from behind. Kristen’s legs began to shake as she grew closer and closer to cumming. I thrust into her hard and watched her arms stiffen and felt her pussy clamp on my dick. Breathing hard, Kristen opened the back door of my car and laid down on my seat with her legs spread. I pulled her underwear down around one ankle and saw her perfectly shaved pussy for the first time. It was a bit red from the pounding it had just taken, and I took a bit of pride in that. “We’re not done yet.” I thought to myself, positioning my dick to enter her again. I slid into Kristen’s beautiful pussy once more, and once more was amazed at the feeling of being inside her. I knew that I was not going to last much longer, so I grabbed Kristen under the arms and hooked my hands above her shoulders. Our sweating bodies slid on one another as I drilled into her relentlessly. I felt my climax approaching, and kissed her once again. I pressed my lips hard against hers, and pressed my dick into her as far as it would go while I spasmed again and again.

My cock slipped out of her greedy pussy, having done all that it could do. I edged myself off of her and peeled off the condom. I pulled my pants up, and Kristen did the same, getting redressed in this deserted lot. I got back in the driver’s seat, her in the passenger’s. We sat in silence for a minute or two, catching our breath and cooling down from the sudden exertion of energy we had just put our bodies through.

“I don’t…” Kristen began. “I mean I’m not…” She trailed off again.

“I know. It’s a lot of stress and we obviously have some unresolved feelings…” I said, trying in vain to justify it.

“No. I can’t blame anything else. We made this choice. It happened once and it’s not going to happen again. I’m only here a couple more days, and we shouldn’t change anything because of something we did at 3:00 in the morning. You drove me home because I was too drunk and then I puked.” Kristen stated.

“Yeah…” I agreed in a disheartened manner.

I drove Kristen the rest of the way home. She got out and went into her house, leaving me alone in the dark with my thoughts. I don’t know what I expected to happen. Hell, I’m not even sure what I wanted to happen. I wanted her to be happy, but I was also selfish and wanted her to be happy with me. I never expected her to leave her marriage, but somehow I was disappointed. Even before we hooked up and she cheated on her husband with me, I had a crush on her, and I think I secretly wanted something to develop. I went home and attempted to go to bed but slept no more than an hour; my thoughts kept me up. The next few days I spent with Kristen and Lauren and Will and his friends. We all said goodbye on their last day. I shook Will’s hand, and gave Kristen a hug. “Thank you. For everything. Keep in touch.” She whispered into my ear. They got in their car and started to drive down the street. And just like that they were gone.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/8ntuq0/fucking_my_married_coworker_fm


  1. Man, have you heard from her? I bet she looks you up when her marriage inevitably fails.

  2. For all the melancholy of the conclusion, at least you got to experience what sex is really about. The primal lust and caring that creates those kinds of interactions provides a far more intense experience than railing some random off Tinder.

    At least you can keep and treasure that memory, if nothing else.

  3. Her marriage will definitely fall apart. Theres no doubt about that. Just keep talking with her and letting her vent. Eventually she will see her mistake and want you, not just the sex, but the emotional connection you two share.

    Dont push her to make a decision about divorce. Meaning dont outright say you want her to leave unless she asks you to tell her honestly if she should. Then dont be afraid to say how you feel.

    Shes put a lot if trust in you, dont betray it by being selfish.

    Cheating is definitely wrong, but in a case like this its understandable. Dont hold any guilt about it. Thats her guilt to bear until she knows what she really wants.

    Keep talking to her. Thats all you can do right now.

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