Payback [mf][risky][buildup][long]

The payback was long and slow, and oh so worth it.

In my previous story, I detailed how an ex of mine surprised and got the best of me during a charter bus ride. I knew that I wanted to “repay” her in some fashion. And boy, did I work at it.

She still lived with her family at the time, a den of very religious and conservative types. Nearly every Sunday I’d go to church with them, then we’d spend the day doing something together. Sometimes, that something was an activity outside the house. Sometimes, it was just a lazy day spent sitting around watching Monk or hanging out at her house with her family. Today was a bit of both.

It was gonna be a day of cooking and baking. Homemade apple pies, and homemade spaghetti and sauce. And as far as she knew, that’s all the day had in store. But I had my plan, I intended to drive her absolutely wild, and it started with the visit to the orchard. On the surface, I was the goodest little good boy you ever did see, but there was a reason I was wearing one of the tightest shirts I had. She had on her New York-ish style coat, and underneath was a white tank top with a sort of random black and grey design on it, looking like calligraphic swoops of ink. It was very soft to the touch and the neckline scooped rather drastically. This outfit was chosen for my benefit. We’d left for the orchard directly from church, where the rather chilly building allowed her to keep the coat on without revealing her decidedly non Christ-centric attire.

First thing after church was our visit to the orchard. She wanted to pick fresh autumn apples for the pie. During the tractor ride out to our picking spot, I had my arm around her waist instead of her shoulders. I kept caressing the underside of her breast with my fingers or thumb. If she climbed up or down from something, like the tractor or maybe the little stools for helping people pick apples, I made sure to always brush against her hips, or her stomach, or her ass. While she would step down, under the guise of keeping her steady I’d slide my hand up the inside of her thigh. If she stopped to look at something, I’d wrap my hands around her waist and plant my lips on her neck or shoulder. There was a sizable size difference between us, She was about 5’3″ or 5’4, and I’m 5’11”, so even from behind her it wasn’t difficult for me to lean over and forward to put my lips along the side of her neck, or even her collarbone or where her collar met the base of her throat. When driving, instead of my hand being close to her knee or only halfway up her thigh, it was very high up, almost in the “V” of her legs, even sometimes running against the very inside of her thigh, gently massaging her wherever I touched. On more than one occasion throughout the day I could detect the smell of her arousal.

After getting everything out that we needed and cleaning up the countertops, we started prepping the apples for the pie. I’d never done much baking before, so I actually had to pay attention. But it turned out we had too many apples, so we decided to simply slice them up and sprinkle cinnamon and sugar on them so we could munch while we cooked. We finished, and my fingers being sticky from handling the apples, I started picking up some of the excess sugar with them. I made a big show of sucking it off them, intending it to be more silly than sexy. But as she watched me do it her breathing changed and her mouth fell open a hair. She glanced around for a moment (despite the fact we were alone) then stepped closer to me. Taking my hand in hers, she slid her lips over my thumb and sucked it into her mouth, slowly but emphatically working her tongue over it to get every bit of the remaining sugar she could. In moments I went from quarter-mast to pulsing. I grabbed her waist with one hand, and retracting my other one, cupped her breast, pushing her against the counter with my body. I laid into her neck, kissing and sucking while she groaned with pleasure, wrapping one of her legs around me… and that’s when we heard the heavy crunch of gravel from outside as her parents pulled into the driveway.

By the time her parents and sister got inside, the kitchen was a wholesome sight. Pie already in the oven, plate of sugar-covered apple slices sitting on the counter, and the two of us side by side washing the dishes that we’d used and talking about the preparations for the sauce. We chatted with them about our trip to the orchard, how nice the weather had been, the “hilarious” jokes we’d missed by ducking out immediately after service had ended… eventually there wasn’t much more to talk about, so they left us to our own devices and went into the living room to watch TV. It took us some time to get everything else ready, and all throughout I couldn’t help but look over at her to take her in, or find an excuse to brush her hair back, or lightly kiss the side of her neck. She’d look over at me too, eyeing me up and down, or leaning forward over the counter a little too far, or stretching out a bit more than needed to reach something in a cabinet. Every now and then between our joking and talking and flirting she would grab one of the apple slices, wrap her lips around it, and languidly suck the sugar off it as she slid it out of her mouth.

Eventually the sauce had reduced enough that it was almost ready. She dipped her spoon in to taste test it. She blew on the spoonful of sauce a few times to let it cool, but as she attempted to put it to her mouth to taste it, a small amount slopped out and landed on her nicely exposed chest. Before she could do anything I seized upon the opportunity, taking her gently by the shoulders and turning her to face me. With a quick glance towards the entry to the living room to make sure neither of her parents had decided to get up, I generously slid my tongue up the inside of her breast and her bosom, scooping up all the spilled sauce while at the same time licking her nearly from nipple to collarbone. She gasped slightly, and I leaned into her, kissing her already parted lips. My tongue flirted with her lips before sliding into her mouth and entwining with hers. My right hand slid up to the nape of her neck, fingers lightly stroking the short hair that she had there while my left hand moved to her hip just above the line of her jeans, softly caressing her skin. The kiss deepened, our mouths sealed together so only the barest hint of her moaning hum could escape. I pulled her even tighter to me, leaning over her more, causing her to raise on her tiptoes and tilt her head back. I broke the kiss after a few seconds, allowing her to settle back onto her feet. Then I gave her one more quick kiss on the lips, as if to tie the kiss before it off with a neat little bow. She tottered slightly as her eyes struggled to come back into focus. I smiled and muttered something about the taste, then slid around behind her to get to the sink. I made sure to rub up against her body as I did so, allowing my hand to rub across her shoulders while my unmistakable hardness brushed her backside. I started to wash the few dishes we’d dirtied while studying her from the corner of my eye. She stood staring at me for several seconds, then visibly shook herself and returned to the sauce.

After dinner, everyone (the two of us, her parents, and her younger sister) trickled over to the living room to watch some Sunday night TV. Honestly, I don’t remember what it was because I wasn’t paying attention. We lay together on one of the couches while her sister took the other, and her parents each took up their places in their own respective recliners. Everything was angled such that either parent would basically just be seeing the tops of our heads and maybe our shoulders if they looked over. She took the blanket draped along the back of the couch and arranged it over the both of us. She leaves plenty of ripples in the thick afghan that conceal the contours of our bodies.

*Good girl*, I thought to myself…

At a snail’s pace so as to avoid attracting attention, my hand began to move along her body to the edge of her jeans, slipping beneath the hem and burrowing ever so slowly down. My fingers caress her Iliac crest. Her lips fell open just enough to show the tips of her teeth and an infinitesimal gasp escaped, but it was lost as her father laughed loudly at some joke from the TV. She adjusted her position, leaning back into me so that my chin and lips rested along the side of her neck. All through the show, I played with the amazingly soft strip of skin that lay below her jeans but above the line of her panties. When it was over, she gave me a discreet tap on the arm, and I withdrew my hand carefully. When it was safe, she got up and announced to the family that we were going to go down to the basement to play some video games for a while. Both parents had turned their attention to their phones for the commercial break to text with various relatives, so our retreat was dismissed with a handwave and a distracted affirmation.

We left the living room, walking through the kitchen to the side door foyer and descended the steps into the basement. The air was markedly cooler, thanks in part to the autumn chill and in part to the entire day’s worth of cooking that had kept the upstairs toasty. At the far end of the basement was a wide coffee table that housed an older TV and the XBOX, with an old couch close by. I began setting up the couch, pulling blankets aside and moving pillows out of the way while she bent over to turn on the system and switch her games around. Once I’d gotten situated, I turned my attention to her. Her continued efforts looking for her game were starting to frustrate her (as her sister appeared to have left it in the wrong case somewhere) I took the opportunity to lightly run my fingers across the exposed skin of her hips and the small of her back, left bare as her leaning position had hiked the bottom of her shirt up somewhat. In moments her frustrated grumblings had silenced, then turned to quiet little hums of satisfaction. Then, with a triumphant cry, she raised the gleaming disc into the air for a few moments before inserting it into the system. When she finally turned around, she found me sitting with my legs somewhat open and the pillows taking up the lion’s share of the additional space on the couch. I patted the cushions where I wanted her to sit. A wry expression crossed her face.

“Just what are you up to?” She asked.

“Nothing,” I said, my expression a mask of over-the-top innocence. With what might be considered a knowing look, she sat on the couch in the space between my legs. After she sat down and got comfortable, she proceeded to arrange the blanket over the both of us. The game finished loading up her save file and she began playing, leaving her arms over top of the blanket. As she got more comfortable, I gently wrapped my arms around her midriff and leaned back against the couch, coaxing her to do the same. It felt wonderful, warm and close together in the chilly basement. Every now and then, I planted a nice little warm kiss on the back or side of her neck.

Under the blanket, I begin to rub her thighs. At first, I only pretend to help warm them, slowly up and down from knee to hip, alternating along their top and the outside. However, gradually, I let my hands ride up just a bit higher and higher. With each pass, I push at the bottom hem of her tank top until my hands are completely on the soft skin of her hips. Then, I begin to move my hands back and forth over them, sliding my thumbs all the way to the small of her back, pressing in just slightly, then forward along the crest of her hips and towards her stomach, angling down and meeting just above the button of her pants. She shifts slightly, pushing back against me just a touch. She arches her back, pressing her ass against my hardening shaft. I can feel the divide between her firm little buttcheeks even through the layers of clothing. Arduously, I begin to slide my hands up the side of her waist, enjoying every inch of her as I go. I plant slow kisses against the back of her neck, lips partially parted, allowing my tongue to touch her with each one. Each time I lift my mouth away from her, it leaves just a slight amount of saliva. The nippy autumn air of the basement causes goosebumbs to rise wherever I kiss. I begin changing it up, sliding my hands up underneath her top, up the small of her back and then forward over her ribs just to barely graze the underside of her breasts, complementing each lap with longer, stronger kisses on the side of her neck or the base of her ear. She squirms while her distracted avatar onscreen fails to correctly forge a bit of steel. She gives me a doleful look with a tiny little ‘huff’, but it’s one of her playful ones. I know she isn’t really upset. Then my fingers ventured further, caressing the underside of her breasts fully. Her skin there was impeccably soft. I pinched her nipples gently. She groaned quietly, then swallowed and licked her lips. I shifted focus, sucking on the side of her slender neck while my hands relocated to her shoulders, stopping at the straps of her top. My kisses began to migrate over to the strap as I caught one in my fingers, pulling it slowly and inexorably over the curve. As the strap moved, I languished the narrow area it had previously covered. My lips seemed to say to it *how dare you try to hide even a portion of skin from me?* When the strap had slipped free, I made my way to the other side and liberated it in a similar fashion. She pauses her game as her breathing starts to become measured and deliberate.

The tension in her shoulders from playing melts away. She leans back against me slightly, sighing as her head turns away from me, giving me unhindered access to her neck. Her body language seems to surrender to me. She knew what she was getting into when she chose to bring me to the basement instead of watching TV in the living room with her folks.

Both of the tank top’s straps have fallen away. My hands push them further along her arms, and slowly, tacitly she pulls her arms back through them one at a time. I began to peel the offending garment down her body, keeping it slightly taut against her, teasing her with the pace of it. It catches on her nipples, the tension building for a moment, then came free with a cottony ‘fwip’, causing her beautifully pert breasts to jiggle. I drew her against me more tightly, one hand moving to massage her breast while the other gently pulled the controller from her hand. She let out a tiny huff of resistance. I wet my fingers in my mouth somewhat, then began to play with her nipple, being sure to rub my saliva in slow circles around her sensitive areola. Her last defense fell away, and the device fell from her hand, utterly forgotten. She sighed as her head tilted back, resting part way on my shoulder and against the back of the couch. I worked her breasts with both hands, massaging them gently, then played with her very erect nipples, and all the while deeply kissed against the side of her neck. My mouth played up and down, sliding along the vulnerable artery. She gasped as I moved to her ear, taking it into my teeth and growling slightly. Then her hips began to move the tiniest bit. They flexed and bucked a little, grinding her cheeks against me. I knew it was finally time for what I really wanted to do with her. I carefully moved my right hand down her body to the inside of her thigh, then slid up her jeans deeply into her gap. I could feel the intense heat radiating through her clothes. I pressed my hand in, began rubbing against her up and down. A not entirely gentle “Ohhhh” escaped her lips. She forced her mouth closed, transforming it into a hum. She buried her face in the side of my neck as my left hand caressed the underside of her breast absently.

After a few minutes like this, I went a little further. A little work from my hands, and the button of her jeans comes free with a pop. Slowly I pulled the zipper down. Somewhat regaining a portion of her senses, she looks up at me. Her breathing is still heavy.
“Hwha-,” she attempts. Closing her eyes and swallowing, she tries again. “What are you d- doing,” she practically whimpers.
“Nooooothing,” I say a second time, my voice absolutely dripping with false innocence. I meet her gaze, and let the good boy act fall away. My voice melts into a deep whisper as I put my mouth right against her ear. “At least, nothing you won’t enjoy”. I pull her into a deep kiss, and with both hands I slide her jeans down over the exquisite curvature of her ass and halfway down her thighs. Then my fingers find their place on her panties, directly over her clit. I’m very pleased to find she’s wearing the best possible pair for what I wanted to do: robin egg blue, with a tiny little white lace bow at the top, and made of an amazingly soft and silky material. The line of her petite little pussy is slightly visible through them. I move my fingers against her, pressing the silky fabric against her, rubbing in slow and continuous circles. Her reaction is beautiful and immediate. Her eyes flutter, her mouth falls open halfway. Her breathing becomes a desperate pant as her head falls back again. She squirms slightly in my arms as she bites her lip, her soft little moans audible over the low music of the pause menu. It doesn’t take long for her undergarments to soak through. As my fingers continue their circles, her panties start to bunch and shift, sometimes slipping sideways. For fleeting moments my fingers make contact with her bare mons, or the slickened inside of her crevice. When this happens, her breath catches in a slight gasp of shock that melts back into groans of pleasure. I kiss her shoulder, then give her a nip to get her attention. She looks at me as I slowly slide her panties completely out of the way, the utter surrender in her expression gives me tacit permission to indulge in this. She’s practically dripping wet, a warm, slick welcome for my insatiable fingers. I begin to wiggle my thumb against her clit while sliding my hand up and down. Her eyes squeeze shut and her eyebrows scrunch in as she moves against my hand, groaning and gasping as the last shred of her control is stripped from her. Her hand strays to my shirt and grips it. She begins to frantically pant my name, but with each repetition the word dissolves into unrecognizable syllables.

For a moment that seems to hang in the air, she turns her face to me again. Her eyes are half-lidded, her mouth is open and moving slightly up and down, ever so faintly, unable to form. Then her eyes open a little, and she finally focuses on me. Her expression contorts with desperation, begging me to save her. But my fingers don’t stop even for a moment, and she breaks as what I’ve been building towards all day finally swallows her up. Her eyes roll back in her head and her eyelids flutter. Her hips start bucking violently back and forth as her stomach flexes in deep, full-body motions. Her breasts bounce and wiggle as she is mercilessly dragged through her orgasm. I hold her tightly with my left hand while my right keeps up the pace, my fingers slipping up and down the full length of her slit. I want to empty her of everything she has. I increase the pressure and speed. Her legs flex uselessly, kicking the blanket off of us. Her body begins curling the other way as her back arches dramatically. This new wave of spasms causes her to almost bodily crawl up the back of the couch slightly, like a caterpillar. I take advantage of this, sucking her breast into my mouth, flicking the nipple with my tongue. Her eyes fly all the way open, and I barely get my hand over her mouth in time to catch her moans. Her eyes begin to bulge slightly as her full-throated moans push through my fingers, I feel her tongue slick against my hand. Freed of her need to stifle her own sounds, she throws herself into the feel of everything. Her chest heaves and her pelvis pushes greedily into my hand. Instinct has taken over, her undulating thrusts match the pace of my finger’s circles; Not slow but not fast.

Suddenly I take my hand off her mouth, and half of her moan escapes unfettered. She makes a slightly strangled sound as she clenches it off, scowling at me. I grin broadly, impishly, a little sour thrown in with the sweet. Then I lace my fingers in her hair and pull her head backwards, and her brief moment of composure dissolves again. Brows knitted, eyes squeezed shut, mouth open, her breathing is a mix of panting and pathetic whimpering, “ahh”s and “ohh”s that match rapid movements of my hand. Her pussy is obscenely wet. Until now I’ve only been using my first three fingers. I bring my entire hand into things, flattening it slightly, widening my motions to include the ball and palm of my hand. As before, the effect is immediate. Her eyes fly open, staring wide at nothing. Her whole body starts to quiver as her breathing stops, all her muscles clamp as she starts to arch her body off the couch. I cup my hand back over her mouth, and my arms tighten around her body as I pull her in close. Her eyes roll back as she curls and spasms in my embrace, rhythmic waves that threaten to push her strangled moans through my tightly clamped fingers. Finally, she gives one great shaking spasm, then slumps back against me, exhausted.

Gently I help her lean back over to the unoccupied part of the couch and against the big pillow that sits in the crook of the armrest. As I ease her down, I guild her body with small kisses along her throat, her collarbone, and breasts. She sighs with each one. I lay behind her and wrap my arms around her body, pulling her in against me. She wraps her own arms in mine and clings to them. Her breathing has slowed somewhat but still sounds heavy, wooshes of breath that pass through her open lips. Every now and then her breath catches as her body twitches from the aftermath, legs squirming as her stomach flexes. I bury my face in the hair at the back of her neck, giving her calm and slow nomming kisses at the spot where the hair is short and fuzzy. The TV has at some point faded almost to black, meaning it’s been at least 20 minutes since the last controller input. I gently free one of my arms to let my fingers trace up and down the side of her body from her ribs to her hips. The movement is calm and slow, and after some time her breathing matches it.



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